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Posts posted by MrsGoBlue

  1. Not believing the "sound bites". I've witnessed his rudeness first hand on one occassion. On another occassion I watched as the couple next to us was throwing his stuff away after an incident in the pits.


    Ok, well I have a feeling it went something like this....


    Hundreds of people surround Tony for autograph after a practice session or something. Tony has X amount of time before he has to leave for a sponsor event or another test or whatever. In an attempt to be a nice guy he attempts to sign a few items, of course now word spreads he is signing and more people come. At some point he has to leave so he heads away. Fans get pissed because he doesn't sign for every single person (something that is nearly impossiable). Tony is now rude, doesn't care about fans etc. Nevermind that he is trying to do his job. Nevermind that he is not required to sign for anyone. He's the jerk for attempting to please some fans rather then none at all right?


    Or was he attempting to eat and wouldn't sign? Have a conversation with his crew? Attempt to use the bathroom without being bothered? God Forbid.


    I love it when people don't understand that atheletes etc are human and that they are not there to please everyone, his job is to race not autograph hats and take pictures. You think Sr. didn't piss people off here and there?


    I have worked with Tony on a charity project as well as meet him several times through working at Home Depot. The guy is as down to earth and nice as you can get. Sounds to me like the people throwing his stuff away are the whiners....boo hoo I'm a grown man and some other grown man wouldn't sign my toy car now I don't like him, WAAAAAHHHHH this race car driver wouldn't sign my kids hat and I'm not man enough to explain why so he's a jerk..........Give me a break. :rolleyes: Go on any of the autograph seekers boards or Nascar boards EVERY Single driver, including Richard Petty has post about what a jerk he is because he didn't give some fan something.


    -Opps wifey still logged in - GoBlue.

  2. True champions aren't crappy to their fans. :p


    How many has he won? Less than 7? Mmmm, not so much a champion. ;)


    We meet Tony a few times - he's a great guy don't beleive all the sound bites. We also root for Jr. and where big fans of Sr as well. Tony is the only guy that resembles Sr. on the track....wrekers or checkers and speak your mind, sometimes with your fist. Funny that when Sr. did it he was tough but when Tony does it he whines. I guess you have never heard the interview Sr. gave stating that Tony was the best driver he ever saw and would be the sports leader in the garage one day. :rolleyes:



  3. Home Depot won't take tips for delivery. No worries there.


    Go Blue!!!! please sign when u post under my name.....


    I don't want your rep :lol:


    sorry for the hijack- I Mrs Usually tip depending on what the situation is

  4. Sorry this happened to you. I know whats its like when a company has issues. I always send a paper check to the water people. Its funny though I can send it the day after I get the bill but they don't deposit it until a day or 2 before my due date. As long as they don't charge me a late fee I'm good!

  5. Yeah, keeping using less water and then the city of Atlanta will tax you more because their not making enough money off of water consumption.....15% is what the current bill they are trying to pass says....how much you want to bet that will come our way soon enough? Do as your told, use less water, conserve, conserve, conserve and then pay more money for following the rules. Don't tell me this isn't about piss poor plaining and money. Conserve and pay more tax, Don't conserve and pay the fine. There is no water shortage, there is a shortage of freakin' brain cells amoung our leaders.


    Damn, Mrs's still signed in. :lol:

  6. It does not sound like we can do anything about it. So hopefully no one will organize a protest march or make a politically motivated documentary. I was thinking about inventing and selling an umbrella that would protect a person from the harmful rays. At least I would not need to worry about lawsuits when they failed to work.




  7. Oh. I have to tell one more story. Kind of a continuation from the one above.


    One morning, Jason had Rusty in the truck with him, and stopped at the gas station to go in and get a drink. Well, Rusty was VERY protective over HIS truck, and would only allow a few certain people get in the truck with him and Jason. This particular morning, Jason's cousin saw his truck in front of the station, and saw that it was running. He thought he would be funny, and jump in the truck and move around to the side of the store, so Jason would think his truck had been stolen. Well, Rusty had a different idea. When Jason's cousin went to climb into the truck, Rusty came flying from the back to get him. It scared the pee out him. Jason came out about that time, and laughed so hard. Needless to say, nobody ever tried that again, and Jason never worried about anyone stealing his truck when he left it running.


    Even on jobsites, Rusty laid next to the truck in the sun while Jason worked, and if anyone tried to come near it, even our workers, he would stand up and stare them down, until he got the OK from Jason to let that person get something out of the truck. He played with these workers out in the yard all the time, but they just weren't allowed into the truck without permission. :p


    That is such a cute story! Reminds me of one of my dogs. I'm sorry for your loss :(


  8. I am really thinking about getting mine out of the cabinet as well.....I think someone said the other day, that you can't take it if you don't have a Gallbladder?? I went through the paperwork, and never saw this. Any reason why? I am sure it is problably something obvious...but I need to know.


    the website says to talk to a doctor before using if you have ever had gall bladder problems.


    alli label



  9. My daughter takes this. Lost approx 30 lbs pretty quickly when she first started taking it along with a big change in diet. I think the medicine probably helped her lose a the weight a little quickly than she normally would have. She cut out all sugar, increased her protein intake, cut out white bread, rice, white potates. Do not take with a high fat meal or meal with lots of simple carbs (white bread, white rice, etc). She made that mistake.....results were not fun.


    Thank God I'm not the only one. I was feeling abnormal. Thank you for sharing you made my day! :)


  10. Hubby takes it, no weight loss from the pill, however he changed his eating habits and lost the weight, no side affects either..


    Thats probably how I lost my weight but I seem to have an easier time when taking the drug.


  11. When I first started the med I took it at night before I went to bed. I didn't get a ton of side effects when doing it that way but like someone mentioned it depends on the person. If it was me I would start it this weekend not knowing how it might affect me. JMO

  12. I have taken it off and on for a couple years. (long story) I am currently taking it again but when I took it the first time I did lose 30 pounds before I stopped. I did end up gaining the weight back which hopefully I will lose again. My doctor told me its not its main purpose which I knew but it definitely helps me lose weight. I think it made me watch what I actually eat to avoid any nasty side effects. Thats my experience.

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