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Posts posted by Cartridge2

  1. Yeah I speed, live with it. I travel back and forth from GA to FL once or twice a month. Sometimes in the middle of the night when no other cars are on the road. Do I feel like doing 65 or 70? Nope I do 80-85. Do I move over/slow down for emergency vehichles on the side? yup. Slow down for construction zones? yup. slow down when going through a city? yup speed up when in the middle of BFE 50 miles between exits? yup


    Do I speed down 278 ? Nope


    DO I weave in and out of traffic like an arcade game? Nope


    Am I justifying my speeding. yup


    The cops have the right to monitor my speed and I have the right to know if I am being monitored.



    As far as searching cars, I suggest some of you look up PC and know your rights.

  2. Voices that makes sense. I was in a text chat with Escort and he typed something like "if the gun was in your face". Maybe I misread or he meant in the officers face. Now I get it.


    I cant remember if this guy was aiming the gun like a laser would need to be aimed. I thought he was just pointing it and not really aiming it but I could be wrong.


    Thanks Navy for the links



  3. I have a passport 8500 and passport 8500 X50.


    From time to time I feel they dont pick up radar guns properly. They are a couple years old, the 8500 is 4-5 years old at least


    Many times, I have driven by a LEO that seemed to be running radar. Car facing traffic, gun up in the window etc. Sometimes the detector goes off, sometimes it doesnt.


    Yesterday, I was going down I20 and this officer was against the car door and had his gun pointed right into traffic. he was off to the right on the shoulder, I was in the middle or left lane. Not a peep from the detector, even as I passed him.


    From what I remember, radar gets wider as the distance increases. So at a certain distance, they cant even tell which car is speeding and have to wiat until they are closer. At this point the detector should pick up some signal and give a warning.


    Laser I believe is much more accurate and uses an instant on technology that is harder to pick up advanced notice.


    I contacted Escort and he told me if the officer was on the side and the gun was right in my face, it was laser. If it was radar and aimed at another car, I wouldnt receive an alert. I have to call BS on that second part. I have picked up radar from police cars so many times on the side of the road, its not funny. I travel alot to Florida and many, many times I get a radar alert and cant find a car, then it gets stronger and stronger. I almost know every time, but I look on the other side of the road to oncoming traffic and there it is, a trooper driving the opposite way and I get full alert as we pass and a rapidly decreasing alert as we seperate. So I truly believe this story about not being pointed at me is a line of crap.


    Even laser should be detected if they are hitting every car in front of you, shouldnt it?



    Point is I want to know if the detectors are bad and if I should get a new one or have them repaired. $700 for 2 new X50 or $140 to repair the two I have.

  4. I may have posted this before.


    Anyone here into RC cars? I have a couple and thinking of getting my son one and probably getting a new one myself. We have a pretty big yard but its all grass. I know we can probably run at Wildhorse for a track. Anywhere else? Also any good hobby shops locally? I know HT is in Kennesaw.

  5. Not trying to be ugly, but people have to work on Thanksgiving because people like you, want to go out. Sorry, but this is coming from someone that has to work on Thanksgiving and would rather be home with the family like every one else. I hope you have a good one and I would suggest doing the dinner from Kroger, picking it up the day before and staying home and enjoying each other.



    Nobody has to work Thanksgiving. If you dont do it, theres a line of people who will



    We decided on Ryans in Hiram. I called and they will be open around 11 to 7 I believe is what he told me

  6. Thanks for all the helpful parking info. I knew there had to be a better solution than to pay $18 and still have to ride a shuttle. We will try to get there early to get a spot. I guess the stadium is right in the middle of everything so we can find a place to eat before the game?



    WHITE OUT ??? Orange and green, Orange and Green. :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:


    We were supposed to go the last GT home game against Miami 2 years ago and we had an emergency and I couldnt go. Its been 3 years and I am excited to see them again. Its just not the same rooting for them when you have the game DVRed and you are yelling for a play that was made 3 hours ago.


    We also got the Xpedition taken care of so we wont have to find a spot for the monster

  7. Ps, if in front of the Y taken you can park on the side roads at the apartments. I have left my car there all weekend with no problems. You will be very close either way.


    Is it OK to park there as in we wont get towed?



    How far is the conference center from the stadium?



    I was on GT's site and they have this whole click and park program. You have to park and ride a shuttle. Seems like a Pain.


    We may leave a little earlier so we can get a good spot.



    GO CANES !!!

  8. Anyone going tomorrow? How long do you think it will take to get there? I want to get there by 7.


    Is there plenty of parking? we have to take the dually and parking is always a challenge with that thing.



    I am used to the Orange Bowl in Miami that had no parking. You would have to park in some lot or someones house for $20 and hope you didnt get blocked in :rolleyes:

  9. Usually my two favorite teams are UM and whoever is playing FSU :lol: However the way the ACC standings are, I think I may actually have to root for FSU




    I can not believe I just wrote that........

  10. OK google says 1/2 cord is about the size of a pickup truck bed.



    Are you guys finding burning wood really helps keep the house warm? We have a fireplace with a blower on it, and it really doesnt seem to do much to help keep things warm

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