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Everything posted by lucky64

  1. Awww, to much energy? Hope you get it back!
  2. Okay, me, one or two things would have happened. I would have tried to stiffled my laugh and pee'd my pants, or I would had busted out laughing right in front of him. No two ways about it.
  3. LOL, honey, I never tick...I say what I have to say and move on. Never hold grudges.......Well, shoot, that's a lie, I do against the School Central Office.
  4. Hey, let's get something straight...I'm never in a bad mood......Just a little bitchier than usual.....Big difference.
  5. Lord have mercey, don't you go peeing on my parade.... At the same time, I hope your day goes better!!!
  6. Having a wonderful, fantastic, kick yourself in the pants, do a cartwheel, give out a robust laugh, hug everyone you know day? I know I am!!!!!!!!!
  7. I just talked to my daughter: I have some corrections to make. It's one of her guy friends and the job he was interviewing for was a fencing company. That is where they told him, that Georgia has either changed the law or added to the law that kids had to be 18 to work. I asked her what about the 16 and 17 year old's that are working now, she said that they are grandfathered in. So, I don't know. She still wants to look for a job and I'm going to let her.
  8. My daughter wants to work that is why she came home and told me about it. Her friend was told this during an interview she was on.
  9. Okay, I stand corrected. Never noticed her be nasty to me. I met her and I found her to be very nice. Just a little on guard meeting a new person which I didn't blame her because I'm the same exact way. I've seen her get snippy with others on here, but just moved on.
  10. That may be true, but no different than the rest of us. I guess my point is more about being so early in the morning and all ready it's negative. It's such a downer. I know, I don't have to come in here, but just wait to see if Mysterious was going to post again. We yak from time to time.
  11. Early in the morning and attacks starting? Really? Politics really bring out the monsters in people. Is it really worth it?
  12. 2 of my neighbors kids sneaked out of their homes and went to another subdivision off Ivy Gulledge to see a girl. On their way back home (walking mind you) they got busted at 3 in the morning. The officers brought them each home. They had to go to court and they each paid some kind of fine.
  13. Courthouse I think 30 days or a little more.
  14. That's all we need drug induced ho downs!
  15. That's what I thought but apparently a very good friend of my daughters went for a job interview (have to ask her where again) and was told GA passed or changed the working law for minors to 18. There was no alcohol at this job that she applied for.
  16. The last I knew kids were able to work at 16 with a work permit. For some reason my 16 year old came home and said that Georgia either passed a law or changed the law that now they can't work until 18. Was my 16 year old meaning certain jobs or all jobs. I would do my own research but at the moment to exhausted.
  17. It's all good. He is a wonderful man, matter of fact, saw him the other day myself. Known him and Tony Crow since 1999. Don't remember them from the 80's tho.
  18. And if YOU MUST KNOW, he is a dear friend of MINE as WELL as my FATHER'S. And he was brought in to my post for the simple fact that he was one of the people last time that had a sign in the back of his truck. So don't make this into something it's not!!!!!!!!!!
  19. No, what I'm saying is I HAVEN'T seen any of them.
  20. I did notice this time around trucks not being parked or his friends driving their trucks with huge signs in the back of them. After all, one of his friends did move to Mexico, but is here in town right now visiting.
  21. Aww, the love of the clique's is wonderful!!!!
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