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Posts posted by MrsGoBlue

  1. What American accent do you have?


    Take the accent test....


    Accent test


    My Result: The Inland North


    You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop."

    That was dead on seeing as I am from the Great Lakes Region...Buffalo, NY.

    The second closest was Southern.


    Guess I really am a Southernfried Yankee!!!!

    What's yours????


    Mine is the same as yours lol. I am from Michigan though :lol:

  2. And alot of ones to laugh at, some items on there are good but some are just plain stupid.....


    I kedp meaning to get those all important scrap book supplies for the bunker, I just hope I have room between all the beer and cigs. :D :lol:


    Lol I like CYB's list :) See hun I told you my budget shopping method would come in handy :lol:

  3. The people of Paulding county voted 8 years ago for the money to build a reservoir. At the same time we voted NO for an airport. Well we still do not have a usable reservoir but we sure are getting an airport that the people voted 3 time not to have. I guess someone thought we need a place to park our planes more than we need water. :huh:


    <_< very interesting

  4. Its all about they priorities. I read about a person who is upset about there kid not getting to go to the new school and being bussed to the crud that is PCHS (their opinion not mine). My thing is sure you want the best but many people want all new. When the classroom aren't being built or not properly stocked. I have said I don't mind paying for the basics but when we want all the frills it does get to be a little much when will it be the best? Their is always something newer or shinier that comes along. Not all schools will be the same so people will be unhappy. Its a constant circle nothing is ever good enough.

  5. Paulding is still a wonderful county. The school board needs overhauled, but the tax money was still needed.

    As far as being unfair if you don't have kids in school, that is ridiculous. It takes a village to raise a child, you may not like it if you don't have kids but would you also want to live in a county that didn't put education first? Would you be happy living in a county that had nasty rundown schools, uncompetitive teacher salaries, and the people that this type of school system would attract?


    But the attitude from a good portion of the public concerning people with no kids is downright irritating. I state an opinion and I get told how would i know and the such. You want my money but then try and tell me to keep my mouth shut or that I could try and get involved but I might be considered a "weirdo" because parents might feel uncomfortable because you have no children what are your motives. The whole village thing is crap try telling a kid anything and a parent will be like don't talk to my kid mind your own business and the such. We are only important when money is involved. Most if not ALL school stuff focuses on the parents and does nothing to include the community as a whole. JMO

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