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Posts posted by MrsGoBlue

  1. WE FOUND HERSCHEL!!! :D :D :D A very nice lady found him and called and left a message on the answering machine. She is working until 6PM tonight. We can pick him up as soon as she gets home from work!!! Thank you all SOOO much for helping in the search for him! He's coming home!!!



    Awesome news! Glad he will be home safe :)

  2. If you have any doubts about what Pubby says, just try googling your screen name. The first hit on mine was this Second set of hits came from myspace. :mellow:


    :mellow: i did this I got pcom for the 1st 2 and then some you tube things that are not mine


  3. Do you know how they got the info about your husband's aunt? Did either of you set up the question and answer for it? I didn't on mine, Sprint totally picked their own....that's why it's so weird (and creepy) that they're asking about the previous owner of the house. I surely didn't give them that information and I highly doubt the previous owner gave them permission to pull anything on him....that's the part I don't like about it.


    I understand how you feel I was very surprised. She has an account with them but its not something that we told them... if he didn't have a close family I may not have known the answer to the question. It was part of their screening before we even opened the account. Supposidly they got most of the info from credit reports but the car they would have had to get dmv records or something, the aunt I don't know how they established the relation.


  4. guess im just being nosey has anyone seen the big white house on

    buchanan hwy it looks like some through everything out on the lawn its a mess? possible eviction ?


    We were wondering the same thing :unsure:

  5. When we opened up our checking with BOA they asked questions about me for the most part but then they asked about a car that I had bought when I was 19 and paid cash for. Luckily I remembered the car! They also asked a question about my husbands aunt which luckily I knew the answer to, but the questions were detailed and I felt lucky I passed the verification.

  6. Like I said, we have a waiting list of people who want pet pups. I've had 3 calls in the last 2 months from people who have gotten pups from us before, wanting another. We have never had to advertise that we have a litter. I've always had more buyers than babies.


    Using your analogy, GM or Ford ought to stop making cars because the used car lots are full? B)




    You were doing a good job of making your point, you even got me to change my debit card as to no longer support the HSUS (not easy by the way :rolleyes: ) and then you make a comment like that.....




  7. I wasn't trying to be arrogant. I have heard the saying used VERY inappropriately. I just don't think this comment sounded racial. They call the climbing apparatus on the playground "Monkey Bars" because monkeys climb. I think that is what it sounds like this person was referring to, the climbing behavior, not the skin tone. Instead of freaking out and calling 911, why not just ask her what she meant? Could have saved a lot of hurt feelings.


    As for going into someone else's yard and reprimanding their children, that is more repulsive to me than the comment. I am curious about the race of this person. Does anyone know?


    Not trying to start anything or defending anyone but..It didn't say it was their yard and now a days thats a big assumption. I see kids playing in other peoples yards all the time. If tickets were handed out everyone was offended by something ,I can't imagine but Pcom probably wouldn't exsist. :lol:


  8. Yes, but it is the same people from the Paulding Humane Society that are against breeding which would one day lead to the extinction of breeds....correct me if I'm wrong. I just don't understand how that would NOT happen if everyone thought the way the PHS and HSUS did and kept animals from reproducing :huh:???


    Can you imagine how many animals there would be if they all had babies all the time? How many humans would be able to take care of all those animals? What about the money and resources to put up with all that? Its not like they have 1 baby at a time. I hardly think that dogs and cats are any where close to the extinct list. JMO you shouldn't also lump all shelter people or their supporters in the same catagory just like you didn't want to be placed ;)


  9. Please don't make the error of confusing the "HSUS" with the American Humane Society, the National Humane Society, or your local Paulding Humane Society.


    Thanks! :D


    Thats what I thought I think GoBlue is confused :lol:

  10. See this is good information. That is one of many reason to back up your statements with source material. I never knew this and your link has at the very least made me want to read more into the practices of the HSUS. I always associated PETA with this kind of stuff not them.


    While I still find the website (in the link) to have some interesting thoughts (Sorry even if the number of dogs put to sleep in shelters is only 30% of what it used to be it is still WAY to high IMO). I am stunned by the practices of the HSUS. Other sites on google apear to back this information up as well although I have not had the time to read all the info they provide.


    While I still can't support breeding for reasons of profit and having papers I can understand the feelings about the HSUS given all this info. I think a lot of the confussion lies in the name. Everyone associates the HSUS with the local Humane Shelters that do the work that their name suggest. I am going to do some more reading but this has opened my eyes to a "charity" that I openly admit I give to.


    You do?


  11. the woman who took roxie CALLED me so just because it wasn't in the post doesn't mean it wasn't said. sounds like YOU don't understand and YOU need to read somthing or get glasses


    That information would have been helpful in the original post and as I have read the new owner said she didn't know. You need to grow up and read yourself!



    "I am Roxie's current owner. We have not had any issues with her going potty in the house. But this would have been good information to have.


    I should say thank you, my children are very happy with her."



  12. There is a difference in giving an opinion about a choice someone made, but a lot of people make very personal attacks, again if they made a mistake, whatever the circumstances maybe, hopefully they will learn from it.


    We are talking about living creatures not the wrong hair color. They did not disclose all the information in the rehoming post and then come on the same board looking for information on getting a new dog? I'm sorry I hope they learn from it but by reading their responses I don't think they understand. JMO :unsure:

  13. I never could understand how "grown" people can jump down someones throat like is happening on here, maybe they did make a mistake, maybe their were circumstances beyond their control, why the personal attacks?


    I'm going to add my two cents here... If they made a mistake then they should admit it and the details should have been explained in the post looking to rehome the first dog. I don't like personal attacks but some people call a spade a spade.


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