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Posts posted by lisabug28

  1. And back to you--- Do you remember how hot I told you that you looked when we went to Sapporo's??!?!?!! I was so envious of you then and still am!!! :wub:

    aww, you are too sweet. I appreciate it, but I do want to lose 18-23 more. I have lost 19 so far this year. Doing it right, slowly. I will lose it, just taking my time. Even when I lose it all, I still have my badonkadonk lol. I miss seeing you my darling!


    You look fabulous darling!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub:



    You rock KRM!!! :wub:



    you are looking mighty fabulous these days too my dear. We need to get together again soon. I miss your crazy ass! Sorry for the hijack snik



  2. I have always been one of those bigger girls. As I got older and ate all the yummy foods and sat on my ass- I got bigger. Now, I am exercising daily and eating healthy so I have lost a few pounds. I will never be a small girl and I am perfectly ok with that.


    That said- if you eat 2 sloppy joe's and fries and icecream at every dinner and do not exercise... you pretty much bring it on yourself. There are health conditions that cause some of us to be overweight so I sympathize with those.


    If you know me you know I am not a small girl. I consider myself fat but am working hard to change it all. KRD is kicking arse in the weight loss dept., too!



    First of all, you are not fat, you are beautiful and to the original question, no, that's not all it is. I do believer for most people, that it is an overeating/underexercising. There are many people who can't exercise because of knee problems, hips, ankles, etc. Many people who have metabolic disorders, and thyroid, etc. But I still stand by that most are for the overeating. I know it was for me, 5 years ago, I was a 16, I'm an 8 now, and getting smaller by the day!

  3. the drugs can affect the strength of the hair and weaken it, just like bleaching it. You can't donate bleached hair either, but you can colored, at least that used to be the rule. Did he still cut it?



    Yes he got it all cut off and it looked VERY good. The piece of the story that was kinda left out this guy was ROUGH, I mean prolly a half step above homeless..... The stylist did not charge him for the cut, she told him his guesture was touching that he wanted to give to someone in need.... I thought that was really nice of her....


    that's really cool, I'm glad you added the rest of the story. :wub: We all need a picker-upper these days. I did it because my mom is a two-time survivor, my dad is a one time survivor. I have lost a grandfather, uncle, and several great aunts and uncles to cancer. Also a childhood friend died when I was young, and another (age 10) survived bone cancer several years ago. I've just been too affected not to do something.


  4. HER BOW!!!





    Be sure to get your Easter Bow orders in!!




    too cute. The collars were a big hit by the way. Thanks for getting them so quick. You went above and beyond darling. It was nice meeting you. Luke has his on now!!!

  5. It looks awesome! Mine is finally growing it out from cutting it last February. One of the best things I did, I am majorly attached to my hair.






    My son who is 10, has a friend that has been donating her BEAUTIFUL blond hair to locks of love since she was about 5 yrs old. I think it is awesome!! Mine wont grow enough to donate :(


    Once I was in a shop (which is a Commerce Member) getting my hair cut, a rough looking man came in & wanted his ponytail cut (which was almost to his butt). He wanted to donate it to locks of love (or in his words them wig people for cancer). The stylist began combing thru the hair as he was telling her about his drug use!! :wacko: She advised him she would cut his hair but would not be able to donate it to locks of love due to the drugs.....


    I was am still confused, does Drugs do something to the hair that would not allow if to be used? I have never used drugs nor been around them so I am a virgin when it comes to the effects on the hair..... I know you can use a strand of hair to detect drug usage, would that be why it cant be used? TIA



    the drugs can affect the strength of the hair and weaken it, just like bleaching it. You can't donate bleached hair either, but you can colored, at least that used to be the rule. Did he still cut it?

  6. Left over lunch from ru san's. I had chicken curry, because sushi is nasty. I had never been, someone else suggested we go there :wub: and it was yummy.


    Kat came over to visit so I gave her the option to pick. She picked meatloaf, potatoes and green beans. YUMMO!!!




    Just curious. Why are you making BOTH mac n cheese and mashed potatoes?



    I'm coming to your house for left overs tomorrow!! Yummy. And I do mac and cheese and mashed potatoes at the same time. I love me some carbs...lol

  7. ok, so, my two cents, I completely agree with the massage idea, in some part. She will need to go to someone who is specially trained for the pregnancy massage. Please make sure to let them know ahead of time, as the table will be set up differently and there are some precautionary measures. Let them know how far along she is too. As the couples massage is a great idea, the therapist will need to be aware of that ahead of time as well.


    Wherever you go, make sure they use side posture positioning, and not the prego pillow. This is a pillow that you lay in face down, and as great as it sounds, not completely safe, most places don't use them anymore, for that reason. It can cause the uterine wall to detach cause tears. There is a reason you can't lie face down when you are pregnant.


    And please don't use spa sydell, they are not a good company. If you would like a recommendation, please pm me, I will be glad to help. Spa sydell is overpriced, and you will not get your money's worth.


    Also, be careful with the pedicures and with rubbing her feet. Although unlikely, there are pressure points in the feet and ankles that can cause a miscarriage. It is more likely in the earlier parts of the pregnancy as well.


    So, for me, I say do a pregnancy massage, a book that she has wanted to read, or a movie she has wanted to watch, her favorite dinner, and some peace and quiet.




  8. bump up the amount you exercise. Try 5 times a week. 3 times a week is maintaining. Also, you do weights in jazzercise, so you are gaining muscle. I started back Jan 5, cut my calories to 1400, and cut out soda, and do jazzercise at least 4 times a week, and exercise at least 5 time (including the jazzercise). I lost 17 in 2 months, still going too! Good Luck!

  9. I don't have a good groomer anymore. Mine got ill and had to quit work. I took my cocker to a new groomer today in Dallas and am very disappointed with his work. His feet have not been cut properly, in between his pads, he has long(1+in.) hair in places and he was suppose to get a summer cut. It was very poor work for $45. Needless to say, I won't go back. Maybe next time I will try the one in Rockmart. I always hate to have to fine new people (groomers, hair stylist, vets, etc)when you get use to having good ones.



    mine is a cocker/golden retriever mix. Sorry you were disappointed with the other one. definitely give her a try!

  10. I use K-9 grooming shack in rockmart. very reasonable and VERY good. I have used them for the last 4 years, and my dog is kind of hyper, has never been nicked. She only does dogs, so you don't have to worry about them going crazy with cats around either.

  11. thanks solo. I think justgettingby was referring to it being the devil because they are so cute. This is my aunt and uncle's website, and they have been doing this for years. He is on disability because of post polio syndrome from polio when he was a child, when he couldn't work anymore they started this business, and they are good at it. The good thing is they are somewhat local (they are in plainville close to calhoun). Give them a call, they will be glad to answer any questions and let you come and play with the pups.

  12. Yeah, well.....she would be up before school cleaning up every piece of poop in the back yard...should keep her busy for a while. Then, you know how she was wanting to lose weight. Daddy boot camp would be instilled. Hour on the treadmill everyday, push ups, jumping jacks....etc...make her do all the things she hates. phone would be gone, cell and home would be taken away. No jewelry, no make-up and no friends over. Bedroom door would be going away again too.


    Life would become an absolute hell for her.

  13. I accidentally hit the button for this crap when I ordered my cards off restaurant.com. I just got the first bill this month. I called my credit card, they gave me the number, and I called the company. They have already reversed the charge.


    It's not a "scam" if you hit the wrong button. It was my fault, but it's up to me to fix it. They didn't have to reverse the charge for that month, but I'm glad they did.

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