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the real sage

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Everything posted by the real sage

  1. HAHA! I don't even post on here any more but I had to come out & say I love you & you call me any time for goodies
  2. CONGRATS ZOO, I'm super happy for you!!
  3. Heck no!! I have a 5 month old! and no more babies for me
  4. the real sage


    I just sent a huge PM. Please let me know if you don't get it. I will e-mail it to you!
  5. the real sage


    Haha!! I'm thinking it's about something else Pcom has no love for me! I sent you a PM
  6. Thanks for posting this, Katie! This is the way G goes to work!
  7. I co-lead my daughter's Girl Scout troop and I was surprised to see the early cookie sales myself. About a month earlier than last year. Our group doesn't push the girls to sell the cookies. Sales are great but you do what you can. My daughter absolutely loves scouts. Every kid is different, some enjoy sports, the arts, music, etc. Our Girl Scout troop has collected items in the community for recycling, sang carols at the local senior center, and of course there is the camping trips that the girls enjoy. I can't speak for other troops but I know our troop has helped the girls with being re
  8. I know! Good for her!! I need to give her a ring and wish her a Merry Xmas!!
  9. How did you find pictures of my Aunt Patty and Cousin Trish? You're a sneaky little devil on the internets!
  10. I'm done! I just need to wrap it all And my daughter's birthday is Saturday, so I have to wrap her birthday gifts. I am baking her a cake and decorating it in a Twilight theme!! Today I baked cookies and muffins, the girls have already delivered those to the neighbors. Now I have to make baskets for my hubby's co-workers and finish up my mom's holiday basket ... so, wait, I guess I'm not done.
  11. Thank you weatherboy & deewee, Merry Christmas to your family's as well! Merry Christmas to Vito's Cafe!
  12. Let's see, I believe I get what you are saying. I think anyone with or without tattoos can give a good or bad first impression. I don't mind people looking at my tattoos or asking me questions, I am very comfortable in my own skin. I only get my feathers ruffled when people do not give me a chance to show what kind of person I truly am and treat me crummy because of their assumptions.
  13. By perceptions are you saying that you want people to respond with how they would feel if they saw someone with tattoos all over their chest and arms? I'm trying to understand where you are going with this. Are you asking if someone with black & grey tattoo work, such as in the pics above, associate someone with jail. Help me out here ...
  14. Comparing which two? the photos? They look the same to me, a heavily tattooed individual.
  15. Aw, well thank you! I appreciate that! Stetching your ears is a comittment, just like tattoos. Once you stretch them to a certain point, they'll never be the same again. I think people who choose to be pierced, tattooed, or "stretched" need to make sure they are ready for the commitment.
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