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Everything posted by LisaKW@bellsouth.net

  1. If anyone - NOT Pubby or someone who works for p.com - would like to schedule a meeting with Tony to ask him some questions, they are invited to do so. Please call him to get this scheduled.
  2. I just got off of the phone with Tony and he said, "no" to both of your questions. That being said, please call Tony yourself to hear it from him.
  3. I just got off of the phone with Tony Crowe. He said he NEVER agreed to an interview with you or anyone from P.com. Per Tony's request, if anyone would like to call Tony to verify that he never agreed to an interview with Pubby or to ask him questions about his stand on issues and what he hopes to do for Paulding County, please call him on his cell phone at 770-780-3564.
  4. February 2011 - Georgia DOL - Child Labor Unless there is something newer, which I have not found yet... Georgia (GA)14-15Work Permits are required for all employed minors under the age of 18.16-17Work Permits are required for all employed minors under the age of 18.18-20Must be 18 to work in establishments that sell or serve alcohol for consumption21Able to serve alcohol for consumption. No restrictions.
  5. Sorry, but I agree with ugadawg. For years, SP has hi-jacked posts that didn't even have anything to do with his lawsuit. He took every opportunity to blast the County and now we get nothing but crickets? Sorry his attorney is out of town.
  6. Wow! Just read the recently handed down ruling in Surepip and Ms. Surepip's ruling - the anti-slapp ruling has been over-turned! Paulding County v. Morrison
  7. Weird that I just found a ruling pertaining to your case, decided July 12, 2012, and your attorney never told you this?: Paulding County v. Morrison
  8. Darn! It's right when I will be attending the orientation for our foreign exchange student. It sounds FASCINATING! I'd love to learn more.
  9. Items you can send can be found on the link.
  10. IMO, that spot would have been a PERFECT location for The Dugout!
  11. What time is your interview? Where do you live?
  12. I don't know if Dr. Raghavan does or not, but he is Internal Medicine and might be able to help. His office is over off of Dallas Hwy. West Cobb Internal Medicine. 770-218-1880
  13. Hubs and I are in EPHS District and empty-nesters. She'd have her own room and bathroom. So long as she's not allergic to cats, dogs or bunnies, she's more than welcome to stay with us.
  14. From Mr. Crowe's website, he was a Petty Officer, Third Class, which to my understanding (thanks to Wikipedia) is equivalent to a Corporal in the Army. And while you are correct that his pay grade was an E-4, I respectfully disagree with your assertion that his pay grade is indicative that he was not in a leadership position. From Wikipedia: Petty Officer, Third Class: Unlike the seamen and lower ranks, advancement to Petty officer third class is not automatic given time in service, but is also contingent on performance evaluations by their superiors and rate examinations... Only a
  15. I was merely pointing out that,when I thought pubby was a reporter and/or a journalist, that he should stop being biased in his stories. Now that pubby has stated he is not a reporter and/ or journalist and p.com is simply an editorial site, there is no need for me to continue to try to get unbiased stories from him or this site.
  16. So you admit you are not a reporter, you are not a journalist; you are a publisher and p.com is just an editorial site, not a news site. That explains a lot. Thank you for your clarification.
  17. *YAWN* - one of the differences between us though, dear pubby, is that I never claimed to be a journalist or reporter. Here's a novel concept: keep your opinions to yourself and just report the news. Just b/c it's your site, if you want to be taken seriously as a reporter to people in the big world outside of p.com, JUST THE FACTS and K.I.S.S. A reporter's job is to present a balanced story, something you have not grasped, despite your "qualifications". Here's a website that might be able to help you: How to Identify Media Bias
  18. Huh? I'm sorry, but where/when did I say/write that David can't avoid p.com? David can avoid p.com, too. It's fine for anyone who is running for office to not feel an obligation to post on p.com; there are many other outlets to reach the voting population.
  19. I sound bitter? *snort* Are you not reading the same p.com I am? P.com has become Jerry Springer High School. If you arent with the "in crowd", you get pushed aside or attacked. Heaven forbid you go against the status quo!
  20. Sorry that I don't drink the p.com kool-aid, LPPT. And I talk ugly about you guys? Sounds like more boo-boo feelings. And the main reason I snap back at you guys is b/c I defend others that either (1) don't drink the kool-aid or (2) aren't here to defend themselves. You guys get to sling away, but the second someone goes against the grain, and demand that you call out others (in your group) for doing the same thing, I'm the bad guy. Riiighhhtt! BTW, I think this most recent post says a LOT about p.com: Where has everyone gone?
  21. Calling bullcheeze and bias here, pubby. "You were in the know"? Guess it's safe to say "I'm in the know" for Mr. Crowe and he wasn't sitting around watching TV with his dog! You can say it was a "bad choice" that Mr. Crowe didn't participate in this recent debate, but that is your biased opinion! And you show your bias even more when you say, "he doesn't take the responsibilities of the office he is seeking seriously" b/c he doesn't/won't talk to you? Sounds like someone has boo-boo feelings that someone else might actually think the almighty pubby and p.com is not the end-al
  22. Kinship adoptions are usually less expensive. Mainly court costs and filing fees, maybe a few hundred. Also, even though they've had custody for a while, a home study will still need to be done, probably around another $1k to $3k. Good luck!
  23. Oh, pubby! You were definitely kinder to David "No Show" Austin back in 2008: Posted 14 June 2008 - 10:18 AM From what I heard, it was more a concern that the debate would turn out more like one of the game-shows of the 50's ... you know the kind ... where one contestant had the answers and the other didn't. So I read it as a level of trust thing that that was exacerbated by the fact there was almost no communication or discussion with the Austin camp about the setup for the debate. It may be an honest miscomm
  24. Between Toxic and Animal, all they can do is libel Crowe b/c they can't say anything productive about the candidate they are endorsing!
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