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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. I have no experience to help the OP with the original question but it is interesting you would mention debt settlement companies. I was with a friend this week and she was talking about one of these companies. She said she got a letter in the mail offering her a settlenent of 70% off a credit card bill of $1900+ and said she could make payments of something in the $100 range for six months. The odd thing is she vaguely remembers having a credit card with that company and said it has been several years since she has heard anything from them. She had assumed it was written off years ago. She ask
  2. I AGREE!!! I have always thought Misty was lying and was involved in Haleigh's disappearance. Might be wrong, but what she said just did not add up. That gave me chills when I read "there is a human remains unit on the scene".
  3. I guess I misunderstood. I thought they said the child was last seen at the church in Tucker. I have never known them to run the alert as many times as they have tonight. They must really fear he is in REAL danger!
  4. No, Patty is not pregnant. After she overheard Phyllis trying to talk Jack into cutting his loses now Patty said to herself she had to do something big to keep him from leaving her. (Again, there HAS to be some physical differences "somewhere". ) I do remember Malcom talking about his fiance the last trip he made to GC. Reckon that is who he was talking to on the phone?? I would not be surprised if Dru showed back up - just like Malcom did. I heard a rumor right after Lilly was diagnosed that Dru would be coming back to give Lilly bone marrow and Lilly would be healed. But, looks li
  5. Who are we to judge? She might have just had a yard sale and had some extra money or she might have just had "a feeling" and took the chance. Look at the payoff???? CONGRATLATIONS TO HER!!! (I,too, hope she gets some financial advice. A million SOUNDS like a lot - and it is - but it won't last forever when all her relatives she never knew she had come out of the woodwork.)
  6. The "new" Lauren is Sheila's sister, Sara. She is trying to get revenge on Lauren for killing Sheila and leaving her children orphans. Yeah, Malcomb is up to something and I do NOT like the new one. You KNOW there has to be someone in TV Land that could replace Shemar Moore better than this guy.
  7. I have always wanted to do Jury Duty, too, but have never been summoned. But, I've been told due to my experience in Social Work I would probably be struck. But, I would love to be on a murder trial or something really intersting. I hope you get something good and are picked for an interesting case Sadie. GOOD LUCK!
  8. Just curious............with the crossover story lines of Emily/Patty and Lauren/Sara don't you think their husbands should notice at least "something" different? Voice, mannerisms, one boob larger than the other, shape of toenails, one loves liver the alter ego hates it, behavior in bed, etc, etc?????? Or am I the only one who has questioned this??? OKAY, I KNOW it is a soap but Good Grief!?!?
  9. Doing better than Miley IMO. That is quite an honor tho out of ALLLLLLL the Idol winners and runner-ups the powers that be at Idol asked Adam.
  10. She IS Beautiful!!! But, I am glad I read your post with the photos because I was thinking she didn't look like her mom????? LOL. (Not that her mom isn't pretty, just in a different way.)
  11. OMGosh one of my all time favorite performers - LOVE SOME ELVIS. This should prove to be interesting!! BUT......Adam Lambert is the mentor and the hair is HIGH, HIGH, HIGH!!! Don't like that at all. Ryan's comment about the tongue was cute. :lol: We get to hear Crystal right off the bat.
  12. These are TOOOOOO hard to choose between. PRECIOUS!!!!
  13. I LOVE wedge salad! We are having Papa John's Pizza. Trying to decide between our typical: Tuscan Six Cheese with Spinach Alfredo Sauce in place of red sauce and topped with pepperoni or their current special of an extra large w/ 4 toppings, prob extra cheese, pepperoni, mushrooms, onions and ground beef. Decisions, decisions. For dessert: homemade angel food cake made by one of DH's customers. (It was still hot in the pan when he made the delivery and she surprised him with the cake!) I have sliced strawberries and cool whip waiting.
  14. NO WAY!!!!!! ME TOO!!! I wanted her and Jack to get together and ride off in the sunset when the Series ends.........or at least ride off to live happily near Kim and his grandchild. But, then again they can't have that bc there is gonna be a full feature movie! Jack doesn't want to get close to anyone bc of the danger - but every time he lets his guard down something DOES happen. BLESS HIM!!!!!
  15. What time are you at Spring Fling? (I went to join your FB page but am already a Fan. )
  16. Most of the Paulding Schools take them at the old Courthouse. They are pretty with the fountain, steps, benches, etc. One year DS and his friends had them taken there and the girls were in BEAUTIFUL strapless gowns, etc but they were covered up with big coats. It had SNOWED that morning and was still COLD!!!! Last year the weather was much more agreeable and the pictures were very pretty!
  17. OH NO! I understand completely - I just find myself defending DFCS workers all the time. People do not have a clear understanding what the workers go through. The only thing they want to talk about is the negative and complaints - or the bad stuff that hits the media. No apology necessary. I appreciate everyone's suggestions for help for this mother.
  18. I am not one bit surprised. Good people do Good things!!! I am proud for the food pantry getting his done. It will be much more comfortable for those who donate their time and energy.
  19. Oh My! I am SO sorry and will have her and the family in my prayers.
  20. I saw the video a couple of weeks ago on GAC and loved it. I had forgotten about your earlier post about it being your cousin. HOW EXCITING!!!!! A very moving and time-appropriate song,
  21. that STOLE our ALABAMA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Flag - pole and all - Karma is H***!!!!!!! (I know no one on here did this but I just needed to VENT - DH and I work hard for what little we have and for someone to feel they are entitled to it just because it is outside my door REALLY makes me MAD!!!!!) URGGGGGGGGGGGG Virtual SCREAMMMMMMMMMMM
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