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Posts posted by lisabug28

  1. When you and J were sitting there all arm in arm and me and Baritone caught you! Then J jumped up and moved to the other side of the room. Yep, ya'll were on a date that night!!! :lol:



    I think that was pure coincidence, really. Just happened. We did get kinda cozy, but it was after you guys had already left. We were just two people who met at the same time at the same place that night!! :p

  2. We must be nice to these two. After all, we have been giving them major crap about dating for how long now? JSYK- they were dating and we were the only ones who knew!!! I have always had an affection for JLH and the longer I have known that Biotch, Lisa, I have really become quite fond of her and thought they would be good together. :wub:



    Hey you biotch of a bug- you know exactly why I calling you that! :wub: :lol:


    OMG, I just burst out laughing, dog's looking at me like I'm crazy. Yep, I am a biotch...and I adore you too. What compromising situation though? I must have missed that?


  3. Ok, now that's twice I've had that word used with a quote from me in two days. Other than hearing it in Bambi I've never heard it or read in any other context or occasion. One use by Jlh and now one by you... :pardon:



    I know, I was messing with him more than you! I didn't know what it was either, I hadn't seen bambi in 25 years.

  4. Should I send her my copy of the thong shot? :unsure: :ninja:



    Oh, and Mark, I nominate SBE as your next victim. :ninja:


    ummm, no, making mental note not to open pm from bwitchy. I told him it's sad most of the chicks on here have seen way more than me...lol...I'll wait patiently for the real thing, thanks though... :p :lol: :p





    I say yes to the thong shot...and yes to SBE too, actually. :D


    If she sends it to me, I'm sending it to you... :o :p


  5. He knows....He's Da Man!


    you mean this pic.....













    hahaha, j/k, I wouldn't do that to you. Send me your email address and I will send you the pics.

    Oh, and hijacking my own thread, I couldn't get the video to send to baritone and c.mark, it was taking forever. I'll put them on a dvd and get them to you guys whenever I see ya.


  6. Congrats! that is awesome! I have only met Jlh a couple times, and I was told you (lisabug) was at the halloween festivities but I don't think I had the pleasure of meeting you. Maybe at Macfarlane's this Friday night!


    Hijack--Krm, you ok? I read where it says you woke up sad? end hijack--


    I was the angel/devil that was sitting next to J, and held the cake for baritone. Sorry I didn't get to meet ya.


    Today is the day that KRM's mom passed away, 4 years ago I think, she needs some healing thoughts today.

  7. '


    so they did it :rofl: :rofl: :ninja:

    ummm, no, it was still the first date, haha



    What a wonderful thing to wake up to today. I didn't think I could smile today but ya'll put a big smile on my sad face. All I can say is... IT'S ABOUT DARNED TIME YOU DID IT!!!!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:


    I am so very happy for you two and I hope you have many MORE wonderful times together!! Thanks for making me smile a big huge smile!!! :wub:


    Where'd ya go? What'd ya do? You didn't take the kid did ya? Were you all nervous? Details, girl!!!!


    Hey Baritone, let's hope they don't put that pic of us up!!! :lol:




    If you came out for Karaoke- you'd have known and been giving them as much crap as we have!!! :lol: So, come out for Karaoke and then no questions will be necessary!!!!



    I'm glad we helped to brighten your day. I was thinking about you last night. I'm thinking of you today, and sending healing thoughts your way.


    Does this mean I have to stop flirting with him now? Cause that's a big part of my show and I really don't know who else to pick on. Baritone might actually hurt me. JLH is too small to hurt me. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :ninja:



    of course not. Go ahead and get your flirt on my dear. I started to tell you this earlier but left it alone.


    woooohooooooooooooo bout damn time yall got together ... im so happy for ya both ... :wub:


    thanks! ^_^


  8. Congratulations. He's a class act and so are you. I wish you as much happiness as J and I have.


    thank you sweets, yep, he's pretty awesome.



    I have only hung out with you once.... You are a very nice person and I wish you the best. Is it someone I know???? I have a feeling but could be totally off. Best of luck!



    thanks! yep, you know him!

  9. I got your PM!! I just haven't made it to PM you back yet!! It has been a crazy day. I also have your mom's reprints ready, I just need her address. I will touch base in a minute Lisa (after hubby and I eat dinner... yes, I know it is 10:30 at night... ;))
    not a problem, Enjoy your dinner, I'll be going to bed SOON! so I may not get back to you until tomorrow. Pming you the address now.


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