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Everything posted by ITMFA

  1. He will get confirmed without much fanfare. Trump would love for him to be rejected so he could put up a worse choice. That's not going to happen.
  2. Yeah, you're the one burying your head in the sand pretending an immigration bias doesn't exist while attacking people for wanting a better life and to escape persecution which is the reason why everyone came here from somewhere else. Even Trump acknowledged his preference of Norwegians over people from "cheezehole countries". For you to pretend there is no bias just puts you one display for being the kind of person your are. :crazy: http://www.latimes.com/opinion/opinion-la/la-ol-norway-trump-immigration-20180111-story.html
  3. You have the PRIVILEGE of knowing only one process. Must be nice.
  4. Yes, let's just ignore that some people have an easier and faster track to citizenship than others. There is a hierarchy to citizenship. Just like Cuban refugees that make it to Florida are welcomed and Hatians are pushed back out to sea. It is always easier for some immigrants to be processed over others. Europeans and Canadians have the least difficulty being processed.
  5. You mean like stealing an entire continent, committing genocide and then saying that talking about the theft and genocide is race baiting?
  6. I know a Canadian that is a bigot. He wants to shut the immigration door behind him and his family.
  7. You've made similar claims before. You were wrong then and you aren't getting any warmer. It really pissed you off when I inboxed you precisely who you are and you couldn't do the same. It's always nice to be able to put a face with your comments. Trading in a hood and robe for a suit doesn't end racism. People that bitch about "race baiting" usually practice covert racism. Topics of race probably make you feel uncomfortable for a reason. Now imagine those that have no choice but to live with it every day of their lives because they can't run from it.
  8. There is only one race, the human race. You are correct, but do you really believe what you are saying? Your enlightenment seems disingenuous to me but hopefully there are many that will take your words at face value. The Southern Aristocracy was rich but few southerners owned slaves or land. 99.9% of those that actually fought and died for the confederacy didn't own slaves. They fought for the right to say they were better than someone else. Wars are started by the rich fought by the poor. It's like LBJ said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored
  9. There is no shame in the exhibits. These exhibits are celebrated not scorned. If you actually believed the bullcheeze you spew, you wouldn't say TP is race baiting. Remembering a racist past is also a lesson to study to avoid repeating. Says the guy that regurgitates Republican talking points about hate as if he originated them.
  10. Are you advocating for political asylum for her and others like her? Good for you, mrshoward. I never thought I'd see the day.
  11. So it started with the 2 previous administrations, or before, and ended during that last administration? Then restarted with the current Trump Administration?
  12. No one has to mention Dems and you drag them in it anyway. You and this hyena have a lot in common don't you?
  13. You're supposed to say both parties suck. Being the good Republican that you are, you didn't do that. You might be able to see better if your head wasn't up the elephant god's ass.
  14. Oh look a snide comment from Mr. Positivity.
  15. Why don't you move to Europe? Are you a stalker trying to figure out my identity too? For the right price we can end the speculation and you, GD and I can take a group picture. TBAR is a helluva lot more polite than I am. I don't think you revise history at all. You're just a flat out liar that projects in my opinion. Politely put, you are disingenuous and have no shame. If we were face to face, I'd probably be a lot less polite.
  16. As far as slavery goes, you can't sell that which has no market. Is it a case of sell others or be enslaved yourselves? If you are the first inhabitants, you aren't stealing, you are "discovering". Europeans can't discover a place that has already been discovered thousands of years prior to their arrival. They stopped getting along when Europeans decided they wanted it all and that might makes right. Violating treaties and provoking wars similar to the Israeli land grab from the Palestinians. Even Polk stole Texas. Your revisionist history is pathetic. We got a head start from our
  17. It seems to be more about Disney than it's subsidiary, ABC. Disney's image is family friendly and global. Roseanne probably had a clause that had no tolerance for resurrection of her past antics.
  18. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. -George Santayana Very sad.
  19. You live in a stolen country. Did imperialism and colonialism never happen in the Americas, Middle East, Africa and Asia? Did slavery and genocide never happen? Revising history much?
  20. If GD says it, it's a comment. If I say it, it's an insult. Are you being hypocritical? I see your wingnut and raise you one lunatic.
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