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Posts posted by lisabug28

  1. That one was awesome too! In fact, I want that color myself 8)


    It does look AWESOME!! I absolutely LOVE IT!!!



    That one was awesome too! In fact, I want that color myself 8)


    And I like yours too catater!

  2. yep, halogens, so I can see and no-one else can. ;)

    thought you were in bed already!?! :p :p


    And no, still haven't taken down the halloween lights, but at least I'm not still turning them on like some people in my neighborhood.

  3. we were watching it and doing the same thing. I wanted to brush it, but the brush would have gotten stuck. Just shave it all off. Ick. Nasty...


    I wonder how many times he said rastafar I during the show.

  4. yep, just got back from there, it was 30 minutes from the time I parked until I walked out. Don't forget it helps everyone if you are prepared and know what you are voting on. You can go to paulding.gov and get everything that's listed on the ballot.

  5. AT natural body in the avenues. Needed immediately. You can apply online at NaturalBody.com, top right hand section, careers, or drop by a resume. Just thought someone on here might be interested.

  6. seriously? :huh:


    I love lavender - only girly smell I like, actually. Where can I get that stuff? ^_^


    We sell it here, or some of the health food stores carry it. Just make sure to get the essential oil, not the fragrance oil. Some sell it as both. I don't care for the smell, but it's great on burns!


  7. Go outside. It's a beautiful night and there's a meteor shower. I've already seen two of them, and they usually don't get going until 12:30 or 1. I have never seen one with a tail as long as the one I saw about 20 minutes ago. Just breathtaking! And there are no clouds! Gorgeous night! I'm on my way back out now. Enjoy it everyone.

  8. butter-me-not biscuits, dipped in butter, then dipped in 1/2 sugar, 1/2 cinnamon mixutre, I think you heat at 350 degrees, but not sure and can't remember how long. I haven't made it in a loooong time, and don't have my recipe at work.

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