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Lady Raider

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Everything posted by Lady Raider

  1. I was sitting in the doctors office yesterday and they had 2 tv's on.. one was a house fix up show and behind me I kept hearing the title of this thread.. I was like what the heck is that LOL
  2. santa also fixes cars what more could you ask for
  3. I am sure the lay a ways will be used this year.
  4. Did you google? I seen some cute ones from google.
  5. Did y'all know that if you keep potatoes in the frig they turn in to sugar faster?
  6. ok Test are done and now the wait begins... 2 to 3 days for the results... Thanks for all the info you all gave me it was very helpful..
  7. Just a heads up something I learned.. if you click the little red box by the topic title it will take you to the last post.. it took me a while to learn that one but it will take you to the last post in the topic that you have not read.. Good Luck and again welcome to pcom..
  8. I made it without hurting anyone.. I came close though when they told me the orders had not been sent yet and they gave me coffee before I even left the office
  9. girl let me tell you, that test is at 1:00 I have to drink the water and hold it so no tinkling for me until test is done.. and then someone better get out of my way.. and tell me were the bathroom is before they even start the test I think it is just caffeine withdrawals wish the ones luck doing the test ok on my way.....
  10. I really want some coffee.. but not until after the first test.. then I have to drown myself with water for the next test. **rubbinghandstogether** not long until I can have some coffee..
  11. now I gotta go find a purple shirt to wear
  12. I love raw potatoes if I eat one cooked it is usually a sweet potato with nothing on it.
  13. I agree... little things that use to be important to me like keeping a spotless house, and keeping the grass cut.. now wait while I enjoy my time with my husband and family. with age comes more freedom and wisdom.. home paid for, cars paid for, things that we have worked hard for all our lives and we are truly enjoying our selves. I am Thankful everyday that I am a day older..
  14. if I had of thought about it I owuld have put my bladder and pelvic ion the women's forum
  15. I have used sports source Rodney's West Metro Meat Market Taste of Dixie GT Crafts sew it seams The UPS Store The Endless Yard Sale Birdmom's thrift store Brooks salvage Pinnacle Heating and Air Ragsdale heating and air PAK Medical The Friendly Geek The warehouse clothing store Nemie and steve pet store Paulding Sporting Goods The Island Tan Taylors Pals In Granny's Footsteps Southern Scarlet crafts Cregg Hatch Insurance Wallace's Hickory House Clark Ambulance (family) Sparkles Family Fun Center Eberhart Funeral Home (family) I think that about covers it
  16. I have the pain in the back, my stomach area right below my rib cage on right side, my shoulders and shoulder blades on both sides. sometimes I get sick at my stomach for no reason. I guess I should have paid more attention but I just chalked it all up to working out maybe I was doing to much and just was sore from that. my shoulders hurt me sometimes so bad I can not even turn my neck hardly.. I thought that maybe a pinched nerve. did yours do that? That sounds bad having one rupture
  17. wow Thank you for so much information.. the pelvic ultra sound is after I have the stomach ultra sound.. I do not know which pelvic test it is, all I know is that I have to drink 32 ounces of water and hold it until the test are done.. so what do you think? my eye balls will be floating LOL The abdominal ultrasound is for the gall bladder, and liver, she wants to check my liver also. Thansk again for all the info.. I really appericate it. I would rather hear all of this from someone who has been through it then to just read about it on the net. so you think they should be able
  18. The doctor also took blood to check my pancrease and thyroid she said she wanted to check it all while she was checking it. I am going to paulding imaging center at 10:45 in the morning, and then after that test I will have the pelvis ultra sound
  19. go to the last page of grab bags and that is the latest posting.. if June is the latest then no one has posted anything in there in a while.. that forum is for un paying members who have items to sell. paying members can post in got the goods so they make their own topic. welcome to pcom
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