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Everything posted by Gray_Wolf

  1. Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I two copies of the movie and the album. G. Wolf
  2. Island of Terror. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0060548/ G. Wolf
  3. Not sure. Western musical about mid 80's. Actor's name ? G. Wolf
  4. No, on the google. Military brat. I am surprised no one tried a quote from Sgt York or Apocalypse Now. G. Wolf Thou does not need to bow. Just throw some coins.... (and a dollar to get the manure off of my heel). It is just a little poo. G. Wolf
  5. Full Metal Jacket. G. Wolf
  6. Pirates of the Caribbean : Jack Sparrow : John Depp G. Wolf
  7. The Terror of Tiny Town : 1938 G. Wolf
  8. I got the call as well. I wonder if this violated the "Do Not Call"? G. Wolf
  9. Yep. between the scoop and the tire. Less than 5 seconds to spot. G. Wolf
  10. This happened about 6 months ago on Louisiana Hwy 57, just outside of Dulac, a little town in the bayou country of Louisiana , and while it sounds like an Alfred Hitchcock tale, it's real. An Ohio businessman, Saul Rubins, abandoned his disabled vehicle on the side of the road, and attempted to hitchhike. The night was pitch dark in the middle of a thunderstorm. Time passed slowly and no cars went by. It was raining so hard he could hardly see his hand in front of his face. Suddenly, through the sheets of rain, he saw a car moving sl
  11. Dee, Sending you a PM. G. Wolf
  12. You better keep him out of theatre. Somebody will tell him to break a leg for luck. He may take them to the task. G. Wolf
  13. Naturegirl, Thank you on both. G. Wolf
  14. Lucky64, I am not sure. Tried to search "help". Did not get a good hit. May want to ask "Pubby". G. Wolf
  15. You are welcome. G. Wolf I have not noticed. I will be on the look out. Thank you, G. Wolf
  16. You are welcome G. Wolf
  17. I do not take. However, http://www.webmd.com/drugs/drug-6986-Plaqu...=Plaquenil+Oral But should ask the doctor. G. Wolf
  18. You are now a 4 star person. G. Wolf
  19. Ktan458, Grasshopper, you can catch more flies with honey, than with vinegar. A simple question worded correctly can make a person think. Never had a mayberry. I no longer have a party that I like better. The two that we have just go tit-for-tat and no longer represent the core value of this America. Thank you for your comments. Your stars have been bumped. G. Wolf Bumped your stars for giving big hugs.... G. Wolf Thank you. You have been bumped and you are now a 4 star person. G. Wolf You have been bumped as well. G.
  20. You have been bumped. At least your stars were. G. Wolf I bumped your stars with a hug in mind. G. Wolf You are now a 4 star person. G. Wolf
  21. I'm Floored, Yes they are. The awwww inspiring to see them in the darkest night. Realizing that life around this world watching with you. The deepest thought that others out there are watching us from their world. Wondering, Watching, Wishing, Longing. We feel how we fit into life as we know and that light above is an image of something that happened millions of years ago. Sorry, I got carried away.... Enjoy the stars. G. Wolf
  22. Naturegirl, Thank you kindly. G. Wolf
  23. I guess the sign did not come with the additional spell check feature. G. Wolf
  24. MotorCity MadMan, That sounds like a good math theorem. G. Wolf
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