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Posts posted by Cartridge2

  1. sge, that may be only with that specific bank. When a house is foreclosed, it is sold at auction. Usually the bank buys it back to recoup their loss and sell it later. Its possible an investor bought the house. Investors are a little smarter than banks. They know the time and hassle and would rather pay you to leave the house decent then get the sherriff and have you trash it.


    The owner will get a letter from the attorney stating when the foreclosure date is. Sometimes its postponed, sometimes not. They should plan on being out shortly after the auction.



    Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. I bet he'll teach the bank a lesson :rolleyes:


    Even if the house is vacant, the bank maintains it. The houses are winterized, lawns maintained and the houses are listed with a realtor. Theres no way you could stay.

  2. let me tell you who NOT to call Gingold & Associates. They have an office right across the street from the courthouse.


    I see his full page ad in the yellow pages. It says stop foreclosures, reposessions, etc. Why would I need to stop foreclosure or repossession if I wasnt late right?


    SO I call and he says bring a $1,000 CASH. I figure, OK bankruptcy, checks bounce etc. I think something is going to get filed. SO me and the wife come down, bring all sorts of docs for the businesses, personal etc that he requests. Then he tells us the 1000 is for a 2 hour consultation. I really am on the fence but figure multiple corparations, different ownership etc, its complicated and lets get into it. I tell him UPFRONT, "look I just need 90 days till the money I expect comes in. I need a little reprieve from foreclosure and the repo man" He says OK lets look and see what you got.


    In the lobby we filled out a form stating our finances. So in the consultation he reviews the form, rewrites all the #'s on a note pad, then we go over the business financials etc. almost 2 hours reviewing the finances.


    Then you know what this prick says to me? Oh you cant file bankruptcy if you are behind in your mortgage or car payments, you will loose those right away. It took all I had to keep from reaching in his jacket and taking back my money and laying him out cold. He could have told me that over the phone as his ad says FREE CONSULTATION.


    I dont even know if what he said about bankruptcy and being behind on car/house payments is true. I have yet to call another attorney.


    Oh and his ad says stop levies. We asked him about some levies that were being placed on me and he couldnt answer the questions, not his field.


    I have dealt with alot of attorney's and some have been good, some have been bad but this guy is a POS

  3. Should we explore it further? absolutely


    Will we. Hell no. After this country's war on drugs, its going to take someone with some big gnads, to say, you know what, we were wrong. Lets grow weed, it really isnt that bad, other countries have legalized it, and we can get some free fuel from it.


    Seems like a win/win so I doubt we will see it anytime soon

  4. PC, over the last few years everything but one laptop has been Dell.


    I have only touched an Apple once or twice when testing a printer in a customers office. What makes the Apples so great? Ever since going to win 2k, then XP, we rarely have a machine crash (Win 98 crashed daily) I just cant see what would make the Apple better If running Windows on an Apple, then whats the point?

  5. LOL, Has anyone read the transcripts? The only evidence we have heard of is a 14 y/o word. No physical proof, no eyewitnesses, no other victims. Its kind of scary to think a teenager has that much power. Keep in mind something went wrong and the defense was allowed a new trial, thats how he was able to make a plea deal


    Until you are are looking at a lengthy prison sentence, you have no idea what you will plead guilty to.

  6. I had AAA plus for many years since I was a teenager. Cant count how many times they have been called. Cool thing is they cover you, not the car. On a road trip, one of my friends cars died. We kind of cheated and had the car towed from service station to service station on the turnpike. I made three different calls and had the car towed over 300 miles that day. Finally it got left about 60 miles from home and we all piled up into another car and went home. The kid and his dad picked it up the next day.



    I used to have a lowrider truck that when it got a flat, it was almost impossible to jack up. AAA came and took care of it.


    Since our vehicles are newer, under warranty and have factory towing, and keyless entry, we dont need AAA. But wifeys car is now out of warranty so it may be time to look into it again.

  7. I am currently in the process of putting together this exact business. I hope to be up and running very soon. I am glad to know that there is an intrest and I"m not completely nuts.



    If you are successful, my wife is going to kill me. She wanted to do this and we tossed around some ideas on distribution, etc but I just didnt think there would be enough demand to support it.


    Me and my wife would love to have a nice bagel place. I want one that serves Lox/Nova, yummie yummie

  8. Our travel team is holding 2 Poker nights to generate money for the team. The first one is March 8th at 6:PM, the second night is March 22 at 6:00 PM.


    Is it OK to post poker night? If so, then I will post more details, if not, then I'll delete it.

  9. As a service center and reseller of supplies, I can tell you that generic supplies are fine. Quality may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer but the good ones are OEM quality. But its hard for the user to know whos selling good or bad stuff. BTW there are hundreds, if not thousands of resellers online but only a handful of manufacturers.


    When buying compatibles or non-oem items, ask for the warranty. anyone not willing to warranty the item and any resulting machine damage should be avoided. In 10 years and thousands and thousands of compatible item sales, I have had one claim against us and that resulted from an over-zealous Xerox tech. I had already seen the machine and it was not a supply issue.

  10. Anyone have experiences with all in one machines. I'm looking at them, don't want a really expensive one, but would appreciate recommendations you might have. Thanks


    Is this for personal or business use? If for personal I would suggest a Brother or HP. On the Brother I dont think it matters if you run out of one color, the machine prompts you to replace it even if not needed.


    Personally from what I have seen from HP as a reseller and service provider, they are going downhill


    If for business we have some Samsungs which are not too expensive and offer a great value. Give us a call.


    Lexmark inks cost alot and are known for being tough to refill

  11. I want to be able to modify some MPEG clips I have from my digital camera. Not much just chop them up so we can cut out the non-important times. I also want to be able to play them in slow motion.


    I dont think WIndows Media player does any of this.


    This is not going to be for presentation or anything so I dont need all the bells and whistles. Looking for a free download

  12. I see both sides of this. I do feel like someone who doesnt have $80 should not adopt a dog. I also know we all have our ups and downs. I know right now, my family would struggle to get ME out of lockup for $80, let alone our dogs.


    Have you talked to the people over there? I have heard they are decent people and maybe they will work something out. Do they have a confirmed date they will put him down?


    BTW Do you have a fenced yard. You will need one to adopt him


    I agree, if they let this dog go over $80, thats a shame.



  13. We were selling off our Florida customer list. The guy that was going to buy it agreed to provide all of our product until 11/30. Closing was actually 12/4 by the time he got the documents ready. I asked him to give me the toners that had not been provided yet and he refused. That was the catalyst for the deal coming apart. Now its all messed up and the lawyers have to get involved.


    Remember the key is that we were keeping the A/R. So the orders were basically free money to us that we were entitled to. That was the point of the free toners, to allow us to generate more sales at no expense, allowing us to leave with a bigger A/R

  14. Company A wants to sell customer list SELLER

    COmpany B wants to buy customer list BUYER


    Seller outsources production of product

    Buyer makes product in house


    Seller wants more money upfront

    Buyer cant produce more upfront money


    Buyer makes offer to seller. Buyer will provide up to 66 units for free the last 2 weeks of November so Sell can boost sales and pad the accounts receivables, which seller is keeping (seller keeps all money owed to them at the time of the business sale). Seller says OK and starts ordering product. Buyer is slow producing and is 3-4 days behind on all orders (kind of slow in this industry, common items, should be in stock)


    Closing comes around and documents are signed. However seller still has 12 open orders for $3,000 that didnt get filled because buyer never produced product (Purchase orders were issued in advance). Seller wants buyer to still provide items so orders can be closed and seller can invoice. Buyer says no and threatens to enforce the Non-Compete.


    As a side note, seller had the opportunity to purchase product from another vendor who had items in stock and would have shipped directly to customer. However they were attempting to utilize the offer provided by the buyer


    I will leave it at that. Theres more to it after the fact, but thats what lead up to the events


    Should seller be able to finalize orders?

  15. I'm so glad you posted..... I am a new "independent contractor" with Aflac and will need a laptop, printer and fax machine for my home office. Do you know of or make a suggestion as to where I can purchase my office equipment without spending a fortune?




    We dont sell laptops, but we can certainly help with the printer and fax. I happen to have some used that may work out very well for you. Just call the office

  16. We have a 05 Expedition that is leaking tranny fluid out the front pump seal. Took it to a tranny shop that is looking at it to see if the pump is bad or just the seal. A bad pump means rebuild the tranny. The guy was shocked that a 2005 car with 41k miles, needs tranny work. He suggested I argue with Ford?


    Any opinions? You think they will cover it?

  17. My wife went to the meeting they were having tonight. Actually it is at the conference room at our office. ANyone go and come back yet? It started at 7 or 7:30 and she isnt back yet and she left her phone home. Starting to wonder where she is. Cant see how much they can talk about all night.

  18. This week only 11/26/2007-11/30/2007


    30% OFF


    All Universal Office Solution brand compatible toner cartridges are 30% off.

    This is a great saving's. Instead of Black Friday, were having Black Week.

    Please call for pricing. All orders must be placed by Friday morning.



    Universal Office Solutions, Inc.



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