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Posts posted by MrsGoBlue

  1. Absolutely fantastic and depressing all at the same time. I LOVE the job. I do NOT love being on a college campus all day and not attending class. You know me and school. I :wub: school.


    With time that to shall pass.....or at least that is what GoBlue! would say....I'm with you I love school. :D


    Glad you like the job!

  2. Does this mean Jerry is perfect or that issues don't exist? No it doesn't ... but then I've always subscribed to the notion that all politicians lie and are often forced to do things that they regret. I mean would you really call Bill Clinton, Sonny Perdue, GWB, GHWB, RR, Jimmy Carter, Dick Nixon or even Lyndon Johnson totally honest individuals ... Hell throw in Marilyn Monroe's boy friend in there along with Elliot Spitzer, Rudy Juliani and all the rest. They all made compromises and they were dishonest politicians in one fashion or another.


    Jerry hardly falls into the category above. -_-


    Heck, I like dishonest politicians. Why? Because where I come from, the definition of an honest politician is one that once bought, stays bought. I so much prefer a dishonest politicians because that kind of public servant has the to balls to do what's right even when he was paid to do what is wrong. It is these folks that change the course and make things ... and they are able to do that because they can do something other than the predictable.


    He has not done right by me or anyone with our situation.



    The problem I have is when the discourse gets so one-sided that key voices cannot be heard. That bothers me. I'd appreciate any help I can get.


    If Jerry permitted actual discussion during a county meeting then maybe their would not be so much here. Afterall, with that last statement you could actually be addressing Jerry about a county meeting.

    Sorry Pubby, I hope you understand the people's need for a voice also. Jerry is a politician and if he feels he has not wronged anyone with his decisions then he should be able to stand and defend his position. Not a fun spot to be in by any means but that is the one he puts many of us in all of the time. At least he has the option to rebut, something we don't get from him.


    :wub: Mystery. So well put. I was thinking about you when I read that post. However it seems that no one wants to be held accountable for anything. I can see if he didn't want to comment on the board but he should have at least gotten back to you.


  3. My son had some minor surgery and was given some powerful pain killer pills to help with recovery.

    Also, his mother bought him the latest installment of Guitar Hero.


    I told my son not to expect to excel at Guitar Hero because it is very difficult to play a musical instrument while taking drugs. I suddenly realized what a stupid thing I had just said.




  4. I think my wife has some, I will share with her.........don't think two men should ever share bath products, I'm just saying, not that there is anything wrong with that or anything.


    :unsure: I don't share the good stuff :ph34r:


  5. Happens in my neighborhood all the time too. The people are just so lazy they let their dog roam, so I don't expect them to pick up any trash. They can't even take their own down half the time. But I have a problem with the people who know its their garbabge and they pick up their yard but dont care about anyone elses. I often think while I'm picking up their junk of throwing it their yard but knowing my luck it would just blow back into mine <_<

  6. If these guys were smart, they'd avoid looking for the support of a majority of the posters here anyway.

    Its been made obvious in every election since I joined the site that those who are loudest here in the approval/disapproval of something or someone do not share the interests with the majority of the voters in this county. They get a big following in the forums here, but that has yet to translate into a victory at the polls. Otherwise there would be no school bond, Ken Ball would be the sheriff, and the late Ray Traylor might have been the county commission chairman. I can't help but think its because of the rumor-driven, anonymous nature of most internet message boards.


    It's a shame because its taken what can really be a brilliant concept for local media and made it borderline irrelevant when it comes election-season.



    I don't think you can use the school bond as an example. If I'm not mistaken it was voted down once the fact it passed the second time well..... ( i'll hold my opinion as to why that happened) However I do agree with the last line of your post well said!

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