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Everything posted by lucky64

  1. I totally understood what you said LadyRaider!
  2. That;s what they said because it's considered a hit and run and not reporting it.
  3. They are suppose to pull the tapes from Publix and check them to see if he did. Yeah, whatever. Still no markings on my truck, nor bumper. If he did do this, he will be arrested for hit and run of a park car. He is 18 and the officer said they won't be coming after me. Well, he is still on my insurance. Any way, I find this sickning and very disgusted about the whole thing. This woman can ruin my son's college for a bogus lie that she didn't even see herself but taking a 3rd parties word for.
  4. So, my son took my truck to Publix yesterday. Next thing I know, my son is telling me "Mom there are two officers here!" I open up the garage door and approach them in my driveway. They continue to tell me, that a 3rd party at Publix report that a silver Satarn with my license plate, hit a parked car. I looked at my son and said "What the hell did you do?" He said, "Nothing!" He told the police offices that he didn't hit anything, the truck didn't shake from hitting anything. The officers then asked me to pull my truck out of the garage and they inspected it from top to bottom. There i
  5. lucky64


    Windy and raining like crazy here.
  6. My computer crashed or what ever. Some how Windows was taken off and I received a message about it. Then the computer started to crash. I don't know. Going into the shop tomorrow. I'm on my son's computer, to tell you guys I don't know how long I will be gone. But rest assure, I'm still working on the picnic. Also, this couldn't have happened at a better time. Aerosmith is starting to postpone concerts because Steven's doctors ordered him to rest his voice. Now, I have an attitude from hell right now and don't need to me on here and, the last time this happened, a lot got cance
  7. I'm going to ask the mods to make it as a sticky. I just holding out a few more days if people want to do this poll. I will have the rest of the information. But one question I can answer right now, is that the dish will be for everyone. If everyone brings a dish, there will be enough food. What I'm trying to work/figure out is, people showing up that didn't do the polls and have enough food.
  8. OMG, how on earth did you get it so high like that?
  9. Well, what are we going to bet on? Because so far the last 4 storms bypassed Paulding. What makes you think this one is going to hit us? Like today's storm, went right by us.
  10. But will it hit ALL OF Paulding County????
  11. Gasden Alabama is getting nailed right now.
  12. Well it sure as heck missed New Hope!!
  13. Nothing, it just skipped us.
  14. Very still here right now. I hope that is a good thing. I want the most wicked storm right now. Without anyone getting hurt or property damage of course.
  15. She all ready paid her bill? :rofl:
  16. See, my understanding is that your AC working harder to keep it 71 when it's 105 outside. So, I raised mine from 78 to 80. Still 84 upstairs which I don't mind since I have ceiling fans going and blinds closed. My home is 3000+ sq ft.
  17. I have thunder and wind so far. They are saying hail as well.
  18. Thank you. I have it on 80 and it's still 84 upstairs. I have all the blinds down and ceiling fans going. I'm getting comfortable now because a storm is coming in. BUT, just for it to turn hotter and muggy.
  19. I have the 4 ton and the 1 ton both set to 80. Upstairs is hot and stuffy. My room (1 ton) is hot and stuffy. Upstairs temp said 84 and the air has been on for hours now and it still hasn't gotten upstairs to 80.
  20. So, you say raise the temp? Because I'm not going to raise it to 90.
  21. Mine was $150! So, do you mean me Georgia Dawg???? I keep both air conditioners set on 78, thinking about putting it up to 80.
  22. I thought the building at the top of the hill were bathrooms. Mods, I'm going to post the place, date, time here shortly (on another thread) but please keep this one open. Okay, there will be another poll, I'm doing the finishing touches on it before I post it. Please pay attention to the date/time/place. Pubby, sorry but I can't wait any longer for you to find out if you are able to find signals at any of the parks. We need a park with a bathroom, pond, swings. I have to make sure there is enough to do for the little one's.
  23. Well, then, I guess it won't be held there. How can you have a picnic at a park without bathrooms. Especially with a large crowd as this. I'm going to check out all the parks here shortly (after the weather cools down a bit) and see the pro's and con's of each of them.
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