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Everything posted by Gray_Wolf

  1. Doctor, I do not see a quarter on the floor. G. Wolf
  2. Come on... you know that is was a claw to the forehead... ouch... those DKB... G. Wolf
  3. HijacK : Told you shooting off your mouth and it being loaded would do that... DKB G. Wolf End Hijack
  4. deleted. by the man behind the curtain. G. Wolf
  5. The question came up today? I said that there are six : Africa, Antarctica, Asia/Europe (or Eurasia), Australia, North America, and South America. No right or wrong answer. Even the CIA states 5 to 7. G. Wolf
  6. Lady Raider, Where exactly in Cartersville? G. Wolf
  7. I had to stop in my area of the tunnel. Kept hitting this vein of dense, soft, shiny yellow metal near the quartz. So far I have managed to remove that stuff. About 100 pounds. Oh well, just keep digging and tossing that yellow stuff away. G. Wolf
  8. In My version : Mary had a little lamb... It's fleece was white as snow... Wherever Mary went the lamb was sure to go... Then one day Mary's father lost his job (at IBM).... So off to the butcher they went... Ummmm, lambchops for two weeks... The end G. Wolf
  9. http://blogs.ajc.com/radio-tv-talk/2010/08/18/is-dagmar-midcap-leaving-wgcl/?cxntlid=thbz_hm
  10. Yes, I have them trained. It takes two of them to aim and shot a rifle. They are currently at 80 % accurate on their targets. So they are waiting for you.... G. Wolf
  11. I know. But this is "training" deers to eat in a certain area. G. Wolf
  12. Why would there be corn out in the woods? Unless, it is baiting for the upcoming deer season. Is baiting illegal? G. Wolf
  13. Look at twitter, face book and my space (so yesterday). You will be surprised at what information people give out. I still hate zillow.com. It gives your aerial view of the land around your house and the value of the house. A great tool for planning a robbery and an escape route. G. Wolf
  14. I guess the justification is to help find kidnapped people, based on where the victim's photo was taken. So we now publish this information. Now it can be used by the good, the bad and the ugly. I wonder how many people have been saved by this? I wonder how many people are going to be hurt by this? I have mixed feelings on this kind of technology. But, then again most printers hide identification on ever print out. So be careful using a printer for a ransom note... G. Wolf
  15. Find out from the band director what is acceptable. I certainly would wait on the "Bach" horn. If he shows that he wants to keep up with the trumpet longer than a year. If he keeps the interest, then maybe two horns maybe needed. One for marching and one for concert. The reason being that a flag person can crush a horn in a heart beat while marching. I have two trumpets. One is a Reynolds Medalist from 1966. Horn is good for concert and marching. The second is a "Holton", good for marching. I would use the "Bach" in concert and if your child is first chair material. Do not buy the tru
  16. When Alexander Graham Bell invented the phone. It was meant to work both ways. So you may want to call Dick Donovan yourself and ask questions. His number is on his website. Also, it is a sad state of affairs when others feed you their point of view and you vote according without doing your own research. I guess this is just why this county, state, and feds are so Fraked up. G. Wolf PS : After all how many 10's of thousand of people are in this county? And you got a personal call? Hard to believe. Is Drew related too you, maybe not. You could not spell his name correctly. So Sad.
  17. Pubby, So was it attached to any particular ad /file ? G. Wolf
  18. It is the criminals of this sort that I use to help Corporate America to stop. I would keep looking. G. Wolf
  19. I drove by there a few months ago. Sad to see. Just another monument to "Hey Guys Watch This". Well here is alternative for the airport. Use it as a drag way on Friday and Saturday nights. Be an upscale Dixie Speedway. Have vendors and food. Have shirts made to say " My other dragstrip is an runway". G. Wolf
  20. My guess would be yes. However, some people do not maintain a regular patching cycle. Also, need to consider, a patch may not be applied because that it may break the current OS and or application. So in order to patch up. Then you have to upgrade your OS and or applications. Really depends if the software that is being used is still supported as well or legal. G. Wolf
  21. Not bad only 12 hours to find. I wonder if any of your "guest" is monitoring to see the damage and fix time? G. Wolf
  22. I know you were not being snarky. And it is a legit question. G. Wolf
  23. See W4AL, There you go implying that I and or DD thinks it was only "assult/rape" in our eyes. (Do you ever get any quotes right without exgerating?) When I stated that Brian was original there for assult and rape. Before he went over the wall and became a killer of four people. I think I would rather be in jail for assult than murder. But then I maybe a little sane. G. Wolf
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