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Everything posted by LPPT

  1. Ron has a sense of humor, thank goodness!
  2. Pig in a blanket, cocktail weenies wrapped in Pillsbury crescent roll dough. I tried serving them the frozen ones, not very popular. I am afraid of a riot if I did not make them.
  3. That is a cute picture of Ron!
  4. I was going to say,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  5. Probably because Christmas is about spending. That is not especially bad. I enjoy shopping for presents even if I buy 2 things for me for every 1 thing on my list. I have to buy Christmas, then pay the postage, but I enjoy the contact with some on my list I only have once a year. Geography and life sometimes creates distance but not less caring. The decorations are about spending more money, they serve a great purpose of changing our environment for a month or so with shiny and pretty things. Sometimes I just sit and watch my tree turn, it is like watching my life with the ornaments and the
  6. We do this every year, be prepared for the tears. It is the best gift you will ever give to yourself.
  7. I put a sweater on that covers the jelly parts. Must be alright, hubby didn't ask if I was really going to wear that. He use to ask that every time I put my purple boots on, I think he is glad they are too scuffed up to wear anymore
  8. Our tree is covered in sentimental ornaments. I know folks like the theme trees, Hubby has one in his office gold and ivory. I have 3 at the p.com office, mine is pink, then we have a silver one and the little one has Emoticons that Mark Willix made for the tree in the Christmas parade. I could never change the one at home, every time we put it up I say it is the most beautiful tree I have ever seen and I mean it. It turns and I remember where every ornament came from.
  9. I have thought about it all I care to. Not being cold hearted but thinking about it constantly letting it get me down won't change anything. Every day is a gift, we have a choice to live in the moment. What if it was the last Christmas you were to have with one of your children? How would you feel if this black cloud hung over all the gatherings? I have moved on.
  10. I have to say she is purdy dang firm for her size
  11. I got over the nostalgia expectation. I suspect it had to do with my mother passing, kids being grown. I didn't look for those feelings this year to get in the spirit I just decided to be happy doing what I am doing. It turned out pretty well for me. I just didn't try to force something that couldn't be again because things really do change. I have a great life, great family and friends. It is a time to celebrate my many blessings and stop chasing dreams trying to recapture feelings. I am living in the present and looking forward to the future. And I got a new tablet from my hot hot s
  12. What are you doing around happy hour tomorrow?
  13. I just had to hear this. It's been in my head all day so I thought I would share it!! Sing along with it, the power of suggestion, say it over and over, you might find it becomes true!!
  14. I agree, I would not talk about in front of young children, I think it would cause anxiety in the very young. I think they would always be afraid when at school. Young children develop their own perspective of things based on very little experience. I am not sure they could understand how unusual this is and how unlikely it would happen at their school. If my child had knowledge of it I would say that. I always explained mental illness to my children when things came up. People's minds get sick like their bodies, if someone is acting strange they may have sickness in their head, let an adult
  15. I think media plays a huge part in sharpening the skill if you want to call it that. Your mind has to constantly say that it is not real. Because of that we tend to do it easily in dealing with real life. I had to constantly remind myself during the 9/11 coverage that what I was seeing was for real. Even with that my mind wanted to stop at that. I had to reach deep down to think about the reality of what victims experienced. Mt generation was one of the first to be raised from birth on with TV. If I had to try, do our children even know to do that to separate fiction from reality.Perhaps we
  16. I am picky about my leggings, I like them to be very thick. I wear them with an oversized sweater that comes 1/2 to the knee and boots. I find it to be a very comfy outfit to wear. I had managed to find 2 pair that were really thick in gray and black, I needed a brown pair. I used the side ads to shop the department stores. The descriptions did not say how thick they were, and most were 15 and up. I was going to try both department stores, but stopped by Ross first to pick up some things. I needed a couple of oversize sweaters and theirs are priced very good if you find one you like.
  17. So basically all cultures are violent, do guns make it easier to kill here, or is the objective if these kids to kill, they just don't have the means to do so on a larger scale ? Are they more violent than us, by the numbers of assaults that occur? I am more curious than asking you to prove something or challenging. I find the subject of empathy to be fascinating. I know some are incapable, so it might be an underdeveloped part of the brain. But in most cases we have an internal language that gets us to the place of empathizing or not. Those with little of it tend to be abusers and thos
  18. Still reading some post that are calling this an evil act. Evil act insinuates to me that a spiritual being is inhabiting your body or influencing your mind. Do we blame the person for allowing themselves to be influenced? It brings up some questions about behavior, at what point does it become a disease? Either he was influenced by evil or he had a mental disease the severity of his actions tells us that one of these things is the cause. We have all lashed out at others at some point in time. We know we are hurting them, in fact when children are very small they will lash out hitti
  19. I am assuming the same laws are applied to them as far as actually committing a crime, unless there is something a clinical psychologist can do . It sounds so scary, I never thought about my children harming me. I always felt safe in my home
  20. Good grief next you are going to be claiming Obama put the kid up to it.Guns and violence are pert of American culture like baseball and apple pie, The yhad guns back in the wild west. Nor did they whip and beat slaves because the law made them do it. The Salem witch trials also come to mind. We are violent period, video games and movies have taken the place of the coliseum of Rome. Spiritual values have very little to do with our indulgence in our baser side. Men need to go back to beating on their kids and women folk, remember how good things were back then when white men ruled the wo
  21. My husband puts gas in my car and I whine when he doesn't
  22. LPPT


    I have a clique it's all the uncool kids. You have to have some moxie and a sense of humor to hang with me.
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