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Posts posted by Cartridge2

  1. Dont worry, my wife used to forward emails like this all the time to me (and our customers) and after about the 5th time of me yelling at her and to use snopes.com , it has ended. She now checks them every time with snopes and what do you know, that little girl really isnt missing and that virus that is going to shut down the world tomorrow at 12:00 doesnt exist.


    One of our customers is the office manager at a law firm and she sends stuff every week that is just like this. I have politely referenced her back to snopes a couple times but i guess she doesnt get it. Oh well she buys toner and pays her bill so i wont mention it again.



    Just remember to check any warnings you receive against www.snopes.com

  2. i have several Linksys routers in various locations with no issues. the one in Florida is several years old.


    I know we have a modem/router combo from Bellsouth in our office here. Maybe ask bellsouth for this new modem/router combo. They should give it if you agree to another 1 year stint with them.

  3. It's a shame that you would say "Stupid Po-Po! If the deputy made a mistake so be it, thats what the court process is for, your time to challenge the citation and it seems like that person who got the ticket has a good case for dismissal but nevertheless to say the deputy is stupid for writing is plain disrespectful and wrong. A bullet can come from any kind of car, man or woman, big or small, black or white or hispanic and from behind any level of tint on a window. I guess the "po-po"( which is disrespectfull) to call them that in the first place cause its obvious you have no clue the amount of training it takes nowadays to be a law enforcement officer, should not worry about anything and treat everyone like they are ms. goody two shoes....not! They are stupid when you do something wrong or you dont like what they did but its amazing how much you need them and then they are your hero when you have a problem YOU cant fix. Like getting your kids outta bed and off to school or answer that alarm call that you set off for the fifth time this week cause you cant remember your code or the argument with your nieghbor cause their dog barks or their lawnmower came on to your property all of these real serious calls that you call them for. Or maybe its because your house just got broke into and you think the bad guy is still there, or maybe its taking that drunk off the road that dosent hit and kill a member of your family or maybe its catching the pervert that just raped that inocent child or maybe it 2pm or 2am and they are conducting a traffic stop because YOU ran a stop sign or redlight and walk up on that wagon with the tinted windows that we shouldnt worry about according to you and catch two bullets to the chest because bad guys dont care if its Atlanta or Paulding County...But you are right "Stupid Po-Po". Its your right to go to court and challenge the citation, dont forget that. Deputys and Officers are human and most do a damn fine job everyday...too bad we dont here about that but you just go ahead and be quick to judge. Mistakes happen! Walk in their shoes, they chose that career and face the danger and scrutiny from the media and public everyday and all for that huge paycheck...Could you do it? I'm sure this post will spark a huge debate but oh well...You should really show more respect, I dont complain if you undercook my fries at McDonalds...Mistakes happen right?


    Just curious, the po-po isnt stupid but made a stupid mistake. So because of his stupid mistake is this person going to be reimbursed by the police department for lost wages because of the court time? Since it was his stupid mistake.

  4. we used an older version of Norton Internet Security (2004) and it worked fine. Recently we opted to upgrade the software versus just renewing the virus definitions. HUGE HUGE mistake. 2 PC's, running over 1 GIG RAM each, just reformatted, came to a screeching halt. dealt with that for a week, then tried AVG which was good but then came across Norton AV corporate version and it has worked well.


    Try uninstalling Norton and see what happens.


    I am not sure if you can run 2 AV programs at the same time? Maybe thats a problem too


    EDIT: you said you share the connection with hubby? How does his machine run??

  5. i was wondering why it couldnt be done at night? Most projects like that in Florida are done at night with portable lighting.


    We drive that way every morning and you could see the progress and it has been a while since anything was done. I assume they have deadlines and financial penalties so they put all their resources into another project. Kind of like robbing Peter to pay Paul

  6. I saw this on Eteamz and thought I should share it here. If you know any of the teams that went, please advise them






    Reported By: Blair Meeks

    Last Modified: 7/25/2007 12:20:22 AM

    rabies scare at a major softball tournament in the Southeast has health officials scouring four states looking for people who might have been exposed to the potentially deadly disease. It happened in South Carolina but at least seven of the teams are from Georgia. There are other teams from South Carolina, North Carolina and Tennessee.


    It all started with a kitten that a coach found in a trash bin at the fields near Spartanburg, South Carolina. They took the kitten from game to game in a cardboard box, but when the coach took the kitten home to North Carolina it started acting strangely.


    Tests showed the kitten had rabies.


    Now health workers are tracking down all the teams that may have had contact with that kitten.


    The East Cobb Bullets are getting ready for one of the biggest tournaments of the season next week. But batting practice may not be the biggest thing on their minds.


    “Did your sister touch it?” asked one player.


    Mixed in with the conversation about line drives and pop flies are the questions about possible exposure to rabies.


    "My sister was the one we were worried about because she loves animals so if she had seen it she'd be like oh my God a kitty," said Rachel Orlandella.


    So far no indications of exposure on the team from East Cobb County. It is one of around 60 teams that participated in the tournament, but also one of the few that played on the fields near where the kitten was found. Health experts said it is tough to get rabies unless you are actually bitten by a diseased animal.


    In this case they're trying to track down teams in four states that could have been exposed.


    “The goal is to find who may have had contact with the kitten, who may have been bitten by the kitten so that we can get them recommended for vaccination,” said Georgia's public health veterinarian, Dr. Dana Cole.


    The youngest animals have an attraction about them. Many people at the tournament petted the kitten in question too. Health investigators are trying to determine just how serious some of the contacts were.


    Here's a list of the seven teams from Georgia that we know were at that tournament: Georgia Heat, Georgia X-treme, Southern Threat, Southern Steele, Southern Rage, Peachtree Ridge Lady Lions and the East Cobb Bullets.


    Local health departments are trying to get in touch with all of the teams and players to see if any of them are at risk.


    The tournament was called the South Atlantic Summer Showdown, and it was staged at four different venues north of Spartanburg, S.C. Health investigators said they are only worried about teams that played at two of those venues, and even among those teams many never even saw the kitten and so are at zero risk.


    Anyone with any questions is asked to call their local health department -- and officials said that all the team members should contact their team managers.


    The Georgia Division of Public Health is asking that anyone who may have been exposed to contact the State Epidemiology Branch at (404)657-2588.

  7. Uh, Meltid, can you clarify this for me??? I have a fenced in back yard, chain link. My little Jack Russell like to dig out and play in the traffic on E. Paulding drive. We have him on a chain, anchored in the ground. He's got food, water, and a dog house. My back yard is shaded 75 percent of the day. Sometimes the little doggie sleeps inside the house, sometimes he stays out on his chain. He stays out during the day, while I am at work, on the chain. When I get home, I let him off the chain until it gets dark outside. The he either goes back on it, or comes inside for the night.Am I in violation?
    If hes chained IN a fence, 12 hours max out of 24 hours
    We have a dog that is considered an inside dog. Now we do have a chain outside. Everyother day or two (three sometimes) we will put him on the chain to hang out. He loves it! He gets to see all the cats and squirrels, bark at slow moving vechicles, take a nap in the sun. So is the new rule saying, because I don't have a fence he can't go out for a hour or two?Or I can't leave him longer than 12 hours? A mean animal coming up to him? That would be his fault? I walk my dog as well and the neighbors put up no trespassing signs! I guess non-dog owners are out to ban them all.
    You and your pooch are SOL. If hes on the chain, unsupervised with nothing keeping tresspassers away like a fence, its illegal


    I am already on AC radar and the neighbors. I have made some mistakes but have now made sure my dog is 100% secure. He is not abused and goes on the chain for 1-2 hours. I have NO doubt when the neighbors learns about this, he will be calling and AC will write a ticket.

    Instead of generalizing and banning chains period, they should have been more targeted on length of chain, ample water, thickness of chain, proper chain setup so it doesnt tangle, shade, etc.


    It's not just about cruelty...it's about the potential danger incurred when other animals or people wander up to a tethered dog.
    So now my dog should suffer because people want to tresspass or cant kep their dogs contained.
  8. Theres a difference in properly chaining a dog and improper chaining. A properly chained dog is a happy dog. A PROPERLY chained dog is NOT chained to a tree or a pole. A PROPER chain setup has an anchor in the ground such as a 2-3 foot hole filled with concrete. This way the chain can not wrap around anything. A proper chain setup is MORE secure than a fence. Dogs can not dig under, climb over or chew throug a chain. A properly set up chain should not break.


    What if I want to leave my dog outside for a couple hours to get some sunshine? What if I am sick and cant walk him at 7Am so i put him on a chain till my headache goes away? The current rule now forbids that COMPLETELY


    My dogs are inside dogs. However we like to give them the opportunity to go outside and get some fresh air.


    Animal cruelty? BS people will find other ways to abuse animals. Now they wont be outside where someone can see and report it. Now they will be stuck in a closet or something. Shade, water, etc all BS. Theres no guarantee of that in any environment unless the owner makes the effort.


    Sorry I cant afford to fence 3 acres. That wasnt in my budget

  9. This is crap. There is nothing inhumane about chaining a dog the PROPER way. Digging a hole and setting the chain in concrete prevents the dog from getting wrapped around anything. It is also more secure than a fence which dogs can dig under, climb over or possibly chew through. It is also a cheaper method allowing more people to do it. I have 2 options, chain him when I leave or keep him in a crate inside the house. I bet he would rather be chained on a nice 10 foot chain (giving him 20 feet to roam) then being stuck in a crate.


    I have 3 acres, nobodys accidentally walking onto my property. I am not worried about my dog getting attacked, I have no doubt he'll handle his own


    Now I just reread some of it and now my dog has to be muzzled whenever outside of my home, even on my property. Why? in case the neighbors dog runs over into my yard?



    I see some BIG problems in the future.

  10. Kids try out for school sports and can be cut.


    Kids try out for travel teams and can be cut


    Kids go to rec ball and will play regardless of skill, income etc



    ANY fundraising in the street is stupid. In South Florida where almost every road is comparable to 278, I believe they made it illegal. A couple kids got hit by cars.



    Fundraising is appropiate. To me fundraisers are selling donuts, discount cards, car washes etc, where you get something of value for your money. I dont think I would send my kids around begging for money. I have sent them in my office park and in front of Walmart selling gift baskets and discount cards though



    I didnt know the animals at the Humane society needed a flat screen TV. glad the money is going to good use there

  11. This car hasnt been driven much lately and I just started driving it cause my other car is a gas hog.


    I noticed the AC wasnt blowing right. it would blow cold, then warm. Then when i got to a stop sign I saw smoke coming out from under the hood. The temp gauge was right and i pulled over and popped the hood and saw smoke coming from the belt area.


    FYI, this seems to have one belt for everything.


    Am i looking a loose belt or a bad pulley? Would the bad pulley be on the A/C unit? If i pull the belt off, will i be able to tell which pulley is bad?

  12. Okay Lesley, in that case I have Direct TV. HaHa I live out in the sticks and they dont have/and wont put cable out my way. :)

    Yes, I want it anywhere. I was looking on some cellphone websites and I couldnt understand the dang thing. I guess I will just have to go somewhere and let them explain it to my slow a$$. lol



    Theres 2 forms of wire less. One is around your house Local Area Netwrok LAN. You can use any high speed internet provider(bellsouth, Comcast, etc) and install a wireless router. Thats where your wireless card comes in. Your wire less card will also allow you to access other LAN's like starbucks or the airport. Some locations require a password or a fee


    If you want the laptop to access the internet anywhere, then you need it from a cell provider. They usually require a 2 year contract and cost around $100 per month. The wireless card you have will not work and you will need a card from the provider. It will plug into one of those little open slots you have. Make sure to check their coverage. I know sprint has a detailed map on where there interent is. Its not like cell phones where service is almost everywhere.

  13. me and my wife were just discussing this seriously the last 2 days. We own 3 cars. I have decided to park the dually after spending $90 to fill it up the other day :angry: :angry2: . I am now driving the focus which is our service vehicle and that will be the car that does the bulk of the driving (daughter to softball, etc).


    I never really paid attention to gas prices but now that tings are getting tight, ouchie ouch

  14. I would like to add at least another 100 amp panel in my garage. I plan on adding some more workshop tools and need the extra juice. My main box is all tapped out.


    Anyone know anyone that can do this or take a look and see if I have the service to do this?

  15. I saw this on the news and found it to be true. There are sites you can pay to get cell phone numbers and the whole billing record with everyone they called. You may have to have the # first. I know I talked to sprint about it and they couldnt explain it.


    I dont know if these sites were shut down



    google find cell phone number, a bunch comes up

  16. I am in desperate need to sell my house. The only thing is that I want to rent it from whoever buys it. IF ANYONE knows of someone who might be the least bit interested please email me. I need to act fast....


    I sent you a PM with my #. I may be able to help and give you some advise.

  17. Banks/lenders ask for a BPO when someone is trying to sell the house for less than what is owed. This is called a short sale and banks do it when the the owners are behind in payments and the house is not worth whats owed. They also get a BPO when they foreclose on a house so they have an idea of what its worth. A BPO is usually only requested by the bank for their own use. A BPO would never replace an appraisal in a loan situation.


    The BPO basically tells the bank what the house will SELL for in its current condition in todays market.


    Joe remember the bank will probably try to sell for more than what the BPO comes in at :)

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