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Lady Raider

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Everything posted by Lady Raider

  1. we rode by a couple of weeks ago, it still looks like a pretty good place..
  2. sorry to hear this, I wish you both the best of luck
  3. I hope everyone who likes this place will go before it is closed. feelip must have fainted.... LOL
  4. I have seen these items at the Dollar Tree in Hiram
  5. Good Luck to your friend let us know what happens
  6. prayers for this family... it is such a shock to loose someone unexpected..
  7. That is so refreshing to read... I do not know him but I wish I did.. Thanks for sharing and i am glad you and your daughter made it home safe.
  8. wow I hate that happened I hope you can find him.. I would call cobb police and let them know that the car has been spotted... when and if it is spotted since they are the ones who did the report. Good Luck
  9. I have prayed for the family of Micheal, I am sure his kids are heart broken this morning with out their daddy, He was a son, brother, daddy, my prayer is that his family can find peace with his death.,
  10. I am sorry to hear this... Lawd where is Feelip?
  11. I have not seen foto girl... check with Hair Razor that is her sister.. and what is up with you cooking for her like that? LOL
  12. I feel the same way you do... Great post!!
  13. A lot of people starting to gather in front of the hosiptal.. HLN has just said he has died..
  14. CNN just reported he is in a coma
  15. Family has been called in, some are on the way some are already there
  16. LOL I am flipping chanels trying to find out LOL I have heard nothing on cnn, hln, chanel 2. They are all reporting he is still in the hosiptal, and his father said he is not doing well.
  17. I am watching 5 now maybe they will tell it again.. That is unreal he is one you never think of dieing... just like Farrah it has been a suck egg week for deaths..
  18. HLN is reporting he is in the hosiptal, no news of his death what chanel are y'all hearing about his death on? CPR was performed on him, when the ambulance got there he was not breathing.. The father said his son is not doing well
  19. chanel 2 is reporting he is still hosipalized, and his lawyer knows no update.
  20. chanell 2 is not saying he is dead... they are still following the news..
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