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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. What I thought was funny was the "news" stations reporting from the places where Dems and Reps was watching the debate. Funny how they showed the Republicans looking like they were all executives and the Dems was all black people in a bar. Don't tell me they didn't try to make it racial. They did.
  2. I thank GOD for our Constitution! We have only heard what the police have said. There are 3 sides to every store. His - Theirs and the truth is somewhere in the middle. What happened to this kid is horrible. But you are not GUILTY until you prove your innocence. I have been the first one to say they need to rot in jail... I hope I never need a jury of my peers here in Paulding... I hope they look at getting this case moved out of the county. I never agree with Pubby....but I do this time.
  3. She does...but trust me..she dont' need the exposure. She is bff with Nancy Grace and is always on her show.
  4. The have a jam up attorney in Renee Rockwell. I know her personally...and professionally. She is top knotch.. I'd like to know how the hell they were able to afford her. She never comes to Paulding....
  5. DROP it like it's HOT! Obama didn't do to well without his teleprompter.
  6. Those 2 is gonna drive poor Keith back to drinking
  7. nevermind.... if missed the point that I was making... ADULT.
  8. 0-18 = kid so I would see your logic...but 20 yr old = adult
  9. Unless you have a crap load speeding tickets or points... you never really need to hire a lawyer for a ticket.
  10. Good thing you didn't spend $1000 for an attorney to get a $50 ticket paid.
  11. A friend of mine from high school's husband was just bitten on Sunday by a rattlesnake. He is now in ICU at Redmond. They live in Sonoraville. This is in Gordon County up near Calhoun.
  12. LPPT you are absolutely correct. I have been to a gym many times. I played around on an ellipitical and treadmill, but until I hired a trainer.....AND listened to what he said did my weight loss happen. I have been on Yo-Yo diets and when I say many...I mean it. His diet was really harsh at first...but it also trained me to rethink how I was eating. I still go out with everyone and have drinks. (I saw you at Jalepeno Joes ) But instead of drinking a margarita... I will drink a Michelob Ultra or something with not as much calories as the fru-fru drinks. I do go out to dinner with all my frien
  13. You are correct!! Except its on Tuesdays at 6:30pm and it's $5 for non gym members. I will be there TUESDAY. YAY I am Xtremely excited.
  14. Thanks everyone!!! KRM... I know you can catch all the details on FB...but others don't realize how much I've put into this 'getting healthy' game. WOOOHOOO!!! Go Green!! OH and here is another recent pics...
  15. Here is a picture in March..... I started right after this.... The one in the LSU is me today.... literally
  16. Hwy 92 at Hiram Sudie... Xtreme Fitness. it's $49 down and $19.99 a month OR $15.00 for students/govt. workers. You can add Zumba and Cardio Kickboxing unlimited for an extra $10 a month. Or if you only want Zumba or Kickboxing it's only $5 per month extra. You can just pay for each class as you go. Jeff is the owner and he is my trainer. He is there after 6:30 every day. You can stop by and pick up a free 3 day pass.
  17. In todays economy if a personal trainer is charging $45 they are wayyy over priced.... I pay $25. and that is for a session...which may last a hour...but could be more depending on what we are doing.
  18. I have the same D5000 also...... LOVE IT! easy to use
  19. We have boot camps all the time at the gym I'm at...and it's not a rip off. The ones who will be doing the ones at my gym are S.W.A.T. team leaders and Cobb County SO's. They have the tires and ropes available all the time. I like working out at a gym where people actually like being there and will help you. Even the trainers will help you and not charge you. The owner of the gym is available in the afternoons. This is who I use for training... and he has helped me beyond belief. I have lost 43 pounds so far....and I've went from a size 18 to my current size of a size 10!! Yep! I ha
  20. I was out looking in the woods along 92 for the road widening project for some stupid lady slippers... The plant.. they are really beautiful but they only grow in certain types of soils and certain conditions. They can't be transplanted either..
  21. Tahoe, I've just learned that it's always a no win situation here. All I can do is tell what I HONESTLY do with a project. Not only do I do the highway design, but I also do environmental work ie; noise studies, ecology, and work with the historians on the projects. I think RoadRules explained it very nicely!
  22. I can tell you that in my 12 yrs of doing highway design and in many counties in Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, Mississippi and many other states I have NEVER had anyone tell me to miss this house or hit this house or business no matter who they are.... just ask the past governor.
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