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Posts posted by lisabug28

  1. Let me say beforehand, that this question is not for me. It is for a friend of mine and I am very happy with mine.


    Now for the question, is it common for a man to wait a day or two after a first date before calling the girl? It seems to happen a lot, and I know there have been shows done on it---I think Seinfeld and Friends did an episode. She had never heard of it, and thinks I am crazy.


    Men-do you wait the obligatory two days before calling, and if so, why?


    Women - If you have had to wait, has it drove you crazy?


    Post away... :p

  2. Man I would be there in a second, especially since you 10 minutes from me. However, I DJ on Saturday nights. AND A CHRISTMAS STORY IS MY FAV HOLIDAY PLEASURE. I have it on DVD too. I just wish I could come play. I so want to.



    And you're the reason I didn't do it on Friday, didn't want to take any crowd away from you. And just think you could be confined in the basement with J, SBE, and baritone. :lol:

  3. Yeah, he has to work so I'll be alone that night. I am coming.



    yay!!! :clapping: :yahoo: That you're coming, not that he's not going to be able to.


    I wish could come but my birthday party is that night. Yall have fun.


    sorry you won't be able to make it, but happy bday.


  4. I watch Charlie Brown Christmas by myself because it was Mama's favorite and it is just what I do. Not for sad reasons... just what I do. Not a fan of Christmas Story... that is KRD's movie...


    We shall see though.


    awww, that's a sweet way to keep her in the holidays. I would love to have you and KRD, even if you don't like the movie. Just a reason for everyone to get together.



    I'll probably come by...I'm off that weekend... :p Might be fun!


    bring it on... :p


  5. What? It's the truth ain't it!!!!



    lol, well, somewhat. We actually met last year, through a singles meet and greet I got together here on pcom. Pubby didn't know he was running a matchmaking site, did he? But McFarlanes is a fun place to hang out and meet people, and even if you don't meet that special someone, they are all some pretty cool peeps.

  6. Get better movies and I'm there :p



    It's for the holidays, come anyway, you'll be in good company. And, I got a basement you can play in, lol, but it's COLD down there.


    I might come by - I have no life........ :lol: :lol:



    You saying that's the only reason you would come and see me, just cause you got nothing better to do????? :p


    first ya gotta tell me what side of town ya on ! ... ^_^



    I know I already told you, but for anyone else that wants to venture out, I'm in Yorkville.

  7. :unsure:

    I have a four year old.

    I'd get yer BF's youngin' to watch her, but she tends to corrupt her when I let her do that. :blush: :closedeyes: :lol:



    That would have to be your call my dear. I like to think she's straightened up since the last time she watched her though. :)


    I would sooo love to be there....however, I will be out of town. :(


    aww, darn it.... :(



    I'll have to see what's happnin :crazy:


    oke doke



  8. Thinking of having a little holiday party at my house. Nothing big, just watching a couple of movies. Going to watch a Charlie Brown Christmas and A Christmas Story. Thinking around 7:30 or 8 on December 6, Saturday. Make some popcorn, bring a side dish if you want to.


    Who's in?

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