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Everything posted by Bradybunchmom

  1. Oh- wow that's so sad! I really like him.
  2. Yeah- same here- but a little friendly stalking may boost a girl's spirits. Where's the official pcom stalker when you need here????
  3. I'm glad she's doing good- she was always very polite and nice when I ever I would see her.
  4. Well it's nice to "meet" ya. Lisa was friends with my step daughter yearssss ago when she lived here with us.
  5. We are Adelene Way; I have been here for 7 years. The house with the school bus parked in it during the week when school is in.
  6. how funny is that? We are on the backside of the "hood", what side are you on?
  7. I saw them leave (have the blinds up watching the wonderful wonderful rain) and heard on the scanner that they were in route to Tanner Villa Rica- I was just wondering which neighbor it was. Thanks.
  8. Did anybody here where the Rescue 5 went in Baldwin Hills subdivision? The road is Hatties Fancy. Was listening to the scanner and my 4 kids and the neighbors 2 kids, kinda hard to hear.
  9. Las Palmos (or Lost Pajamas; as my kids say) is right there on 278 in front of Country Inn & Suites.
  10. That must be all the comotion I heard just go by my house. Hope everyone is ok
  11. I have a child there and also drive out of there, has anyone heard anything?
  12. Thanks Mr. Black for all that you do. You deserve the week off. Everyone that I have talked to really enjoys the Friday afternoon "pep ralleys"!! Your sign off last week was great. Cheerleaders employee, out.
  13. Prayers said for this family. May God help them with their pain.
  14. Was just wondering if anyone had heard anything else on possible HHS student being shot?
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