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Posts posted by lisabug28

  1. Have a friend whose son lives there.

    He had a major problem!!!!!!!!!!! with bugs.

    It took a very long time and finally a mad mom

    to ever get anything done.



    I never had a problem with bugs, but my neighbor below me did. I kept a pretty clean place, but I don't think the bugs wanted to crawl that high lol. It was a PITA moving on the 3rd floor, but that is the only way I would do it again. No one above me to hear stomping around, and very rarely did I hear my neighbor below me. He ended up being (and still is) a very close friend of mine, so we would let each other know if we had issues and watch out for each other.


    I did have mold growing from the locked down A/C unit when it defrosted and called them several times, they finally did something about it when I called and told them I had contacted an attorney, yep, took 6 months for them to clean it.

  2. I lived there for 3 years when it was still St. Ives, before they changed to harris bridge. I had no issues the first 2, the last, well that was a different story. Had horrible neighbors that the mgmt. wouldn't do anything about, my air conditioning unit broke, in the middle of July, I was on the top floor and it was HOT. It was on a friday night, and I called the on site maintenance guy, nothing, called again saturday, then sunday, finally got something done on Monday. Make sure they change the AC filters every month or two, or your AC unit will freeze up. They are supposed to do this anyway, but lock the electrical closet, so you can't, and you can't tell if they do. I finally convinced them to leave me some filters and leave my door unlocked, even against regulations, but they won't usually do it if you have pets or kids.


    I did enjoy those first two years though, lol.


    I know any apt. complex will have issues, and I guess mine were not too bad, but mgmt needs to back up there residents a bit more I guess.

  3. Yep, those tranny's just don't last. My sister has a Ranger and the thranny is getting ready to go at 110k milles, the tranny on my Explorer went at 140k miles.


    I don't remember how many miles I had on the ranger, but it was a good bit. My explorer went out at 200k. Both were p.o.s's though, and not probably well taken care of by the previous owners.


  4. ooh, I forgot, because I haven't been sick with a cold in quiet some time. The soothing vapors shower gel that Scarlet Indulgence has, yeah, get that. I used it once, and congestion was gone. Awesome stuff! I think she has some with the bath bombs too, if he's a bath taker.

  5. I have checked on there occasionally, but no one else has. I'm good with getting it back going though. Have lost 8.2 lbs. since Jan 5th, so I'm determined. I had to go in a while back in erase some things that people weren't supposed to be posting... <_<

  6. I sent a pm to the op, but I do jazzercise in dallas and in powder springs. If you take a class today only, and sign up for the monthly deduction (credit card or checking), the month of February is free. I have been doing it for 3 years, and love it. I like the p.s. location better, bigger location, they offer more classes, different teachers, and the floor is rubber, so easier on the knees. You can sign up at one location and go to another. Try different classes and see what/what teacher works for you. I can get you a coupon for 20 off your enrollment if you let me know ahead of time! And don't worry if you don't get the moves the first time. Give it time and keep trying.. You can go to jazzercise.com and get all the info you need. They have the classes listed there, and you can watch video of the moves before you go. And, if you go to the dallas location, make sure to take a towel or exercise mat, they don't provide them. They do have weights though. The p.s. location offers them all. Going to start a client, pm me if you have any more questions.

  7. there were two four wheelers doing spin outs and wheelies and riding on two wheels. They were in the area where they had the Christmas trees set up last month. Wasn't in the same field as you were talking, but maybe they were similar.

  8. I've been pretty good, trying to keep busy around here. I don't know if you saw it, but I got some really good news yesterday. Which was a great relief. I was stressing oer it all week. I'm glad to hear you're good, and that you are taking time for yourself. It's always a good thing to do, I really need to start going to a gym myself.


    I did see that, congratulations! I know we had talked about it at mcfarlanes, so I'm sure it's a relief to know it's over.

  9. Hi sweets!!!! I have missed you! I am sorry you were sick but I am very glad you are feeling better :yahoo: We need to get together for lunch or something. I miss seeing you :D :wub:



    I've missed you too. You and the little one have been in my prayers. Tell her I said Hi. Just let me know when you want to get together. Haven't been much into going out lately. Been a bit of a homebody. I'm off on Thursday if you can go then.


    Hey Lisa, I was just thinking about you the other day as well, I'm glad lumak posted this thread. :) Sorry you have been sick, this weather alone takes a toll on you... 70 one day 30 the next.


    Did you get the books I mailed you just before Christmas? I hope your family enjoyed them! Happy new year to you as well!


    I did get them and loved them. Mom and sis got one as stocking stuffers, so thanks!! I posted in another thread around Christmas, but you must of missed it. I'm pm'ing you now.



    Hey, good to see ya, I was wondering about you too. Sorry to hear you were under the weather.


    Thanks dear. How have you been. I'm fine now, just sick for four days at the end of the year, and taking some time for myself right now. Getting back into exercising, and eating healthier.


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