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Everything posted by LPPT

  1. I hear a lot of this, I belong to a couple of forums for people with Lyme disease. It can mimic so many diseases especially if it goes undiagnosed for years. The number one cause of people being disabled by this disease is the CDC and the health departments not doing their job by collecting data.They do not require reporting of cases. Dr's do not know that it is in their area so they don't look. This service could save millions from permanent disability. That is right the number of people that have Lyme or have had it, is in the millions with 350,000 a year contracting it. It is starting to l
  2. I always start this thread this time of year. For some it will be your first Christmas without your loved one. Others grieve over the holidays due to missing their loved one, no matter how many years have passed. We put on a face because we don't want to bring family and friends down with our grief. I start this thread to allow us to share the pain, to talk of Christmas past, and to comfort those dealing with it if we can. My mother loved Christmas, she never saw a decoration she didn't adore. She loved the baking and the cooking. She would start baking cakes and cookies around the
  3. LPPT

    Pot liquor

    The older I get, the more country I feel. Cooked my collards, transfered them to a plastic container, and proceeded to look for a mason jar to put the poy liquor in for a hot treat later. My grandmother would add some water to it and make cornmeal dumplings. Mine did not turn out well. I could not get them thin enough and stay together.
  4. For our Jewish friends and neighbors!
  5. The music helps me step away from the every day task and remember the season is upon us. That we do all we do out of love for family and friends. The decorations remind us each day that it is a season of observance of love, for God loved us so much that he gave his only begotten son.
  6. Your house, your rules. I take my Katy to my dad's with me. I bring throws for the couch, she is allowed on it with the throws. My dad does not like animals, he believes they are dirty. He has never petted Katy and never will. He has become fond of her from a distance. I do everything humanly possible to make sure Katy is a guest and does not do dog things such as potty accidents, taking her out every hour to potty. She has waited over 12 hrs when dad had to stay at the hospital. Our dogs are allowed on all furniture and have been known to take a lap at the dinner table. They are treate
  7. I don't know of anyone special to help you with this. When you find someone you will have an hour at a time, most of the time once a week. When I had some issues it was not near enough time to help me feel better. I suggest you keep journaling. The crying is good. Most women accept crying, it is what we do easily. I am not like them, I despise crying. You will need to feel like you have the privacy to cry as you journal. Make sure everyone understands that. Let them know that if you need comfort you will ask. Don't put it off while waiting to find someone, it can get very bad.
  8. You got it and a prayer too.
  9. I have seen big babies before, but none with rolls of fat like this one.
  10. A surprise birth. she was delivered by Csection. There is no doubt that she was born to loving and caring parents. I can certainly be a genetic condition even though none is given. This baby to me is morbidly obese. If it is not a genetic defect, then why? http://www.11alive.com/story/life/2014/12/04/colorado-woman-birth-13-pound-baby/19894531/ MONTE VISTA - A woman in the San Luis Valley, Colo., was surprised when she gave birth to a baby girl this week that weighed 13 pound 13 ounces. Mia Yasmin Garcia was born by C-section on Monday. She was 22 inches long.
  11. When you are scheduled for a Colonoscopy !!!You actually believe as you get older that really bad things like cancer can and will happen to you. So you submit to some totally undignified early detection crap. Did I mention that I had my boobies squeezed six times till Sunday today? I told the tech she actually had a great job touching the softest sweetest things on earth. Bewbies LOL!
  12. I have read a lot of articles and watched some interviews. I watched a story where a reporter interviewed a dozen black men of various ages and backgrounds. There is a disconnect with blacks as it relates mainly to petty crimes. They don't believe they should do time for petty crime and often try to run. Blacks see cops as playing judge and jury and killing black men for petty crime. Where the disconnect comes in is the thugs that will kill anyone that disrespects them or tries to put them in jail. There is no way for a cop to know what he is dealing with, people don't wear signs around th
  13. I found some good prices on some of the things on my list. I have been sick since yesterday, I don't know when I will be up to shopping again. I don't have much left on my list so it was a relief to find it online on sale.
  14. After reading this story I took the time to refresh my lecture to my 19 year old son about hands where the officer can see them, drop anything in your hand immediately. Yes sir and no sir, be calm and polite. He is wearing a medical alert bracelet and I can only hope and pray if his behavior is odd that they would see it and take it into consideration. The first signs of his genetic condition being out of control are erratic behavior, and being easily angered. This is why I have drilled in him how to behave so hopefully he will here my voice if he is in a situation. I could keep him wit
  15. On the other hand did any news agencies point out that the majority of protesters were peaceful and far from the violence. If you counted all the protesters it was a violent minority. The peaceful protesters were totally ignored by most of the media.
  16. It can't be wrong because if it is wrong then they are wrong. All that matters is that they are right. Consequences be damned. Just like a child that was beaten every day and grows up to parent the same way, they can't admit their parent was wrong because by doing so they condemn themselves and their own behavior. For what ever reason the followers of Fox enjoy the negative feelings they experience watching it for hours. I suspect that it is somewhat of an addiction to those specific emotions. I don't need to feel that very often and it is probably why participation on the site is so low.
  17. No he did not but it became apparent what could happen and how it could be abused in a he said she said situation. That is all you got? envy? really.
  18. They are worse because of their bigger reach. It is entertainment period. You have to fill up 24 hrs and they fill it editorials by so called experts.
  19. I simply don't understand why we can't simply be given the facts and allowed to make up our own minds. I must not have read any of lies because I didn't catch any. Zimmerman is a nut case that abused the stand your ground law. He single handedly proved that the stand your ground law indeed has a slippery slope. You very seldom give your own opinion. You always put up links with opinions you agree with. How would you manage to express yourself without editorials
  20. Of all the controversial cases I have come to my own conclusions without the help of Fox or their viewers. I was also right about Zimmerman he is messed up in the head and continues to find himself in violent altercations. I can see why black people don't trust the criminal justice system. I held my judgment on the Brown case, but leaned toward the officer being in the right, along with the 12 year old kid that was shot. None of the big 3 had any influence over me, in fact I skip articles by them. Surely you won't deny that Fox does it's best to keep it's followers angry and afraid.
  21. Can you be more precise with this statement. Sitcoms and movies have more viewer's than Fox that does not mean that they are not fictional. Fox is mostly entertainment for those that like that sort of thing.
  22. Why are you telling me what msnbc does? I don't watch it and I don't care. I am talking about Fox and it's cult like following. Your lucky with Fox if you can get the entire story before they start in with the opinion of the commentator or a guest. If something is going down I watch CNN for live coverage and turn it off when the yapping starts.
  23. The truth is that we are all afraid of the same thing,THUGS They rob, steal and shoot innocent people. They also shoot cops. If everyone could just get on the same page we could make life miserable for them instead of more violence and fear.
  24. I don't watch them. I watch local news from time to time. Most of the time I realize something big is going on from remarks here, then I do web searches to find articles. I see around me that things are improving, slowly as they should. We could have deregulated the credit industry further to speed things along just to end up worse off. I personally know people receiving health care without losing their homes. I hardly ever see Hispanic people even though some claim the country is run over by them. I do not see or meet Christians that believe they are being persecuted. I also don't see people
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