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Everything posted by Bradybunchmom

  1. Does anyone know anything about this place? I'm assuming it's a community name, like New Ga or Yorkville, but I can't seem to find any info on line about it.
  2. I sent you a message, I'm just trying not to get ahead of myself. If anyone has heard of a place called Fare/Fair Village in or around Cobb County in the early 70's please let me know. I'm having trouble finding any info on it online.
  3. It just came through on my company cell phone. First time I have ever gotten one of those on there.
  4. For me as a citizen of The United States of America, an avid hunter and a gun owner, it comes down to the simple fact that I am tired of the Goverment infringing on any more of my constitutional rights. There are other things I don't believe in, but it's my body and I don't want someone telling me what I can & can't do with it! What needs to be focused on - is the person - not the freaking gun!
  5. So I just got a call back from the Vendor to tell me that her cousins dad told her right before he died that she had a sister out there who be 40 by now that was given up for adoption. I am trying so hard not to read to much into it, but even my Aunt said OMG - when she saw this other ladies pic.
  6. So I just had THE strangest thing happen. After I read this post yesterday, I went online to download the Update to Consent to Contact form on Ga's Adoption Reunion Registry and have it sitting on my desk. Today, one of vendors came in and asked me if she could show me a picture of her cousin because we looked just alike and even had the same voice. So I said of course and I was absolutley and completly floored!!!! We have the same hair, eyes, nose and smile and are even built alike! Her family is from Cobb County where I was born. I know it's just a coincidence, but the timing is CRAZY!
  7. You have a twin then. I started to walk up to the lady and say, "Hey, are you NC17?" Bawahaha, I'm glad I didn't now. I would love to see you too!
  8. I went to school for 12 years too, but when I was in school, we still had a smoking area outside the Horticulture class, people still carried their guns in their guns racks (on school property), pocket knives and if you got in a fight outside, it wasn't broken up unless it got really bad and afterward, the boys went to the office, got a paddling and shook hands and it was over. My kids now have to face, (this is in every school in Paulding and surrounding counties), gang activity, drugs being sold in the school, KIDS bringing loaded weapons into the school and a barage of other things we neve
  9. Don't give in!!!!! You can do it. Buy a bag of dum dum's and keep handy for days like today, or sunflower seeds, those really come in handy!!!! You should buy a scuba diving magazine, cut the pics out and place them around your house as a reminder to what your goal is.
  10. I bet the attitudes of those kids would change in the schools, then the teachers would be able to concentrate more on TEACHING and less on discipline. You should check into all those teachers in Texas have to go through to be able to carry a concealed in the schools and not every teacher has one.
  11. Were you at the Ingles in Villa Rica yesterday?
  12. Thank you for sharing. I had a great life growing up, but like you said it's the wanting to know where you came from. Awesome story!
  13. Thank you, JGB! My adoption was a private one, and I know the hospital I was born, the Dr. who delivered me, the attorney who did the attorney, but this was all 40 years ago and record keeping wasn't was it is now. My parents have been amazing and did all they could to help. It's so hard to explain to people who haven't been adopted, I'm such a people watcher. I am so thankful for my life and family. I guess I really just want a chance to say thank you more than anything. I do have a peace about it all, I turned it over to God a long time ago and just prayed His will be done.
  14. I understand that, I don't want to disrupt any life that she has now and am aware that her family may not know anything about that part of her past and I would NEVER want to put her in that place. I guess, I really just want to know who I get my freckles from, why my eyes are the color blue that they are, why my nose..... the list goes on and on and I would also like to know some medical info, but most importantly; I would just like to say Thank You, for doing such a selfless thing and doing what she thought was best for me.
  15. This post made me cry. I have been searching for my biomom for 20 years, and have registered with numerous sites and through the Adoption Reunion Reg. to no avail. I have the day and time of my birth, the Dr.s name where my bio was seen, the name of the hospital and the name of the Atty who preformed the adoption. The Dr. and the Atty both are since retired. I was wondering if any of you, went a different route than the Adoption Reunion Reg?
  16. That would be AWESOME!!!!! Please and Thank you! lol
  17. WOO HOOOOOO!!!! Shift South, Shift South!!!!!!!
  18. Prayers said. Look up this song........ "Whose report will you believe" by Ron Kenoly.
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