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Posts posted by Cartridge2

  1. You guys should come watch a game...you will be soooo surprised!!


    We will try. Problem is the school games are right before your games. But last year the school did play at Taylor Farm (some schools use TF as a home field) right before some 6/7th grade games so I am sure we will see some.


    I did hear there were some good players on that team.


    Good luck on the rest of the season

  2. As far as I am aware, the team is only 6th and 7th grade. My daughter is in the 6th grade, and I am not aware of any 5th graders on the team this year. Actually, I may be wrong, but I dont think there are any 7th graders either. I think every girl on our team in in the 6th grade.


    LOL she thought she was in 5th grade



    Who is the coach?


    Hopefully we have some good players on the way up cause like Lil Bit said, the school team only has 4 7th graders on it

  3. Why are you getting rid of him? I truly hate it when people do this. He needs to go or else..... <_<



    He has gotten into 3 fights with other dogs in our neighborhood and he almost killed all of them. Since then we have been very good about keeping him on leash, etc. Last night he got out and ran into the street and jumped on two neighbors. He did not bite them and he retreated within seconds but none the less. Had he wanted to attack them, he could have easily done so.


    We just feel its time for him to have a new home. Several people think this is normal dog behavior and not a sign of human aggression. But my neighbors are scared of him and I think its time for him to go.


    I have two female labs, a cat and two children and he gets along with them fine. He is not keen on male dogs, especially when they enter our yard. He also gets excited around strangers.


    He is 6, I have had him for 4 years. I hate to rehome him but I think its the best thing to do.



  4. We need to find another home for our APBT. He is 6 years old, doesnt like male dogs. Gets along with female dogs and our cat. gets excited around new people. Up to date on shots, neutered.


    Needs to go by next Friday or he goes to the Humane Society.


    A $100 donation to the Paulding Humane Society will be required as well as a check of his new home (fenced yard is a must)


    PM for more details

  5. I thought all repo people carried guns....Let me add he should NOT have pulled a gun in this situation!


    I should clarify, the info I posted is info I have come across in Florida and in Georgia. I know repo guys cant cause a disturbance in FL or GA, have been told so by repo guys themselves as well as PCSO. The info about a gun comes from Florida. A repo person told me they are not allowed to carry a gun on them or in the truck, regardless if they have a permit or not, it violates their repo license.


    You really cant have repo guys running around with guns. It would make the situation much worse.


    A repo guys best weapon is stealth. They usually come late at night, pull in, hook and go. Most repo trucks are equipped that the driver does not even have to get out.





    I did a little googling and it seems like there is no licensing of repossession personal her in GA

  6. I agree, consulting an accountant or attorney is your best bet. My accountant advises us and we have 4-6 different companies. They were set up for different reasons, and some were straight C corps, S corps and LLC. Each having its own reason and purpose.


    I cant refer an accountant, as mine is in FLorida, where we used to live and he still does our books. He has been a HUGE HUGE assett to us over the years. He is not a CPA though, and you MAY want to use an accountant versus a CPA. A CPA will probably charge more.

  7. I say Yes.


    I know this issue on the current ballot only concerns pouring but I can not tell you how irritated I get when in the grocery store and they have the whole alcohol lane blocked off. It just reminds me of this stupid law.


    If on a Sunday afternoon, on the way home we stop for dinner and I feel like having a beer, I should be able to have that choice. Dont force your values on me, I work hard for my money and I am entitled to spend it how I want.



    Hopefully this passes, and will be a step in the right direction towards getting rid of this idiotic law

  8. Here is what you do...... SIT IN THE CAR ... if they pull it one inch while you are sitting in it they can be charged with kidnapping. I got that straight from the PoPo's mouth !!!! (don't think I would try this if they are weilding a gun)


    I have been told this too by several sources including a repo person


    Good idea. And the deputy made several suggestions like that too, but like you said the guy had a gun. No car is worth a bullet and whose to say he wouldn't have used it. Yikes! It makes me sick just thinking about it.


    There are several thing that can be done to prevent a legit repo.


    Wow. This is out and out armed robbery unless the "repo guy" can prove later that he was mistaken. Even then it is a horrible thing to do and have done to you. I can imagine the fear your family feels now. Perhaps some victim assistance is needed in the form of counseling to deal with the fear. Good luck to them all.


    No way in hell will he be let go. A repo is a civil matter and even if he had all the paperwork in the world, he is not allowed to pull a gun. In Florida I believe it is illegal for a repo person to even carry a gun licensed or not. I heard when repo cases go on long enough, the lien holder will get a court order that forces the owner to turn over the car. In this case, a sherriff has to assist the repo person.


    Bottom line is they realized it was shady, told the person to take off and they got robbed. They have NOTHING to be ashamed of. They didnt fall for anything, they just listened to a drunk idiot wielding a gun. Alot better you post they got robbed, than you posting they got shot.


    A few tidbits I have learned. A repo guy is not allowed to cause a disturbance. If the repo guy is making a scene or his presence is causing a disturbance, they must leave. They are not allowed to damage property to get the car, such as cutting locks on fences, chains securing car to another object. They are allowed to drag the repo car anyway they want, and they can pick up another car and move it as long as they dont drag it (they have to lift the drive wheels).


    911 sucks because they wont respond to callers about a repo, its civil. If you call 911 about a repo, I suggest you spice it up and attract their attention.




    I hope all works out for them and they dont loose alot of $$ over this. Tell them to be grateful they are still around to talk about it.

  9. You need to get an attorney. Do not speak to the investigator anymore. They seem to be trying to take care of it, but like said, the investigator is a pro and you need someone to make sure you get whats entitled to you.


    Most attorneys will give you a free consultation. I suggest you call 2-3, and pick one you feel comfortable with. This is not a huge case so its in their best interest to get it over with fast.


    I think you are entitled to a little suffering $$$. The manager knew there was a hole there. He could have covered it with a wet floor sign, mop bucket, bread tray, anything but he didnt.


    I am sorry to hear of your trouble

  10. You'll probably get some letters from the local attorneys wanting to represent you. It might be a good idea to use one. You'll pay the fine and the attorney but will not have the 20 MPH over on your record. It's cheaper than the increase in insurance premiums you'll get.


    It's all about the money and where there is money you'll find lawyers and insurance companies.



    Thats the way it works in Florida but apparently not in GA. In GA its a criminal offense and attorneys want several hundred dollars to fight it.


    In Florida, you get a ticket, and a week later you have mail from 30+ attorneys. I didnt need that, I had my attorney's # on a magnet on the fridge :lol:


    I got one a few months ago in Cobb, maybe 20 over. Think it was 70 in a 45 or 55 on Dallas Highway. Was like 175.

  11. Long story short, after waiting since April, I just found out the IRS has issued not one, but two refunds to me. Problem is they were both sent to different cities in South Florida. I used to live down there but this is not a mistake. They were fraudulent returns and were mailed to cities I never lived in.


    So now I have to fill out some form and I have no idea when I will get my refund. With the stimulus check its around $4,000


    My accountant is out of town and will be back Monday so I am waiting on him to see what he says.


    I am not really worried about my credit because my credit is horrible, no way anyones going to get credit in my name. But maybe I need to do something about it for the future?


    Anyone had their refund swiped? How long did it take to get resolved?

  12. http://www.coolnsave.com/



    Basically it creates a mist right outside the coils keeping them cooler.



    uses 1.5 gallons per hours, about equal to a toilet flush



    Anybody seen this, does it work? If it lowered the electric bill thats icing on the cake, but I would be happy if it helped the A/C keep the house cooler on those really hot days when the house cant get under 75 at 9:00 PM

  13. Actually per Pubbys request, I made this post, so I would hope that it stays up.



    Um...i don't think he would be happy that you posted his pm to you...hence personal message...JMO...



    Actually I tried to make it clear that this post was per pubbys request, but some needed a clear explanation of why this was posted.


    Come on people, we are trying to squash the drama


    My bad Tabbycat, no need to worry about yourself. That type of comment I made is what creates more drama. I would edit it, but I will leave it and here is my apology.


    For those of you that dont know whats going on, thats great, its a bunch of crap. For those that do know, lets just move on.


    BTW, I wont go into detail but this latest rift is causing Pubby all types of grief and he doesnt need it.



  14. Call me a mushroom.


    I have a bracelet Jordan made (given to me as a gift), and just yesterday I went and stocked up on a bunch of Scarlet's goodies.


    You only draw attention to something few know much (or care much) about with a post such as this.


    Sad, really. -_-


    If you want it dropped, maybe you should lead by example.


    This is a PARTIAL portion of Pubbys PM sent to the parties involved, so maybe you need worry about yourself.



    "Everyone get the burr out of their ass and carry on like professional business people as opposed to mega-marketing asshats and we go on from here. As this conflict has gotten out there, for me to believe this has been solved, it will require a public posting and PM mailing apologizing for the circumstances"





    So for anyone that doesnt understand, PUBBY ASKED us to make a public notice.

  15. It is no secret that here has been some love lost between several members here. I want to set the record straight and hopefully move on. Right now Pubby is threatening to ban not only JewelrybyJordan but Scarlett Indulgance as well. This is absurd to have so much controversy over an 11 y/o who makes bracelets.


    Most recently, there has been some rumors that my wife reported Scarlett to some govt agencies. There was also a PM sent to my 11 y/o stating that an email was sent to the commerce members stating we were responsible for this. I am going to say that my wife DID investigate Scarlett and "J". I will leave her name as J because it is obvious she wants under the radar and that is fine. Its not my intent to bring her any problems. After my wife did this a couple months ago, she asked me about it and I told her to leave it alone, its petty and nothing was done. Recently she talked to another commerce member that had a falling out with Scarlett and that member told my wife she had investigated Scarlett and J. Thats when my wife revealed that she had done the same. I wont say who because its not my intent to make more trouble, but if need be, I can say who.


    In the course of business, people get upset. I have been in business since 1996 and I have ticked off numerous people. I try to do my best but you know the old saying about pleasing everyone, all of the time.


    So to be clear, we did not report Scarlett.


    I have seen the bantering going on and it just needs to stop.


    I DO NOT WANT TO MAKE THIS INTO A HE SAID, SHE SAID THREAD. We can be here all day pulling posts and all the little comments that various people have made. I have seen alot of the comments, posts and thread bumping posts. I can guarantee that each side can pull a post or comment and gripe about it. Its like a gang war that never stops and eventually nobody knows how it started or why they are fighting.



    May I propose this?


    If you dont like someone, lets just stay out of their threads. If posting in our threads, dont make little comments that make references back to people in the other circle. I honestly believe there are alot more than 2 parties fueling the fire. Same goes for the other circle. We all know whats going, so lets just quit it.


    Seriously, I cant believe how much Sh*& is going on over some little hobbies. I know Jordan is not making our mortgage payment off $15 bracelets. I have dealt with fierce competitors, contracts worth thousands of dollars and never saw such behavior.



    Pubby, we are not trying to give you grief. All Jordan is trying to do is make some jewelry and sell it. I believe Jordan is not the only member here who is in competetion with another member, we should all be able to get along. We apologize if we caused trouble and really would like to just move on.



    ANOTHER FYI. jewelrybyjordan does belong to an 11 y/o. Legally it is a DBA of another legal entity but Jordan makes all the profit. Her mom helps her out and they have attended some craft shows together. Jordan was not able to stay for the whole show as she also plays softball. Jordan and her mom make the jewelry together. Sometimes mom goes and makes some, sometimes Jordan makes it, sometimes they work together. I have heard alot of rumours about this as well and want to set the record straight.









  16. Yes I am the LL. I did get in the attic, luckily the access point was near the leak. But the leak is about 2 feet from the edge of the house and the roof angles down and there is little clearance there. Plus theres a big beam running across the roof that prevented me from looking on the other side. Plus its near the chimmney and a couple of valleys. The chimmney has a wood base around it, like a big box and it doesnt seem to have flashing like I thought it would.


    I would have have been guessing where the leak was and I dont want to start throwing tar around all over the place. My father in law is a roofer and he said it was probably a popped nail. That was before I even went and looked at it. But hes in Florida. Then if the leak isnt fixed, I get another call that the roof is leaking into the master bedroom.


    Better to have someone go and look at it.

  17. I have a rental house in Douglasville by Fairburn and I20. There is a leak in the roof. I took a look at it but it may in a valley by the chimmney and I couldnt tell from looking inside the attic.


    I need someone to take a look at it, repair it hopefully and send me a bill as I cant be there to meet them. Tenant will be there to allow them inside

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