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Posts posted by Cartridge2

  1. nobody is justifying their behavior. I think everyone who has posted here is disgusted with it in some way and and some would be pleased if they dropped dead (some would probably be more than happy to help arrange that). Its disgusting, sick, absolutely.


    But its not up to big brother to tell people what they can and cant discuss. Have you googled marijuana or cannabis forums? Theres tons of them talking about how to grow marijuana. While illegal, that may be a less touchy subject. Do you think the govt should ban people from talking about it while its legal in many other countries and 1 state in the USA? Personally I think the govt tramples on too many of our rights as it is. I understand pediphiles are the bottom of the bottom but if we ban their discussions, then there will be a different bottom of the bottom.


    There is a side benefit to having these degenerates meeting. It puts them in the public eye where we can see who they are.


    Has anyone found out more about this convention? I would love to go and see what it is all about. maybe take some pics to post later....

  2. I had a background that I got online and set as my wallpaper a while back. The other day goofing around I set something else to my background thinking I could easily go back and change it. But when i try to to change my wallpaper, my old one doesnt appear as a choice. Its here on my HD somewhere, I just dont know the extension or folder where it may be to do a search for it.



    From Windows help:


    When you use a graphic from a Web site as background, it is saved in the background list as Internet Explorer Background. Each new graphic you define as a background replaces the old one.



    Looks like I am screwed.

  3. I had a background that I got online and set as my wallpaper a while back. The other day goofing around I set something else to my background thinking I could easily go back and change it. But when i try to to change my wallpaper, my old one doesnt appear as a choice. Its here on my HD somewhere, I just dont know the extension or folder where it may be to do a search for it.

  4. Unfortuneatly TBAR is right. If we start to censor one, who decides were we STOP censoring? As disgusting as it is, it is their right to discuss.


    I think I would have asked the person buying the shirts what it was about.



    But as others have mentioned, theres not enough info here to know what was going on. Maybe the OP said "BLUFF" in lieu of "FU*$" pediphile" which would be a WHOLE different thing. Something tells me if they were pro-pedi, they wouldnt actually use the word pediphile. They would use child love or some crap.



    Something tells me a bunch of people who trade kiddie pics and try to meet young kids online, and are probably using proxy servers and various other methods to hide their identity are not going to meet in one public place for LEO to track them.

  5. I come home and see my neighbor is watering his lawn around 4:00 PM. We are all on wells so water restrictions do not apply to us. This is not a small lawn, the lot is 3 acres and hes probably watering close to an acre, maybe a tad less. Last time he watered the lawn he left them on for 3-5 hours.


    Now I know the grass needs watering but doesnt pulling water from a well still affect the areas water table? And in this heat is the water not evaporating extremely fast??



    Just seemed to me like not such a smart thing to do

  6. your favorites are on your PC. They will be fine and untouched.


    Direct TV..... ummm.... IT SUCKS!!!!! We had to pay a huge amount for a HDTV box that isnt ours to keep and doesnt work right. They know it doesnt work right but its a software issue with all the boxes. We just had to have a tech replace our DVR box as well as it was having issues. I could go on. But we have no choice, Comcast doesnt serve our area.


    We had Comcast in Florida and it was great compared to Direct TV, no huge fee just to get a HDTV box, service was always up, no hardare failures. We lost electric and phones during several hurricanes but our cable worked. So we chilled with our generator, portable AC and cable TV.



    As far as internet speed, something tells me you probably wont notice a difference or very little just for web browsing. I am on regular DSL on a laptop with a wireless connection to my router and at least one other user using at the same time, and my pages load very quickly.



    Hope you have a better experience then we did.

  7. FYI, I saw the sign out front. Nice big sign. In the future I would add open to the public $6/plate or something telling the public it was a public event/fundraiser. When I drove by I just assumed it was a closed affair. If there was a sign noting it for the public, forgive me, I have been in the sun way too long today.


    Good luck

  8. I need to open 4 new checking accounts for 4 different businesses and 1 personal checking account. Any suggestions on banks with good fees and good service? I really would like to try one of these smaller community banks.


    BTW, 2 of my corporations are Florida based, will there be a problem using those docs to open an acct in GA?

  9. sending money iin advance is the BEST way. They get an ID # they punch in at the register and it deducts from the balance. Then the kids are told when low so mummy/daddy can send more. That way they dont forget or loose it, then your kid is eating a cheese sandwich. My daughter went from Union to SPMS and her money balance transferred over the summer. How great is that?


    just remember they usually cant get treats like ice cream from their prepaid account. that is COD

  10. Heres the scoop. We owe alot of money on our corporate credit card, several thousand and yes we are behind big time. Things happen and this whole move to GA has not worked out well. So they say the depositers agreement says they can withdraw from the personal account to pay the past due balance on the corporate credit card. I asked where I signed that and they say no signature, its just an agreement.


    So off to the bank I go tomorrow. The account is already behind $600 cause of this, so I just need to squeeze another 1300 and I will close the account. Please pray I dont kill someone. Screwing with this much money with someone who is barely keeping his head above water can be bad.


    Be loyal, be loyal do all your banking with us. I have 4 seperate business accounts with them and was going to start a 5th for our softball team. Then I have 4-5 various personal and business credit cards, plus my personal checking and savings acct. This is what I get for being loyal, just fing great. I had that money slated for my homeowners insurance which hasnt been paid in 4 months.



    BTW, all you Universal customers, theres a 500$ a month customer fee. I know you didnt sign it but its in the customer agreement. By doing business with us, you automatically agreed to it. I can mail you a copy if you like? You have 10 days to pony up.


    I am SO SERIOUSLY considering filing a small claims suit against BOA and serving it on there HWY 278 Branch

  11. We junked our first Lexmark 3 in one after a year or so and went to a Dell, but now I got a Lexmark again and no problems so far........they only got so much life in them.


    LOL, you didnt go far since Lexmark makes all of Dells inkjets and most of their lasers



    Shut the machine off and turn back on with cartridges installed.

    Shut machine off and using a qtip and some rubbing alcohol, clean the back of the cartridge and the contacts inside the machine where the cartridge rests. Wait till it drys before turning back on

    You mentioned its a little looser, check to see if the snaps/clips that hold the cartridge in, are intact and any/all springs are present.

    Try a new cartridge.


    If out of warranty evaluate the cost of a new one versus repair, repair is usually not cost effective

  12. email him from stoppickingyournose@yahoo.com and tell him how you feel. That way he gets the message and never knows who sent it


    If email is not an option, then type a letter and put it somewhere where he will find, in his desk, etc.



    Unless of course you are trying to be funny about it then the cartoons are great.


    I hate the long nose hairs too. Sometimes i pull some and wonder how in the world they get that long....

  13. The offer you received seems very suspicious. Was this Helen Pearce agent asking you to send the deed to your house to Nigeria? Did she send a photo of herself as being a gorgeous supermodel? I watched "To Catch an Identity Thief" with Chris Hanson the other night and laughed to the point of pain at the poor sap who was sending stolen electronics to Nigeria on the

    promise he'd receive a big payoff.


    Anyway, why don't you write to Clark Howard and explain the "proposal"? He usually has insight on this stuff


    The offer is not suspicious at all. Its a valid method for investors to control real estate using other peoples money. It is completly legal and ethical if done properly and can help someone out of a bad situation


    You may not be in big rush to sell your house. Maybe its on the market and when it sells, it sells. Then theres people who lost their job and need to sell ASAP or at least get out of the mtg payment or you/your spouse got a job transfer and have to leave in 60 days. This type of deal may be a good option for you in this instance with a REPUTABLE and honest company.


    I didnt read the ripoff reports. But I know some honest investors get a bad rap. One big trap is buying someones home, then allowing them to rent it back. That is a grey area and some people may feel like they havent really lost their house, then complain and whine when they stop paying rent and are evicted.


    If you consider this offer, or any others do your home work. What happens if they dont find a tenant? who pays then? think of everything.


    Be prepared to be called by investors and realtors. Buy owner sites are prime targets.

  14. 2nd and 3rd sounds too young. My daughter will be 11 9/1 and I would have no problem dropping her off. Shes a good girl, smart and knows to stay out of trouble. Besides the parking lot issue, the movies really arent a bad place to leave your kids. Lots of people, adults around for any emergencies, etc.

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