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Posts posted by lisabug28

  1. You really shouldnt be droolin over pics of me like that............. :lol:





    lol, can you see the drool all the way from there?



    aww...thanks honey!!! love ya!


  2. Happy birthday! Let's go mud-ridin'!!



    Thanks!! Let's go!!! lol Only 3 more weeks until the first camping/four-wheel ride of the year (memorial day weekend) whoo-hoo!

  3. aww!!! Thanks everyone! I sooo appreciate it! I was glad it rained, because both of my nephews baseball games got cancelled, so I got to have dinner with the whole family. I also got to wake up in my own bed and didn't hear the raccoons rustling around all night outside of my tent lol. (I went camping this past weekend). It was a really great day!


    Happy birthday chick :p





    mmmm.....yummo!!! Now have him take off his hat so I can see that bald head, and take off his shirt! SEXY!!!!


    Happy Birthday to my favorite redneck! :rofl:

    :p :lol: :lol:




  4. sounds like the lady in the calhoun outlets a couple of months ago. Except there were two women and two children, and both were yelling. Same exact behavior. you could hear them throughout the store. I told my mom someone needed to correct their behavior as much as the children's. No wonder they were acting out.


    They finally checked out and left and you could hear everyone breathe a sigh of relief. They left, hightailed it through the middle of the parking lot, with neither child buckled up.

  5. Thanks :wub: I will be keeping a VERY close eye on her tonight.


    oh, no, poor grandma!! I hope she will be ok. Can she use any products that are cooling. I can meet up with you tomorrow during my lunch to get you some biofreeze. I swear by that stuff! I have lots of samples and a big bottle if she needs some. It's an anti-inflammatory she can use when she can't use ice. If she can put ice on it, let her! It will help her from being as sore. Let me know if there is anything I can do! And give her a hug for me!


  6. The first Pcommer I met was Footballbeerchic many years ago - what a whoot she is. Still a dear friend to this day and a fellow Falcons Fan!


    I was absent for several years as I traveled for work - and then was blessed to meet Solo, KRM, Hairazer, Kel, JLH, CMark and several others all at one time (LO) when attending my frist Karokee night back in the old location. I have been honored to know so many more. The last one I remember meeting before leaving for the Philippines is Clio. Again another true honor!


    So many Pcommer that I am proud to call family and I miss you all deeply!


    I see how it is....all forgotten like I don't even matter to you.... and the one who broke you out of your shell no less dang dude!!! :huh: :p


    Just messing with you honey!!! You know I still love you dearly!


    The first ones I met were Handy Hubby and Nemie. The last ones were Sugarbritches and Vader. Lots of people in between though!




  7. you do good *S* ... n nope .. im so much better these days its just unreal ty for asking tho ... i hope u are well ... :wub:



    I'm sorry I couldn't do much when you were in the hospital. When you get to feeling like coming out, let me know, I'm there!!!

  8. Exfoliate Exfoliate Exfoliate! Not with a little mesh sponge either. Do it a couple of days before. Buy a salt scrub, or make your own. Use fine grain sea salt, mix with grapeseed oil, and scrub in circular motions from head to toe. Don't go up and down, it can cause abrasions. That's why most usually fade or get dull, because of the excess dead skin.



    Let me know if you have any questions on how to do this, will be glad to help!



  9. I knew those only because I heard an interview with him on the radio not too long ago. There is a reason he is still here and I think he showed a small amount of that a little while ago.



  10. yes, that was an amazing tribute. He definitely deserved the standing ovation and applause he received. Makes you proud to be an American, doesn't it.








    I want to know where is my Gary Allan? Haven't seen him all night. Looking forward to seeing Sugarland next week!

  11. Thinking of you all today. May your hearts be filled with love and memories of laughter. Please let me know if you need anything.



    P.S. My sister found a toy that lights up and makes noise. It's a pokemon, and little man just might like it if you would like for him to have it. :wub:

  12. She is awesome - I've never done a pregnancy massage before and I could not have been any happier - she ROCKS!





    Aww...thanks. I am so glad you enjoyed it. You were a pleasure to work on and it was nice to meet you both. Glad I could help make your birthday enjoyable even if you did have to leave the game early. lol


    awwwwwww .. lisa rocks ! ... she is just good folks ... im glad u enjoyed it



    thanks dahlin' you pretty rockin yourself. Glad to see you up and posting. Don't scare us like that again!


    So glad you enjoyed it. Lisa does a GREAT..AWESOME job.




    Thanks you!! I appreciate it. Hope to see you soon, at work or elsewhere. Miss you!


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