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Posts posted by MrsGoBlue

  1. JohnnyJ, I respect your input, but there are many, many official charities that do this type of work today. Application needs to be made, need is judged, resources are checked out, etc. and then a yes/no is given to the person. Many of the needs that I have seen are similar to I know a "kid that is having birthday in two days and doesn't have anything" and "power is getting turned off today...."


    What is being removed is allowing the spirit to move someone to help a perfect stranger. It is great to see someone step up and organize an effort to help someone. It is nice to say "I just happen to be going your way, and can help meet the need. I'll see you in 20 minutes."


    I agree. I like being able to see and deciding for myself if I can help. JMO


  2. I posted this a few weeks ago and my only real good REPO story:


    When I was in high school, I drove repos for a banker friend. He referred to it as "nailing deadbeats." He'd call me and say "freebird, do you have some time today to help me nail a deadbeat?" I'd say yeah because it was easy money and every once in a while the car wasn't a junker.


    Well, until the time I got shot at.


    I haven't nailed a deadbeat since....


    :o :lol:

  3. I put mine in a specific spot. I would actually think it would be easier to put it back than dragging it to the the middle of the end of the driveway. But, all I can say is at least they don't leave it in the road so I overlook that it may not be put back where they got it from. :lol:

  4. When and if I vent, it's just to get it off my chest. I really don't care if someone sides with me or not. My Mom always had a saying when I was growing up.....Opinions are what people ask for when they already know the answer but just want someone else to blame. Makes sense to me. ;)


    :lol: that is good

  5. Thanks for the posts either negative or positive. I always look at the negative posts against law enforcement like this- when I was in Oregon dealing with anarchist riots in Eugene and the University of Oregon the anarchists and people who hate the police were the first people to call the police when someone has wronged them. I still did my job despite the hatred and some even shook my hand afterward thanking me for helping them. One, specifacally was jumping up an down on the hood of someone's car during a protest when the husband of the pregnant wife who was in the car got out and chased him with a wrench. We had to break up the fight when the anarchist, who hated the police, called us. We, the doughnut eating police as AnonyMoose put it, went and protected the anarchist. Kinda funny how that works, huh?


    I guess what I'm trying to say is I love my job, but my job is no better than anyone elses. We all work hard for a living and we all are critized by people such as Moose. Garbagemen do a job I probably wouldn't want to do and office workers do a job I wouldn't want to do, among other professions. I whine to myself, I admit, when I get bad service and we all can. What I have to temper that with is the fact that I probably wouldn't want to be doing their job and by no means would try to tell someone how to do their job when I haven't been in their shoes. Most of our jobs are thankless, but I thank God for my job and will serve Anonymoose if I ever ran across him as well as I would serve any one else. I'd give my life for him if I had to. He can criticize because he has probably had bad expriences in the past with law enforcement and I'm sorry that happened. I can't control what someone else has done. I just hate that in my mind he personalizes the hated in an unproductive way. Be that as it may, it only challenges me to be better and to help others be better as that some of what he says is right- I have seen police abuses, I hate reported police abuses, and I will not tolerate police abuses if not because I hate stupid power hungry cops, but because I don't want to get killed by someone who has had a bad dealing with another cop and thinks I'm going to harm them and decides to shoot, fight, etc.


    I know I can't change AnonyMoose's mind or anyone elses. Only time and experience will. It is my task to make it a good experience, as best I can, for everyone when I go to a call. What some people in law enforcement forget, an essential part of it is not just arresting people, but instead preventing the person from wanting to commit the crime in the first place. Sometimes the arrest doesn't do that- talking to the person and trying to change their minds and habits through counseling them sometimes does. Instead of driving like some cops do like and turning around and giving tickets is a horrible example to show the community. I had a drill sgt when I was in the military that would have us inspect his uniform first and if we found anything wrong then he wouldn't hold us accountable on our own uniforms. That's what I do on the street- if I didn't signal, or pushe a rd light, etc on the way to work, then I don't hold the citizens accountable when I didn't do it that day myself. That's just me. Even in saving a life or giving a ticket, I need to give respect and care to that person no matter what. I am not always right, but I need to try my best to be right through my training and experience, not acting out of hatred.


    This isn't glory, glory to me... I'm just a stupid, humble people trying to make it like the next person and loves his family...


    Anonymoose can hate me for my job, for my uniform, or whatever else, but I promise you and everyone I will treat you with respect and protect you with my life if need be... (It's kinda funny... that doughnut thing with cops is what everyone falls back on- it's that so 1950's or 60's? You could light a fire with my match stick arms, but I guess if folks say I eat doughnuts, I eat doughnuts! I prefer the Mcdonald's greasy menu myself- gotta love my high metabolism!)


    Thanks so much for what you do. :) It is so nice reading your post. It's nice reading that someone recoginizes basically all jobs are thankless.

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