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Posts posted by Cartridge2

  1. I am pretty sure. Last time the car was driven, it started to overheat. When I pulled over, you could see the belt not spinning and the belt was smoking from where the engine was trying to spin it.


    So if all the pulleys seem OK, then I have to assume the AC compressor is the issue as that is the only one that may not be engaged?

  2. which belt isnt spinning? it looks like DOHC... what is the belt driving/



    Its a sepentine belt so the one is driving everything. Googled and found a forum for Focuses. Quick reading tells me I have to jack the car up and the belt tensioner is on the bottom. Guess once I loosen the belt I can check all the pulleys. All the accessories are crammed on the left side of the engine, seems like fun but not as much fun as paying $5/gallon for diesel for the dually. Guess I'll be busy

  3. Ummmm but does that matter when it comes to plug wires? Either way you still need the same qty. of wires, right? *shrugs*



    Apparently it does cause the Auto Zone on Mulberry ROck asked me and said it was 2 different part #'s.


    The other issue is the belt is not spinning. I posted about this a long time but forget the answers. Some suggested a bad ac compressor.


    I was hoping I could remove or loosen the belt and rotate all the pulleys by hand and see which one is locked up. Does that sound good in theory?



  4. I need to get some plug wires for this car and the store asked me if it is SOHC or DOHC. I dont know. And I cant take the old wires because the car has been sitting for so long, something got in and chewed them up or they fell apart, I dont know


    BTW its a 2000 Ford Focus hatchback



  5. Here is a video I made with my new camcorder. Any advise on better video taking would be great. This was taken from the 1st base side and I was a good ways past 1st base. I wanted to get the whole field but I seemed to have lost alot of the up close action.


    This weekend I am going to try to get closer or zoom in. I am looking for other tidbits to help. This weekend I will have at least 4 games to video so plenty of footage to make a nice video


    I used Sony's Vegas software for editing. I muted the sound as I was on my cell. I didnt add any sound since I didnt have time.


  6. I want one that is easy to transfer back to my PC/laptop. I dont think tapes will do that. I borrowed a DVD based camera and that was a PITA formatting the disks, closing the disks etc. Seems like a hard drive based camera would be the best choice, unless there is something I am missing.


    As far as zoom, I may be recording from the outfield fence which may be 220+ feet from home plate, so I would want decent zoom. Dont really know if 10x is sufficient. I just figure the more, the better :D

  7. I know I want one with a HardDrive. I thought the high def cameras would be nice but it seems like the hi def cameras have a 10-12 optical zoom while the non high def achieve up to 50x optical zoom. I will be using it primarily for sports.


    Is the high def worth loosing the extra zoom and worth the extra money?

  8. JMT is right. DOH I did it the hard way.


    Also keeping in mind what JMT said, it looks like you need to redo some of your tables, not just the 2nd one.


    Good luck

  9. yes it does


    Last table you have 250 Volts and 5 amps. That means 50 ohms of resistance. Here is what I did Divide R1, r2,r3,r4 and r5 into 250. That gives you .1 .2 .50 .16 .04. Basically percentages. So R = 5,10,25,8,2

  10. Why dont you list a question so maybe we can give better advice? Ohms law is pretty basic once you understand it. But like said, you need two of the variables to get the 3rd.


    Could the question be related to the ignition system where voltages would be much higher?

  11. I havent even looked, is the Wii network ready or do we need an adapter?


    I am a PS guy. Probably in Sept when the new SOCOM comes out, a PS3 will be added. Right now I am rocking out on Guitar Hero on the PS2.



    That little booger beat me in boxing too. My arms were so sore. Alot different than using a little controller

  12. I stopped by and talked to the new owner. He was quite open in his numbers but I will not reveal them. Lets just say be prepared to spend 1.5M to 2.5M if you want to buy that place. He seems very confident that it will be a success. Of course most people dont spend that kind of money doubting the venture. He says he has been in the business for a long time, has a chef he has employed for a long time etc. It will be a bbq and steak.


    Like said, thats alot of steaks, to cover that mortgage payment.


    The place on 92 and 120? Thats Charles Hardy right? I believe thats going to be a big entertainment center. The guy at the BBQ place told me minature golf, 20M in arcades etc.

  13. I got a F350 dually and lots of time. Paying someone would be a fortune and is not going to happen. I actually used to detail cars as a teen, thats why I have the 2 buffers. Just not up to speed on what kind of products are out now a days.


    I checked the Meguiars web site and there is tons of info. It looks like I am going to clay the truck first, then use the scratchX, then NXT wax. Should make the black look real nice.


    Thanks for the help

  14. I say no uniforms. I heard of one school district being so out of control on the unifroms, kids were being detained by the sherriff for missing a belt or having something out of place on the uniform. I personally dont want the county having that much control over my kids.


    I think the county has enough dress codes in place to keep the distractions to a minimum

  15. Got an 06 black truck. It has some water spots that dont seem to come out with an orbital buffer and meguiars 66 quick detailer. So I am thinking of some type of cleaner. I also have a high speed buffer with a foam pad.


    Any suggestions?

  16. I have thought about this for a long time. You always get the emails that say boycott Exxon this Monday. Common sense tells you thats pointless.


    But what if we take the oil company who made the largest profits and boycott them permanently? Not just on Monday or Friday but never buy from them again. Dont buy from the store either. It wont take long for the station owners to start pitching a fit and organizing. They wont have a choice but to lower prices. Once the prices hit a number, then we jump on the next guy.



    There is power in numbers. If we as a country unite and say we wont take it anymore, I believe we can do something.



    I dont think the oil companies care if they pay 150 or 500 for a barrell of oil We are just going to bend over and pay what they charge. When we put our foot down, I bet the oil company loosing money is going to start finding a way to lower costs

  17. not looking for the whole "if you are guilty routine, pay it"


    I dont have a problem paying the fine. What I am trying to do is see if its worth fighting to try to get it dropped so I dont get jacked on my insurance.




  18. I got busted in Cobb going a tad over the speed limit :lol: Yeah I know Count On Being Busted. 75 in a 55


    Should I try to fight it or should I just pay it? The ticket has all the radar info including the last calibration date. I know that was one method of fighting speeding tickets. In Florida, there is a whole industry of attorneys who fight traffic tickets. You pay like $75, they go to court, you get no points and you pay a fine but you keep the points off


    The ticket is about $175

  19. Anyboby got any homes for sale with owner financing?



    Check out craigs list, there is alot of investor owned homes as well as what "APPEARS" to be homeowners trying to get out of payments

  20. I noticed that on the sign, too.


    But the for sale sign is still up.





    I went by there to check out the buidling a couple days ago. I talked to a fellow who claimed to be the new owner. He just bought the building and has put in some equipment. He plans on keeping it a BBq and steak place, but changing the name. Nice guy, had an interesting conversation but dang it, did not get his name.


    He said his sign guy will be out soon to change the sign

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