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Everything posted by solosoul

  1. Poor Pubby ...it would be very hard for anyone on pcom to vote like me in these races being I have never said who I would have voted for IF I could have voted because I do not even live in Paulding .Me I would just like to see a fair race without all the lies and rumors and innuendos that you and this site are famous for.
  2. So true and just look at these post to see how well it is working. They are like sheep being lead to slaughter .
  3. If they want to go down the road of genetic defect then you will also have to say there are a lot of other people (none related)who can not marry because if they produce a child it is very possible they will produce a child with defects.
  4. If you have any ethics at all you pay your debts no matter who they are to, government, banks,businesses, people.
  5. When my kids were young we had a D.A.R.E. officer who lived right next door to a drug house. He knew what was going on there and that young kids were in the house with it and never did a thing to stop the drugs or help get the kids out. Yep that nice sporty D.A.R.E. Car really made no difference at all sitting there.
  6. Part of what is wrong around Paulding is all the in breeding. Last thing I would want more of but. there have been statements about two consenting adults should be able to marry who they want.
  7. You guys are a whole hell a lot more upset about this than my gay daughter and her partner .
  8. I hope you never understand what I say.
  9. OK I. get it now. Some consenting adults should be able to marry but others should not. As long as gays are allowed to it is OK to tell others they can not.
  10. Oh so now the law should only be fair for gay consenting adults.....right.
  11. So you would have no problem with a sister marrying a brother or a dad a daughter or a mother and son. Is that right?
  12. Can I marry my brother? My father ?
  13. For a "news" person you sure do like to throw a lot of mud and hope it sticks with nothing to back it up. Sounds like you are working for someone who is running your self....are they paying you ? If you can prove something about Mr. Rogers go for it. If not then stop the innuendos.
  14. A debt of any large amount not paid be to to the government or to anyone else is a big deal.
  15. Let me ask this. Does anyone bother to check out the Companies before they give all this to them? Do they check and see if they were already given incentives by the country before? Does anyone check and see if the company higher paying jobs are held by Americans ? Do they check and see if the number of people employed. are all full time workers or are they temp workers . Does anyone even ask how many people working there are from this county ? Do they even check to see if any of the companies suppliers are even located in the county ?
  16. My stars is she all you guys think about?Try having a little less hate in your heart. The numbers look sad because even adding all three they are so very few.
  17. The only thing those numbers make me think about is how sad looking they are.
  18. Paulding is still a small town good old boy place.
  19. no you are right and not alone but I have been attack over and over for saying the same thing in this thread. I can only guess some feel guilty and that is what makes them act the way they are. Protecting children should be top of everyone's list. Keeping them safe and raising them to be good should be up there next.
  20. Please do move on then. When all you can do is call names it is time to call it quits. I really hope you find your happiness because it seems you need it. Maybe after your nasty post to can repent so your day can be blessed. Good Luck.
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