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Lady Raider

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Everything posted by Lady Raider

  1. Anita it was nice seeing you today as always... Thank you so much for the Ribbons... I will put them (pink for Breast cancer and Pearl for lung cancer) on my bike Helmet
  2. I was at mama's and it was thundering, and came a few sprinkles.. nothing here in new hope, just cloudy
  3. that is not good... someone was burning something around our house last night and the smell was so bad we had to let the windows down.. it is to dry to be burning right now.
  4. I know you miss your son.. I have 3 nephews that are serving.... and I pray for their safety everyday.. do you get to talk to your son much while he is gone? I am glad y'all had a good time while he was home.
  5. looks like that whole weekend will be for trick or treating
  6. That one I have not heard of... good lawd what is going on with all of our kids these days...
  7. if I had to do that today it just would not get done.. that may be one of those things put off till tomorrow deals
  8. someone mentioned this place to me this morning and said it was a little on the pricey side so y'all let me know what y'all find out I have not been yet.
  9. is this the one that was with his girlfriend? if so there is a topic on here and I do not know if they have came home or not. and then there is Brandon he is home now
  10. I think to many people can be a headache LOL when we go on just regular weekends they have just about the same thing as they do during applefest except less people..
  11. The pies you made were sugar free right?
  12. yes he is... he was very helpful with us on sunday... super nice guy...
  13. I was asking in my topic if anyone went.. we did not make it.. kind of glad we didn't now, we have been going on the weekends and just hanging out at the orchards and apple barns.. and walking through the town..but from the sound of it, this past weekend was not the weekend to go. I have heard it was crowded... we may wait until the apple fest is over and then go.. did you get any fried pies? congrats on the weight loss... that is awesome..
  14. I mean no disrespect but...Freebird I am sure if you are that concerned about it call Sam and question him about this issue I am sure he will talk to you I agree that this whole topic was started to do sam harm. but I am glad it has turned out the other way.
  15. I wish I could talk them(DOT) in to making a right turn on to Mt Tabor then another right turn and pave this dirt road LOL no complaints here... I know everything takes time. just think of how smooth it will be when they are finished
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