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Everything posted by LPPT

  1. It depends on how many are in the family. From your precious post you automatically qualify under pre-existing. You can go ahead and apply for any insurance now. You will simply need you letter saying you were turned down due to pre-existing. What people don't get is that trillions of dollars that nobody would touch, not insurance companies or doctors would take, because it was not enough are going to be pumped straight into the systems. The are now forced to take your $400.00 a month that you were spending on other things because it was not enough for them. Now multiply that by millions o
  2. I don't believe it is designed that way, as long as the exchanges are available they will be sent there. Companies will more than likely see their rates to insure employees go way down. On the other hand companies that have never payed for it will be stressed. I don't think they will have to pay as much after October as they think they will. The exchange tops out at 70.000 or so a year so most people will qualify to get their insurance through it.
  3. When the exchange opens in October, your rate will be based on income. No matter how you feel about the changes, you will probably qualify, I believe it tops out at 400.00 a month. Catastrophic policies put you at a high risk of medical bankruptcy.
  4. My understanding is that benefits will be the same regardless of carrier or plan. The taxpayer is no longer going to pick up the slack for what insurance companies refuse to cover. We should eventually see co-pays and deductibles disappear. All healthcare dollars will go to those providing healthcare. I believe eventually the entire system of claims will be gone. The systems will pay their personnel for the work they do. Getting paid for services will no longer be dependent on trying to get money from insurance companies or people that are broke and sick and simply can't pay.
  5. I would have to check my computer at the office for some of the hard facts, but one of the things that struck me as horrible is that of the survivors of the actual crash those that exited one side lived and the ones that exited the other side were killed when there was an explosion. The survivors I interviewed seemed disturbed by the fact they they survived based on the decision of exiting left or right.
  6. You are right, I grew up in a culture where black worked beside white and made less for the same job. They could only get menial jobs. Black women were domestics or worked in the kitchens. When they could not make enough to make ends meet the women were offered free housing, food stamps and everything else to segregate themselves into public housing. One rule you want your children to have shelter and food, no husband allowed. We see the consequences to this day. It is a culture period. Is it fixable? I am not sure. We are paying for past sins.
  7. I don't know that his parents ever intended it to go as far as it did. I suspect they felt like they were being blown off by the police. On the surface the questions were valid. I think we needed to know the truth and not just accept the kid was a thug. I have no intention of ever allowing myself to think thug when I look at people of a different race. I admit that at times I have to push to maintain that. It is just as important for us to do that as it for blacks to not see us as The Man keeping them down. We all have to make the effort, a true race war will destroy this country. The pr
  8. I don't understand, totally different issues. The parents of Trayvon had questions about the circumstances of his death where there were no witnesses. They had every right to insist on an in-depth investigation of the circumstances of his death. All the facts came out in a trial, it was ruled self defense. People keep bringing up other crimes and trying to compare them to this case. You have 3 people that have confessed to a crime,no further questions it's done.
  9. Like I said some or more sensitive and some refuse to see. I don't believe in evil either. Evil are acts of the flesh, the flesh is left behind in the grave. Just because you don't understand something is why you fear it. I don't think anyone is harmed by bumps, scrapes or lights going on and off. I am glad that I know beyond a doubt that I will not be alone when I pass over. There is much comfort in seeing and knowing that we do not cease. It is no longer an act of faith. For those that are sensitive and see it is a gift. I don't understand why you want to insult people that are gift
  10. Some people are simply more sensitive to it. I have seen people with your belief changed after the death of someone close. Many believe that death is the end you do not go on you simply cease to be. The bible says that is not so, that we continue on in a different form. I believe that we are angels and we look over those we loved on earth, because love is eternal. I know that if I saw my child taking a wrong path, I would try in my limited way to contact them from the other side. Sensitive people see those souls striving to make contact and help from the other side. I don't see anything
  11. I am not sure what is considered the address. It hit right in front of the cemetery then then hopped and hit the gas station. As far as were it stopped moving I am sketchy on that because the wreckage was spread out. I would think the folks that work on the memorial might have decided that fact.
  12. Thank you Lymie sister!!! if we just save one from losing their quality of life it is worth all the eye rolls :wub:
  13. Call the police and let the chips fall. Either it is illegal or not. All you have to do is call the police then your done. If someone does not like the results then oh well, it is either right or wrong.
  14. Those charts don't mean squat to people that are suffering and fighting for their lives. If the real numbers were there people would be outraged. You might lose all faith in government and the medical profession when you are faced with the truth of this disease. I guess one would think having it twice I would jump all over the new vaccine. NOT!
  15. Oh yes! I just checked the 10 day forecast. I get a kick out of my first day of vacation showing up on the 10th day. :yahoo: :yahoo: Love me some beach vacation!!!
  16. I know more people diagnosed in Georgia with it, than their website shows. People respect this agency and believe what they put out there. It is a shame that they have not done more. If 300,000 people a year came down with the bird flu, there would be hysteria. It is a very big and dangerous lie.
  17. There is outrage on the forums about that lie.In Georgia and Florida skinks(small blue and black lizards) transmit the disease not mice. They have not widely published the studies that have proven all ticks can carry the Lyme bacteria. My bite mark from the spring is still very ugly. I had immediate treatment so my symptoms were not severe. Most people are bitten by a Nymph, it is the size of a pin head. It takes a long time for the tiny amount of bacteria to multiply enough to give you symptoms. Never assume you did not get it. If you start having symptoms tell the doctor you were bit. Insis
  18. It is a horrible disease. Those that go years without diagnosis are beyond help. When it goes into your nervous system and brain it is hard to cure. If people read the stories that I do on the forums you would be outraged. Because it effects the brain these people are marginalized. They go from doctor to doctor trying to be diagnosed. The common denominator is that they always get a diagnosis that their symptoms don't quite fit. Had I not been educated in Connecticut I would be one of those people. Early treatment is the only thing that saved me. I am reading a lot of studies, I could sti
  19. It probably is mis-diagnosed here more than anywhere else. I had a doctor looking at a classic bulls-eye rash, classic symptoms tell me I could not have Lyme disease because ticks don't cross state lines. If I were diagnosed with the conditions I posted earlier, I would move heaven and earth to get a western blot blood test. My understanding is that they are treating thousands of cases a year in Carrol county. The CDC has made reporting so time consuming and tedious, most doctors treating a lot of cases don't even bother. They have also discovered that the disease can be just genetically di
  20. I just did a FB share on that. I don't know why I feel vindicated, but I am not the only one. They have been covering this up. For one, there is no reliable test so they can not be absolutely positive. They have known for a long time how high the numbers are based on the number of doctors treating it. They now are responsible to start a massive education campaign to the public and medical practitioners. Why wouldn't you do this earlier? Because 1000's of people are walking around sick. They are being diagnosed with rheumatoid atrthritis, Fibromyalgia,chronic fatigue, MS, and yes even P
  21. LPPT

    Senior Pics

    It would seem that venders are picked by who will definitely divide the haves and have nots in our county. We had kids that could not afford gowns, invitations, pictures,class rings and yearbooks. It has zero to do with quality. A kid earns graduation, why demean it by making all these things so expensive? Let the haves cry about how cheap it is, who cares. Intelligence and hard work is what counts on graduation day.
  22. It is a crap shoot, you can tell by the post here. I had 2 with no relief, if you have zero relief then walk away. They can and do damage some of the tissues. It is only worth it if you get relief. I am having miraculous results with acupuncture. If you want a name or number send a pm. I still get adjustments that give me good pain relief. The area were the bone is a little worn did not respond to anything but the acupuncture. It is slow, but natural methods take a little more time. Totally worth it when you consider the side effects of many meds and procedures.
  23. Happy Birthday! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
  24. Skinks are very dangerous. They carry Lyme disease and other parasites. Just because you and your animal did not get sick, does not mean the next one will not make your animal sick. Parasitic and bacterial infections seem to be on the rise. This is not exactly true. Many of the old time Docs and vets that could diagnose these things based on symptoms have retired. We are seeing a new generation of doctors that get little or no education in this area. The consequence is people and animals dieing or becoming extremely sick. http://www.ask.com/question/are-skinks-poisonous-to-dogs http:/
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