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Everything posted by Bradybunchmom

  1. Thank you! This man deserves more than a pair of boots, he deserves some help! If he is getting help paying his rent through Social Security, and military veteran benefits, then I'm sure boots were the least of his problems, because like you said, no one in their right mind would walk around in New York in November barefoot!
  2. Either way he needs more help than a pair of boots!!!! Our Veterans PAST and PRESENT need more help when they come back from war!
  3. EEEWWWWW - burnt popcorn is the worst smell to try to get rid of!!!!!
  4. That is an awesome idea!!!!! I just usually put the fan in the window (backwards) and then use a whole can of febreeze after I have cleaned up!
  5. SIIIIIGGGHHHHHHH!!! I was talking about the green state math! Nevermind
  6. Yea, cause you'll spend Two dollars and 02 cents in groceries for every Two dollars you pay in............. wait, wait, wait - was that the correct math?????
  7. I do remember one year after they had gotten a little older, they had been really bad for a couple of days in a row, I went and bought two small bags of charcoal and set one in each one of their seats at the table (this was a few weeks before Christmas) I told them I thought I would get going a little early and give Santa some help! They straightened up after that! lol
  8. We never used Elf on a Shelf, we used - Behave or get your tail busted and a few times a year, my dad would call and disguise his voice when the boys were younger and act like Santa.
  9. Bawahahaha - I bet both in the same day, considering we are in a Purple state!
  10. yes, it's even better if you eat it on π day!
  11. WWWhhhhhattttt? They're in the closet together???? OOOOO George's wife is gonna be mad!!!
  12. It's all because they parked in front of Fire Door Exit!!!!
  13. That's what I was thinking and then I wanna know where's the proof? LOL
  14. Buy the Mayan one, it will be much shorter!!!!
  15. Good Answer! Unless you've been in that situation, you have no idea what you would do once your flight or fight response kicks in!!!!
  16. Prayers said and thanking God in advance for His wonder working power in your Dads health!
  17. The technology is already on our phones for that very same kind of thing. The newer smart phones have the "NFC" mode on them, I did a little research on that and that is some scary stuff! AMEN!!!!!!
  18. I don't think pie is to unreasonable, considering he's homeless and more than likely hungry! Like I said at least he didn't ask for money or a pint of whiskey.
  19. Well at least on the bright side, he asked for a piece of pie instead of money or a pint of whiskey! (He may have been nervous about wearing those "high dollar" boots in the homeless community for fear of being beaten up and robbed. (sorry - I try to always look at the positive!)
  20. If you want some one local - or semi local, Try Carrollton Orthopedic! Either Dr. Slappey or Dr. Pyrbius. Dr. Pyrbius did my neck surgery last year and he is awesome!!! He and his Nursing Assistant are wonderful. I went in for x-rays and MRI with Dr. Slappey, he sent me straight to Pyrbius (who is VEY conservitive when it comes to surgery), and one week later I was scheduled for surgery in two days, because me and my stubborn self had waited until that was the only option that I had. I feel 100% better and my migranes were gone immediately. I still have nerve damage in my pinky and ring fin
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