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Everything posted by LPPT

  1. This is the thing I am free to think and feel anyway I want to when arming myself and there is not a thing anyone can do about it. If I choose to wear my side arm where ever I go in full sight with the attitude nobody better F### with me, nobody can stop me from wearing it for that purpose. Until I do something illegal with it, it is nobodies business what is going through my head. I don't have to defend any of my reasons or thoughts.
  2. There is also the guns and God mentality. The only reason we have people shooting innocent people is we don't make gun owners go to church.
  3. I did not want to have an anti gun discussion. I want to explore our culture. The middle east is probably pretty close to us as an armed society. Yet we don't fight on our soil, in fact it is our well armed military that discourages even considering it. So there is a positive to well arming a country. Guns do solve problems, we accept that. With that we have to live with those that seek to solve problems by killing the problem. I did not start out well in the opening post as I sought to explore a single heavily armed mom with a nut case son. Had she lived would we have held her responsible
  4. Cool, I might see if hubby wants to take a look, I always shop for them at least once a year and never take the leap.
  5. That sounds good, I will do my research on it. I don't buy cars equipped with new things the first year they are made. Do you happen to know if this is the first year?
  6. I was raised the same way, everyone men and women in my family had one for protection, no big hunters in my family, but I grew up rural so there was plenty around. My first husband was my exposure to gun collection, I never understood his fascination with them. I did realize that there is a feeling of control that goes with them, whether folks admit to it or not. We deal with our fear of them by arming ourselves. I have never lived in a home where there was not a loaded shotgun in the house. When I think about it, what goes through my mind is that it is there to kill someone. I got it out
  7. What is the gas mileage on it? I have been trying to go to a smaller vehicle for better mileage. We are getting closer to retirement and I want fewer expenses as we get closer. I just can't stand smaller cars so I keep putting it off. I have 250.000 miles on my old suburban, I am at the point I am putting about 500,00 a year in repairs, the trade in on it would be about a thousand so I keep driving it to put off making a decision. Better gas mileage might help me to go ahead and take the plunge. We take very good care of our vehicles so what ever I get I will have for a long time.
  8. So nobody that is reading this has ever thought through the idea of shooting your firearm at a human being. I must be really weird, I thought about it every time I put it in my purse. I use to use rats for target practice. Maybe I am a little more violent than you folks. I found target practice boring, rats were more fun. I hated the cleaning and futzing with them, I hated worrying about the kids finding it, even though raised with them and having been trained, there is the possibility of instant death wherever there is one,
  9. Well they certainly think about it often, that is why I stopped carrying, it forces you to think about it all the time. You carry it for one reason, the weight of it makes you think about that reason all day every day. I can't live that way thinking that sooner or later someone is going to commit a violent act against me and I am going to use it. I understand if people find themselves in places were the potential is high. But it is not for me. My first husband pushed me into carrying one, I felt paranoid the whole time.
  10. I was reading this thread thinking what someone from a country that they have few guns would think. From the outside looking in we look scary. We all have guns, as I said they are for killing, if you want to kill some or something your pretty much guaranteed to get it done. Every one in America is armed, citizens, criminals, police, and even our kids. We know a lot of kids especially in the south have their first shot gun by 12. I would hazard to guess we have at least one fatal shooting every day in this country. I am not sure if our culture is any more violent than others, but becaus
  11. We are doing fine, my first husband had over 25 guns when he was killed. The uzis and drums went pretty fast, it was the other stuff that took forever to unload. I never understood it. I am the same way about a car, it drives me and hauls my stuff, I don't need fancy to get around in. I wonder if you would have ask that kid what those guns were for what would he have answered. If you ask me what my gun is for I would tell you killing. You see I have to protect his right to the guns, to protect my right to have mine. The way I see it as a society we are to some extent forced to accept mass
  12. I didn't ask the question for anyone to defend their firearms or collection of them. I ask about motivation because I don't get it. I have one, I need to shoot a person or animal I get it accomplished with the gun. That is what I have it for I intend to kill with it when I pick it up and point it. It is not a toy for my enjoyment. It is unusual for single mothers to have a collection unless inherited. Unusual but not too far out there until your son loads and takes all 3 with him. He intended to do a lot of killing. I have noticed some gun owners are paranoid, that the gooberment is going t
  13. I am in no way anti-gun. I believe in our right to own them, they don't frighten me. I know how to use one and have shot them. I didn't get the kick out of it some do. I despise loud sharp noises so that was a negative for me. I understand hunting, I have no issue with it. I am just wondering why the kid's mother had 3. I also wonder why many people have multiple weapons, especially the one designed to kill humans. It kind of sets off a red flag for me when people have a large assortment of weapons designed for personal protection. You can only shoot one at a time. I just find the ass
  14. Actually I don't think we have near the drama we had 6 years ago when I started. I had another screen name for a couple of months before I started work here. I can remember being terrified of Leslie and her crew. I actually broke out in a sweat the first time I posted I was so afraid of being attacked. I think now we have more passion than people that just like to see how freaky they can be.
  15. I guess she is not a reality TV fan either
  16. But we aren't talking about that, we are talking about a specific plan. The plan does not allow any political group to assign different quality of care to any class of people. Medicine is medicine and humans are humans. If you lower the quality in any area of healthcare you kill the free market mechanisms that make it the best for those that can pay more but don't have too. You can't hurt the poorest without harming the rest. Come on, if you go to a poor neighborhood to put out a fire, do you have a limit of how many gallons of water you can put on that house? Do we have different grades of
  17. Your still stuck on an election that is over. If the dems push for the health care system model will you be against it? What about if the Repub refuse to allow us to pay to systems instead make us write our checks to insurance companies will you support it? We are not trying to move numbers in the system from non paying to paying. The goal is to bring the cost down for everyone including the federal contribution per person. We have to understand the goal and make sure leadership legislates to the goal. Your not doing away with poverty or their needs ever, but you can control the cost.
  18. The key word is insurance, we had no choice but to include them in the initial plan. They will phase out rapidly voluntarily at that. The language had to be included to get it passed. You are welcome to simply watch what happens over the next 7 or 8 years. My biggest fear is that an administration will step in and force us to pay these insurance premiums indefinitely if we don't start writing laws to prevent it. We have a great idea forming that is not a model of social medicine as other countries, but our own were we use what has made America great competition to create an even better
  19. They are now business members, the side ad for them is Paverex.
  20. I know this is a long video. Some of you are aware of the children's cabinet and what it does. I had a vague notion of it and knew a handful of people I respect and admire are involved. It is simply people coming together to pool resources in our community to help children. I was rather shocked at the number of homeless children we have here in the county. The stories of these children represent hundreds that have been helped. They always need volunteers and help if you want to contact them.
  21. I am not arguing with you for the sake of arguing, you just don't understand it. You will grasp it at some point. The 10% will easily be covered under the new system, they will actually cost less to provide for. They will receive a lot higher quality of care as we all will. I ask you to do some math to see what type healthcare we could provide at the $ amount. If we handed that 100 each to an insurance company to pay the system of choice for our care they would take it pinch off 25- 50 % of it then write a check. It is what is happening now, except some individuals are paying a thousand a m
  22. You make the assumption that there is not enough money to have single rooms, with tv's or first class drugs. I am telling you that you are wrong because we have that now with insurance companies sucking the blood out of medicine..There is zero proof that any effort is being made to create that type of environment. We have hospitals and clinics being built every day, they are state of the art, no dorms or rusty out dated equipment. You totally underestimate the amount of money being siphoned away by those that have found a way to make themselves valuable to the business of life, death, and su
  23. I have a belief that actions follow thoughts, if we believe that is the only way it can be done then when they offer it to us we will take it. Your free to create whatever beliefs you want out of air. I don't subscribe to the world has come to an end because the president was re-elected. We have a lot of self important people predicting a future that only exist in their closed little minds.
  24. The thing is people can't really get their mind around a different model. For one thing you can't imagine what can be done with all the money currently being diverted from healthcare. Look around you at all the new Wellstar facilities being built. They have gotten their minds around it and they are getting ready to compete for it. Do a little math, take the current population of the united states, lets throw a ridiculously high number out there. One hundred dollars per person per month. We are not diverting that period, no more insurance, hospital systems are non profit. I think though that
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