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Posts posted by Cartridge2

  1. would the eviction process be different for a lease/purchase versus a rental agreement?


    It can be if the tenant is smart. In texas I believe lease options are illegal.


    The purchase part of the contract can give the tenant ownership rights/claims. There are some horible stories of tenants dragging landlords out and costing big $$$


    The upside is the tenant has all the basic maintenance and pays a big up front fee for the right to purchase later. The fee can be 5-10k and is non refundable. If the tenant doesnt buy after the specified period (usually 2 years) then they have to leave, no refund and you find someone else and get another 5-10k.


    google real estate investing forums and youll find a TON of info and people who have tons of experience.

  2. http://w3.lexis-nexis.com/hottopics/gacode/default.asp


    O.C.G.A. § 43-40-30


    Copyright 2006 by The State of Georgia

    All rights reserved.


    *** Current through the 2006 Regular Session ***





    O.C.G.A. § 43-40-30 (2006)

    So, unless your wife is doing this for free, or her own property, she is in violation of the law.




    O.C.G.A. § 43-6-9


    Copyright 2006 by The State of Georgia

    All rights reserved.


    *** Current through the 2006 Regular Session ***




    So, if she's not a licensed Broker or Salesperson, why is she conducting an auction of a property you posted in these forums?



    Thats a nice quote you put together but you failed to quote what chapter 2 is. Nowhere in your quote does it say a company that buys property for themselves and resells for a profit needs to be licensed. There are thousands of Real Estate Investors in Georgia buying and selling property that are not agents nor do they need to be. we do not represent buyers or sellers. If that was illegal, about 90% of the members of GAREIA would be in violation. Since GAREIA and the Real Estate board have a relationship, I highly doubt the board would allow the general membership to go unlicensed.


    As far as auctions go, this is a round robin style auction and buyers are not committed to their bid, nor are they putting down a deposit before bidding. Nor are we running this for another person. I am not sure of the exact rules on this but I know this style of selling is very popular among investors and I doubt the board would see this in the same fashion as a Williams and Williams auction.

  3. My wife is not a realtor, nor is her company. LJK Properties buys and sells real estate, no licensing needed for that.


    And no, I dont see a problem with it. Having managed property in Liberty City, I think its fine.


    Mama Carol, when you decide you really want to sell, let us know. We'll be happy to look at it and see if there is something we can do.

  4. Well Mama, I see a couple problems. First by law, you need to set a criteria for screening tenants. You cant gut feel it. Second, every adult in the house needs to be on the lease. 3rd you dont make major improvements on a rental house, cause they normally get trashed


    Not trying to be mean, these are just new investors make


    If you REALLY want to sell the house, contact me. My wife also owns www.ljkproperties.com and we may be able to help you get out of the house

  5. If you are going to rent a property, my advice would be to let the tenants know that you are under someone elses authority, if tenant thinks you and you alone are the owner and there is no manager or higher authority than yourself then you are asking for trouble.


    My pain can be your gain if you listen to that advice, I've had tenants who knew that I was the owner and that was that, I was who they had to go to.......




    Very good advise. tenants will ask for weirdest things. Do i have to give first last security, can i pay late, can i keep an extra car, etc etc Plus when you go to collect rent, you simply say " Look, i got a job to do and thats to collect your rent. sorry, the owner will have to start evictions, not my choice"


    SHould the tenant find out you are the owner, tell them you may be on title but you have financial partners that you have to answer to. thats what i did in miami after i made the mistake of admitting i was the owner.


    you want to pass the buck when it comes to tenants.

  6. Dont do it.


    I had one rental in Miami and what a pain. I have also done ALOT of research in REI and am mildly active in it.


    Theres alot to calculating if rentals are a good deal. ALOT of people think a mtg of 700 and rent rate of 1000 is great. Most investors will tell you mtg, taxes and insurance should be no more than 50% of your rent rate. you have to cover vacancies, evictions, maintenance, major repairs (roof, etc) and damage done by tenants.


    check out www.magicbullets.com and www.reiclub.com

  7. We would like to get some telemarketers helping us out. It would be contacting local businesses and selling them toner. keep in mind, this is something they need and already buy. You just would be explaining that our company may be a better option as we offer more value due to the other services we offer.



    It would be straight commission

    Work from home


    If interested, call Judd @ 770-222-4404

  8. you need to contact builders and developers but like any business, they probably already have someone doing it. And you would need a truck, SUV or station wagon.


    the bandit signs which are the "we buy houses" "daycare" "Carpet cleaning" type are now illegal from what i gather. theres another post here somewhere with more details.

  9. As a teacher, I usually don't make a big deal about bathroom use. If a student tells me it's an emergency, I usually let them go. On the other hand, I've had students ask every day, and when I would refuse, they would act out and disrupt class. If there is a medical condition, I ask the student to bring me a note, I have several students who need frequent bathroom breaks. Most teachers I know try to be fair, if you are having a problem, talk to them after class and maybe you can reach an agreement.


    Just like anything. you have to pick and choose your battles. If you have a student that clearly does not want to be there, then let them go.



    My kids do not abuse the system so they have MY permission to use the bathroom when they wish. My daughter has a cell phone and has instructions to call me if theres a problem.


    I dont see the issue, if a child wants out of the class, let them go even if its to use their phone, send text messages or hang out. make them sign in and out of class. Now the teacher has a log and if they fall behind in classwork, then its on the student.


    High school kids are almost adults, allow them to think for themselves. You have some kids in high school that are eligible to enlist and die for our country. The least you can do is give them the courtesy to think for themselves

  10. I dont know your son at all but 15 y/o boys are, well 15 y/o boys. While you are discussing the limits, you probably want to mention if he does go past the limits, that he should be smart and safe. Let him know you dont approve of that, but if you find out hes unsafe, you'll be even more upset. I know thats probably not what you want to hear but nowadays its probably better to be upfront.


    And all that respect stuff and waiting sounded good too :)



    Good luck, I know i have 2 of those talks in the future.

  11. http://www.ljkproperties.com/property/inde...stingsperpage=5


    there a full lsting for the home with pictures. The pictures are old and I wanted to get new ones today but long sory short i ran out of time and didnt get new pics.


    Maybe tomorrow I'll have more and better ones. There was some stuff lying around when i took these so i couldnt get good ones.


    Mods, if i am over stepping my bounds as a commerce member, let me know.

  12. Sounds like a great house --- are you willing to post an asking price? One of my supervisors is in the market.


    well it is an auction event, round robin style. The starting price is 99K but houses in the sub division go for 170-225 so dont expect it to go for 99. I do have a reserve price depending on the situation, (quick closing, standard financing, owner financing, etc)


    I would have him/her check it out next weekend. worst that can happen is they get a killer deal.


    If it doesnt sell next weekend, it will be reposted with an asking price.



    I'll have pics tomorrow and possibly a link to our other companies website if pubby allows it.


    Juleebella, no offense taken. :) My skin is pretty thick, I know you were J/K

  13. We have a 5 bedroom, 3 bath, split level home, located in Saddlebrook Farms, minutes from downtown Dallas. This home has been rehabbed from top to bottom, new paint, carpets, hardwoods refinished, new stainless steel appliances, new light fixtures, new ceiling fans, new garage doors, new door knobs, etc. Even the kitchen sink has been replaced!!! This is a better than house.


    We are having an auction the weekend of April 28-29. Viewing will be from 12-3 PM each day. Visitors will sign in and are encouraged to make an offer on the property. At the end of the weekend we will contact the highest bidders. WHO KNOWS WHAT THIS HOUSE WILL SELL FOR, YOU MAY STEAL IT !!!


    Agents bring your buyers. PM us for %


    Need help in financing or a creative seller? Well we are real estate investors and WANT/NEED to sell this home so we will entertain all creative ideas !!! Lease Option/ Rent to Own possible with downpayment !!!


    We reserve the right to place a reserve price on the house.



  14. I just came back in from watching the procession go by. I felt so sad for all the people who knew and loved her. I had tears in my eyes as they drove by. I am glad I was able to be apart of it. RIP.





    Miamicanesfan av-15459.jpg

  15. Short sales are done all the time. And now that the market is taking the turn it has, especially in areas like Florida, short sales will become even more and more common.


    I am making an assumptation here. If someone owes 200k on a house and shortsales it for 150, thats a balance of 50k. whats the difference if the house sells at auction for 150k or the the bank takes it back and sells it later as a REO for 150. theres still a 50k balance.


    From what I have heard from several experienced investors is, the bank does not pour salt into the wound by pursuing the loss.


    I would go for the shortsale versus the foreclosure anyday.

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