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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. Yes they will strike at all hours of the night/morning. They have to try to get the vehicle without any trouble. FIghts break out and all sorts of things happen. I did repo when I got out of high school with a guy...... never.again. I don't like the idea of them looking in a mailbox. That is illegal. Even if the owners was doing a voluntary turn in and told them they was putting the keys in the mailbox. Most repo services will not have their names on the vehicles. They are usually slingback style wreckers, in black, blacked out windows, and just have the DOT numbers on the vehicle. SOME w
  2. God DID smack him and them with a wake up call. Sometimes you have to be a freakin man and OWN up to what you to. It's called taking responsbility.
  3. I feel sorry for the family here. I would beat him to death if I was worried and had others worried too. Sure, he didn't know they would go to this extent, but come on, with technology today and everyone almost being on FB or other social media outlets....you have to have enough sense to know people will be worried. I can only imagine how I would have felt if my husband, brother or cousin was missing and had ZERO clues. I can only compare that feeling to losing a child in the store and not being able to find them. (lost my niece in walmart) I have never been so scared in my life...she was
  4. He had $1200 from their tax return on him. 1. How did the SUV make it to Texas overheating? 2. How was it rush hour traffic in Douglasville at a red light did a MASKED man with a gun get into his car? 3. How did this masked man know of his wife and exactly where she worked and her schedule? 4. How come they stopped so many times to get gas and he never made a run for it? 5. The gunman told him to go across the street by himself to get a hotel room?? 6. HOW did the gunman know WHAT hotel room he was in? 7. If the gunman told him to
  5. Here is the link for anyone wanting to hear the brother on the radio Bert Show I got $$ that it was drugs and a girl!! Who wants in on this bet? I actually know some of the family...... You can pretty much go to the BANK with my thoughts. No way in HELL did this happen... LET me know when you want me to start with my hole poking in this story. I'd tell him and his wife...or family...there is NO WAY possible.
  6. This is from the BROTHER that was on Q100 this morning...so I'm NOT making this up 1. It was rush hour traffic and He was having car problems and the vehicle was overheating and he was getting out of traffic. The DCSO did stop, but he told him what was going on and got the car started and he went on his way. 2. HE got off the next exit and was at a red light when he heard one of his back doors open. When he turned around all he saw was a gun pointed in his face. The guy told him that he was going to drive him to Texas. He told Bryan that he knew his wife worked at the Sonic on Hwy 5.
  7. Not a Gordon fan...but this is freakin funny!! I even reposted and and so did my dbf...
  8. I could sit here and poke holes in his entire story. No way possible did this happen the way that it did. I am even more convinced after I heard the brother Michael on the radio this morning... I'm so sorry this has happened to the family. I'm sorry they are not getting the truth. I do really feel bad for the family because they deserve to know...if they don't already.
  9. http://www.propublica.org/article/by-the-numbers-the-u.s.s-growing-for-profit-detention-industry
  10. This should be something that is handled when you say.... "I want to buy the land next door too" They do everything for you... they will even have it resurveyed for you. Whom ever is selling you the land and the broker/agent should handle everything. As a buyer... all you should be doing is paying... Let them do the leg work...that is why they make a commission.
  11. I'm just trying to find a jail period that is owned privately? Do you know of any? Jails are county ran....city jails are ran by the cities....
  12. This is something that is handled in a survey. They will do everything for you...filel the plat and all. It can and will still show up as 2 lots on plans... we just put a "Z" line showing that the lots are owned by the same person and will be covered under 1 deed and title.
  13. Paulding Co. jail is NOT a privately owned jail. There is a difference in Privately owned PRISONS....and a jail. Prison isn't Jail....and Jail isn't Prison.
  14. At least I say what I think...that is what this site is for. Am I a skeptic...........yuppp. I got $$ on it he was meeting a girl..or something fishy. It wasn't drugs... he wouldn't have been in Texas for that. It wasn't a mental disorder....
  15. He had about $1200 cash on him.... when he "disappeared".
  16. They can do them at the same IF both parties agree... but usually the custody is different. Most times in Ga the parents have to go to parenting classes. And in this state the kids can decide at 14 where they want to live. IF the other parent is responsible, can provide for the child and wants them...blah blah blah.. My cousin has a set of twin girls (14) and they wanted to live with Daddy.... so they told dad... and back to court they went. My S-I-L and hubby got custody of one step son at the age of 14 when he was able to decide where he wanted to live.
  17. The crawfish dip is off da chain.... I can say that...because I'm from La.
  18. what does that mean? Batched they pulled?
  19. I got mine from Federal today... I filed on 2-22-13. I got my State last week.
  20. I have a that is in Pack 687... he is a Webelo
  21. My federal isn't even saying that...but the H&R website shows it was accepted... The state is going to be deposited on Monday...sorry...not tomorrow
  22. I just checked and my state will be deposited tomorrow... the verdict is still out on Federal... I filed last Friday night
  23. DBF filed same as you...he got both of his back about 2 weeks ago. He used H&R Block
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