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Posts posted by lisabug28

  1. I think I'm coming...but only if jlh doesn't. I can't stand that guy.


















































    j/k about the jlh part, but I am planning on being there.

  2. yep. Been feeling like it since last thursday. Actually just tired of being sick, haven't really felt THAT bad. It's a different symptom everyday though. One was a sore throat, then sinus stopped up, then drainage/sneezing, and then(now) the coughing. It's just an annoyance.

  3. this is such good, no GREAT news. Please know that you and your family are still in my prayers. God Bless you All. You are such a blessing to so many people on this board.

  4. ok, have to put my 2 cents in on this one. number 1 - how much were you eating before. If you go from 2500 calories a day to 1200, your body goes into starvation mode, especially if you are exercising like crazy. I lost 44 pounds a couple of years ago, put some on, and am trying to take it back off again now. I try to stay between 1400-1500 calories a day. That's what works for me. 1200 does work, but that's the minimum anyone should be eating, if you are more active, bump it up a bit. If you stick with it, with the 1200, give it a 2-3 week period before you start seeing results on the scale. Base it on how your clothes will start feeling. You probably won't see results with that for a few weeks either though. Once your body knows it's going to be fed, it will start losing it.


    And drink lots of water. I'm trying not to drink sodas, but struggling. That is when I lost the most weight though.

  5. I just came back on and noticed someone changed the heading of this thread... was "Hooters" ...the name of a restaurant and subject of this very calm thread....offensive or in need of changing? I think I saw Pubby on here earlier. Pubby, would you please explain why the title was changed...


    Not critical, but I'd like to know if in the future, that I should make the title much longer than necessary when short and sweet was fine....


    thank you



    You can't use the name of a non-commerce member in the title of a thread, inside the thread is ok though. That's all.

  6. I'm sorry to hear this. Know my thoughts and prayers are with you all. Please have her (and all the rest of you reading this) read the book "What your dr. may not tell you about breast cancer" Dr. John R. Lee is the author. Very informative, and it talks of all the pseudo-estrogens in our cleaning products. They mimic estrogens and can cause this type of cancer. Also women who had scoliosis as a child (and all the xrays included), are 8 0% more likely to develop breast cancer. As a daughter of a two-time survivor, it was eye-opening to say the least. I would highly recommend her to change her cleaning products to natural cleansers. Just a thought. God bless you all.

  7. have a good time, wear tight fitting shoes, tuck your shirt in, and get the video!! They'll give you the vid/and still pics. I loved every minute of it. Go to the one in Cedartown, the one on the right, don't go to the farm just past it, they have had several accidents in the past few months. Ask in Brian is still there, he's the one I jumped with.


    oh, and be prepared to sit. Your jump time is usually not right. You have to watch a video, sign lots of forms saying you can't sue. We waited almost 3 hours, that was our 3rd time trying to go, weather conditions didn't cooperate the first few.

  8. I was very active in coaching my kids ball teams. My daughter from the time she was 5 until she began playing travel softball and High School softball. She is now 21 and still plays when she can. I have been coaching my son since he was 5, he is 14 now. High School would be his next step if he wants to continue playing. During this time I have also been on various boards, Softball, I was President of PC softball years ago before the Rec. Department took it over.


    It was a tremedous amount of work and anytime people would ask me why I did it all, I always replied, it's for the kids. I enjoyed my time on the field with not only my kids, but I really enjoyed working with kids in general. My payoff was to see my daughter getting into all 6 colleges she applied to, seeing my son join ROTC in High School, seeing many other kids I coached leading productive lives and all of the friends I have met over the years. It's like seeing most of the kids in this county grow up. Seeing them marry, watching them grow into really good people and adults. It is almost like they are a part of my family.


    Now I am past that chapter in my life and I think I should change my screen name to symbolize turning that chapter. I will tell you I am a middle aged Dad and husband, enjoy the oudoors, hunting, fishing, sports. I am a huge UGA fan, Braves fan and Falcons fan. Can anyone give me any ideas for a screen name?



    how bout changinw/thetimes, or daddysdone? lol, I don't know....

  9. There was a child that got hurt playing football on Sat night at New Ga. Ballfield. 911 was called and of course they send Clark Ambulance. After 15 mintues no sign of them. They were called back and the dispatcher was so rude. When the paramedics got there they were even worse. You would think since we are paying for their county contract that they would be a little more compassionate or attentative.


    I don't know, they were awesome when I had to use them a year 1/2 ago.


  10. I have an emachines and love it. It's the same company as dell, but a whole lot cheaper. I've had it two years, and knock on wood, no issues so far. Someone also told me recently that it's compatible with macs, but I haven't tried anything with that yet.

  11. yes you are right. I think the guy that did that to her had lived here his whole life though... so that can't be blamed on Katrina. But I know what you're talking about!


    yes, I think you're right. I'm just talking about the apartments in general.


  12. I'm glad he's ok. I used to live in those apts. They were good the first year, and then went down hill from there. I hate to say it, I really do, but a lot of the downfall happened when Katrina hit. Cars started getting broken into, apartments being trashed and then vacated with no notice, etc. It's a scary society we live in now. The lady that was killed a few years ago was killed almost exactly a mile from there.

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