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Posts posted by MrsGoBlue

  1. So the decisions our community makes should be based on how it will affect those that are being supported by tax dollars already????



    Well aren't the kids being supported with tax dollars too? I mean they were already getting money for the schools and their gyms and stuff and then you go back to the community to ask for more and saying how the kids are affected by the last one being turned down and if this doesn't happen the world would end. A person making little money is on a limited income this does not mean they are on goverment programs as I sense you are trying to imply.


    PS. not everyone relies on the government. Some of the people on limited income do not go for any type of assistance, they are taking on their own resposibility and should not be made to feel like they are losers that made poor choices. I applaud you in teaching children personal responsibility but the way they look at those with less means should not be neagative as I got from SRD post. Sometimes people also need a little help nothing to be ashamed of.

  2. I just wanted to say how happy I am that all of you that live in Paulding County are so perfect. I mean you guys have it all and are prepared for everything. Ooops except the growth of the county and the overcrowding schools. I'm disgusted by the attitudes shown here. You are teaching the kids ,the ones everyone is supposed to help educate. That nothing bad will ever happen to them. That if something goes wrong that is unforeseen and out of their control that it is indeed their fault and make them feel like less of a person. I don't think so if we were talking about your family or your children I'm sure you would see things differently. Life is a crap shoot but you have to make the most of what your given. I know people who have worked very hard and then have a illness that changes their lives forever. They worked hard and continue to try and not become a "burden" to others and just barely get by. But I guess they are losers who should have known they would get a nasty illness that would limit themselves. If your unemployed its easier to find a job then if medically you have a illness that won't ever go away and requires alot more than medicine. I really hope nothing bad ever changes your family forever and you lead those perfect lives because sometimes you can do everything "right" and its still not enough. <_<

  3. I like gravy... I too would have a problem with someone who made a blanket statement that "everyone should pay no matter what the costs so can go on with [my] way of living."


    I lied, I have one more thing to say too:


    If those who voted NO in the September SPLOST election had voted YES, then the burden would have been shouldered by anyone who makes a purchase in Paulding, not just the home owners. It's a good thing this one passed. In case you didn't know, the next step would have been a recommended property tax increase equal to 128% of the increase that resulted from this referendum.


    Like i said gravy is fine but you need the basics covered first. It doesn't appear that this is what has happened and I believe people want those things covered first because every school will be trying to keep up with every school and once you build all the gravy the money is gone no classrooms are built and then the first big thing is now outdated and we start the cycle all over again.

  4. Funny thing about moving to get away from it all is that when everyone does it they take it with them, so the next place becomes the original place. That is what happened to Paulding. You are welcome to go and wreak someone else's county the way everyone did by moving here to get away from it all.



    awhhh are you on the welcoming committee? ^_^

  5. It really stinks that everyone is so upset about something that is so good.


    I moved from Powder Springs (went to McEachern) when I got married and I love Paulding. As far as the atmosphere, It reminds me of my home growing up. I am glad that the schools are getting some much needed enhancements. I am glad that we will still have good teachers who want to be here working in our county next year, as opposed to desperate ones who couldn't get out. I am glad that our children will not be educated in trailers that are dumped outside old buildings in the rain, cold, and mud. I would really like to see some money invested into some landscaping for Paulding's schools. I can't stand how unkemp and trashy they look. Although, I realize that this is a work in progress.


    It really makes me wonder where all of these folks think they are going to move. There is Carrollton, which, based on what I have seen here on PCOM, seems to have lower taxes. Beyond that, I don't know. I can tell you for a fact that my $400,000.00 home is a $800,000.00 home in West Cobb (Bullard Rd). I can also tell you that the value of that $800,000.00 home in Cobb will be slightly higher, while my $400,000.00 home is South Paulding will be exponentially higher in the same amount of time. I can also say, for a fact, that Cobb and all of the other metro counties have taxes that are higher, or in a best case scenario, just as high as Paulding.


    This increase is going to cost me approximately $390.00 more per year. Aside from the obvious ($32 a month is NOT going to break me...), the money in daycare cost savings alone makes this a worth while expense for my family. The average family in this county will not be paying even $32 a month. I would guess that it will typically cost about half of that. Knowing the repercussions on families such as mine, can you honestly say that you would rather have your $16.00 back? Can you imagine how difficult it would be to sell a home in a county with inadequate schools that are overcrowded and burdensome on families?


    Okay, so that paragraph was about ME and MINE and MY concern about the negative impacts that WE faced... Now let's talk about the those who may not have children. Why should they have to pay for MY kid's education?


    Because you agreed to... When we purchased a home in this county, we agreed to pay our part. That also means that we agreed to pay our part, even if it happens as a result of an election that occured after the purchase took place and in a situation where we may have voted against the tax increase. We are obligated... Nevermind the fact that we all went to schools ourselves while our parents and neighbors paid the bill. And to those who say, "My parents paid for me to go to private school." First of all, at least one of you is lying because it was a "good come-back" to "your neighbors paid for your education." Second of all, it doesn't change the fact that your parents and your neighbors paid school taxes for you and all of your friends, whether you were fortunate enough to go to private school, or not.


    We are lucky enough to live in a part of the world and a time where we are free to speak our own opinions. So many have excersized that right here and on this topic. As this is the only time I plan on doing such, in regards to this topic, I will make the following statement:


    Anyone out there who is so staunchly opposed to the passing of this bond referendum that they are willing to sell their home and move because it passed is either ill informed, selfish to the point that they will sacrifice the well-being of a community over $16 per month, or just plain stupid.




    I don't really have a problem with the schools as long as the money is used for the true needs classrooms and books. i'm sorry you don't need all of the huge fancy gyms or theatres. those are extras. i do have a problem with the people with kids that feel like everyone should pay no matter what the costs so they can go on with their way of living. For example so you won't have to use day care or it doesn't cause you any repercussions. Meanwhile it might impact those on limited incomes or that are just trying to make it day by day. Hey if your fortunate not to be in one of those situations great but its not all about you people with kids. I moved here because I thought it was a great place and wanted to raise a family here someday but some people are here for investment purposes only. not everyone has the same agenda and it impacts "families in different ways" I'm just saying you can get a great education and have good schools with Great teachers and Good classrooms after those are taken care of everything else is pure gravy. it's not going to prevent a kid getting into college if they have a tiny uncomfortable theatre but you don't teach them to read or do math and it's going to be an issue. Just my opinion

  6. lol. Unfortunately with the lack of press coverage for Paulding County that is the easist way to let the parents know the results.


    So the parents can't use the computer to look up results on paulding.gov like those who were following the election last night did or you didn't direct them to your neighhood paulding forum? If you really want to know, you can find out in other ways maybe you could use some of your fliers to send the kids home with a we won newsletter lol :ph34r:

  7. Actually O there are quite a few people who are showing who they really are with comments like...

    1. after the sleazy way we had more taxes forced upon us, Why?

    2. Absolutely makes me sick. All of it.

    3. It just makes me sick to my stomach, to see what mindless puppets society has become.

    4. Two weeks ago I purchased my last fundraiser!

    5. Will you stop freely giving to help out the schools for their fund drives? Hell yes!


    Then there are the comments about moving.

    Please do.


    Why do people "have to" buy from fundraisers? Why did they have to vote on an issue again that was already decided was it beacuse you didn't like the results. The vote come less than a year after the last one. We don't even vote for president like that. People have the right to voice their opinions and how they feel. If people really want to move it's sad for the community. We need to become a community and not bad winners or sore losers. This should be about community not just " for the kids".

  8. another way to look at it is that if some of these children grow up and end up working for paulding county schools they MIGHT end up working in those new shiny officers our tax dollars are now paying for even though by then they will be 20 years old in which case MAYBE it would have been for the children...



    but by then the buildings will be "unsafe" and the bigger and better will be needed. It never ends you got to keep keeping up with everyone else.

  9. To bad the U of M alumni don't give that tee shirt money directly to the University so the middle class can afford to attend.


    See news paper from

    Thursday, March 01, 2007



    Michigan college tuition up 37% in 4 years


    Study: Last year's increase, including fees, was tops in the nation; some fear middle class will be shut out.


    Charlie Cain and Marisa Schultz / Detroit News Lansing Bureau


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    LANSING -- Michigan's 15 public universities increased tuition and fees more than those in any other state last year, the latest in a trend of hikes that threatens to close college doors to low- and middle-income families.


    Go Blue, I don't mean to be a stickler here, but the post was about celebrating the Multi-purpose buildings. Everyone has their priorities and this building along with the aux gyms and fine academic and athletic programs are mine. My student had to take their SAT test in the gym, on sticky tables, with out enough seating for all who showed up to take it, with school bells ringing every 30 minutes or so. Very simply, the student body has out grown the facilities and the (multi Purpose facilities) have many uses. I hope the athletic teams can use it for their award ceremonies.


    I'm sorry but I just had to post. I went to the University of Michigan and I am middle class. My high school was a public school and yes it was a good one because it taught me the basics and I took foreign languages. I was also involved in the band and drama. So I know fine arts are important. All that being said my school had a tiny band room and it had a small "theatre". We also had to use the gym for functions like band concerts and the cafeteria for other purposes like meetings and the like. I made it through just fine and went to a great college. I was a good student because I had good teachers and classrooms with books. Yes the extras are nice and like I have said I am a firm believer in the arts however you need to be able to do the basics firsts. College costs are going up everywhere (not just U of M. ) like everything else but thats life. If you have great schools you can get scholoarships but don't confuse and call a school a great school just because they have fancy rooms. Its about more than that. I'm happy you like the new stuff and I'm sure its amazing but I'm sure people will start wanting one exactly like it for their kids at other schools and the money will be funneled to stuff like that instead of the classrooms.

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