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Posts posted by Cartridge2

  1. one of these days someone is gonna have to tell me about the tunnel


    You dont know about the secret tunnel? Oh shoot, its not a secret anymore.


    Do a search here maybe "Paulding tunnel" There is a old post but in short its just an ongoing joke. Thats how I learned about it. I almost thought it was for real :unsure: :unsure:

  2. I live off of 120 &101 should I just take I-20 or does anyone know a better way?


    Sandy Plains Park (Marietta, GA)

    2977 Gordy Parkway

    Marietta, GA




    I-75 to Exit 267A

    Go East on Canton Road Conn NE 1.8 miles

    turn right on Sandy Plains Road 5.5 miles

    Turn left on Gordy Pkwy Park will be on the left



    Dont you own a GPS navigation unit?



    sheesh, lazy

  3. I was north on 285, just coming off I-20. I looked to the southbound side and there was an 18 wheeler in the right lane, which seemed to be in the on ramp lanes to I-20. There was a couple of those green GDOT trucks and the trailer looked broken. I mean in the middle at the top, it was like a "V", like the middle had buckled or something. I passed it at 80MPH so its not like I had alot of time to look.


    Anyone see this or know what happened. Never seen something like this and I was curious.


    This was Thursday afternoon around 3 or 4 PM

  4. Just so you know, you guys have it pretty good compared to where we lived in FLorida. In our city, you had to buy garbage bags from the grocery store, they were special blue bags. Only one company picked up and had the whole city, a large city as well.


    We spent $30-40 a month on those damn blue bags. However they did do bulk pickup for free every 3-4 months and ANYTHING on the swale was removed, couches, appliances, bookcases, kitchen cabinets, etc


    We use Avery and pay $60/quarter for 2 cans. The only issue we had was they used to come in the afternoon so we got into the habit of putting them out in the AM. Now they come early AM so we are finally adjusting and getting them out the night before. We use two cans cause sometimes we forget to put them out :unsure:

  5. What kind of items are you selling? If it is something retail, it be worth it. I had a membership and I had one service call from it so I didnt renew. But my business was more B2B and didnt appeal to the masses here

  6. Here are my thoughts...i think it is a great idea..accept the part where there will be a room for the parents to watch. In my personal opinion if you as a parent need to do that then you don't trust your kid enough to let them go anyways so why let them?. I think the rest of it is a great idea.


    Well the reason behind that is I heard that at another teen hangout, there is some hanky panky. The room/window is only for the parents that want to know whats going on. IMO, kids are going to hanky panky regardless cause they WILL find a place.


    When I grew up, I guess I was a wild child, 14 y/o and I was out till whenever. At 16 when I had a car, there were nights I didnt come home. And I was not alone. There were no parents at these teen clubs and everyone I knew was out till the wee hours. For the record, I also had a F/T job.


    But I know thats not how things are done here. I want the parents to know there kids are safe and not doing anything they shouldnt be.


    And the room is not for hanging out all night. Just a simple way to come in, observe the place for 10-15 minutes and be on your way. Any longer, you may have to pay the cover too :p :D


    I am going to try to go by the place that LPPT mentioned. Does anyone know if there is a for sale or for rent sign?

  7. Do you have your own place to do this or have to rent, at 20 dollars a teen not much cash flow will depend on your turn out BUT the thought is great!!



    we would have to rent. Thats the key, how may kids will turn out on a regular basis before the fad is over. Cover @ $10 per kid, 150 kids is 1500 per night. Friday and Sat night is around 12K per month in cover charges. Then revenue on food and drinks.


    I heard the Double Vision was opening as a teen club as well but then I heard recently it was not.


    I have pondered the younger teens and older teens. I think we would have to seperate the ages. Maybe instead of ages, we would do it by my middle school and high school. Some nights would be for middle schoolers, some nights for high schoolers.


    I did not think of themed nights. I have thought of encouraging certain schools, like one night might be EPHS night, etc and maybe some nights certain school teams would come in for free.


    We would have to find a way for it to make money during the day as well on weekends. Summer time might be good as kids will have nothing to do all week but I know there is no way we would be open by then.


    When I was a teen in Fort Lauderdale, there were 2-3 teen clubs open at any given time and all they did was play music and serve cheap food and drinks. And they were packed

  8. Me and my wife have been pondering this idea for almost 2 years. And we have seen it talked about here from time to time. I have actually done some homework and we are seriously considering this.


    I have a feeling parents will have a HUGE impact on whether this will be successful. So to put parents at ease, security is a top concern. For one, the place would have cameras covering every inch inside and out. We considered making it viewable on the web but with many different users, that may require huge bandwidth which could get pricey. Second we would create a parent viewing area that would be a room with one way glass/mirror. That way you can see whats going on, but not embarass Tommy or Sally. Plus noone would realy know who was watching. Third we would have security personnel such as a bouncer or off duty cop outside. I just did a quick google search and walk through metal detectors are not much money.


    I think that is a big step towards your childs safety


    I was kind of thinking Friday and Saturday nights would be like a club with a dance floor, maybe some pool tables and obviously some music. During the weekend days, maybe just a place to hang out. I was thinking of having some PS3/XBOX competitions but there may be licensing issues. Maybe also serve some food but that may be hassle with inspections and requirements from what I have researched.


    If you had a teenager what would you expect them to spend a night/weekend? How often do you think they would come?


    I wonder if there are enough kids around to support this? How many teens are there in Paulding of driving age? Of those who would reguraly come? How many parents are going to drop off and pick up their kids 3-4 hours later?

  9. Keep in mind, jail is not prison. Sometimes people sit in jail until their case is resolved. Either they cant afford bond or bond has been revoked. So is it fair for someone who is supposedly innocent until proven guilty to sit in a tent when its 120 outside? Not so sure you would think so highly if it were you


    The animal shelter program sounds good.


    Around here, we always see the chain gang, seems like some are county, some are state inmates. In South FLorida, you hardly ever see them

  10. Pubby, you allow someone to pretty much bad mouth another person at 10:45 PM, ALLOW the thread to run, then lock it 1 1/2 hours later after pretty much 2 pages of bad mouthing. While no names were mentioned, its fairly obvious what the topic was about.


    If you think the thread needs to be closed, you should have have deleted it right there and then, not allow 2 pages of bashing and THEN lock it.



    So where do I get to step in and speak MY mind?


    I am not going to comment on that thread until Pubby lets me know where I can post MY opinion publicily without it getting locked or deleted as he gave others the chance to vent.

  11. Bob Sidney 770-546-5898


    Great guy, great rates, super job. He does several houses and the common area in our HOA.


    Depending on what you need he may not be able to do it. He is in a wheelcchair so all he can do is use his his ride on mower and weedeater. If you need yard work, he cant do it. Not sure of how far he goes but we live by Roses on 101 and 120.


    You may want to post your general area so those close by can give you leads.



    Kids now a days, they want it all for free

  12. Your sister should not have gotten the money back. Only the person who posted the bond, gets it back. First, the bond is not released until the case is resolved. Some cases take multiple court hearings but with a 350 bond, it sounds like a minor charge that was resolved in the first couple hearings.


    To get the bond money back, the poster of the bond must get a copy of the resolution of the case and provide that to sheriifs office or whoever they paid the bond to. Then they may get the cash back or more likely a check will be mailed.



    This is how it is handled in Broward, in FLorida.



    Contact the sherriffs office of the county the case was in.

  13. Out of all the things listed, I think the pens and magnetic clips would stick around the longest in my house. If you need a source for pens, PM me and I will find out who we used to use. The pens were the click type and have worked very well.


    I need your hubby to come by and give us an estimate when he gets a chance. No hurry, it will be a few weeks before we are ready as I know it wont be cheap. Whenever he can get by and take a look, that would be great. But it needs to be done as in some spots getting out the driveway is tough


    I have 10+ trees lining the driveway that have to be trimmed and reshaped.

    2 trees in front of the sidewalked that need trimming.

    1 big (50-75 feet tall??) dead tree that needs to come down

    And if he does bushes we may do that too but I do have a decent hedge trimmer

  14. My sister has a deck built with this material.

    In the summer time (in Ga.) it gets HOT AS HE77!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BURNS OUR FEET BAD!!!!!!!!!

    Otherwise, it is durable and will last a long time but it is HOT!!!


    Thats what we heard. At the meeting a homeowner mentioned a ski school that has this on their docks and they have to run water on the dock all day to keep it cool.


    As far as price, I just know they have budgeted $2,000 roughly a 20x20 area. That is for materials alone. Our community is only 19 owners so we do all the labor ourselves on anything we can. Since the neighbors dont like us, we dont get invited to the work parties. Silver lining to every cloud.


    I am going to suggest getting a sample and leaving it out on a hot day

  15. Our HOA is looking to replace the decking on the dock with a composite material. But the question came up of does the material get hot. Keep in mind this is for a boat dock so there will be lots of bare feet.


    Anyone have this and can comment on this?

  16. That's not necessarily true unless there are multiple complaints.


    By law, they can declare the dog vicious after one attack.


    AR I understand. At least talk to them before you call and see if you can get a feel for how they react. Maybe ask other neighbors if its a chronic problem. If the HOA is community run, maybe you can ask them as well. If it is a problem, then I guess you should call A/C

  17. I wouldnt call AC. Talk to the neighbor, and ask for rabies info and tell them you want to have your dog checked out. If they dont cooperate, then call A/C


    I have a dog that just doesnt like other dogs, primarily males. And he has caused alot of trouble. But he gets along with people, my two kids and my 2 labs fine. He just doesnt like strange dogs, doesnt mean hes going to attack everything in sight


    Did this dog growl or try to bite you while you were hitting it with the water bottle? If not, thats a good sign its not human aggressive.


    I just hate calling the popo when things can be handled w/o them, nothing against A/C. I have called A/C several times to pick up strays that had no collars and I didnt know who the owner was.


    If you do call A/C, that dog will be declared viscious and the owner will have a whole new set of challenges.

  18. I voted yes because I do it for certain people. Theres certain people or colleagues I talk with several times a day and when we miss each others call, we just call each other back. It is pointless to leave a message that says "call me". Waste of time leaving and checking the message.


    But if someone who calls once in a blue moon calls and doesnt leave a message, they dont get called back


    The sales people and bill collectors dont get called back either :D

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