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Guard dad

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Everything posted by Guard dad

  1. Good grief! Obviously, you guys are not interested in the truth
  2. He's following the law, it's called Exact Match. But I don't expect that you would actually know any real facts like that.
  3. Soooo, people in Paulding don't have access to the internet or TV? No radio either? Or do you just think that we are too dumb or can't think for ourselves? Boy, you're really endearing yourself to the people of your community. Maybe that's why you got three whole votes when you ran for office.
  4. It's "couldn't care less". And I suspect that there are several here who would qualify, but I won't go into details.
  5. Why are you always a dick?
  6. Because he isn't a Socialist Democrat being paid for with Soros money. Didn't you guys learn anythong by running Hillary?
  7. I wouldn't know. All I do is post facts and figures. That this makes you look like a fool is not my fault.
  8. Ask a flawed question and you don't get much of a response. I posted a factual news article. You just don't like it because it's more evidence that your party is losing. And you're trolling again.
  9. You stated above that Kav wasn't qualified. The ABA stated that he was highly qualified. So yes, you think you know better than the American Bar Association. Pretty arrogant of you, pubs.
  10. https://www.npr.org/2018/10/05/654417887/u-s-unemployment-rate-drops-to-3-7-percent-lowest-in-nearly-50-years?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=202805
  11. Apparently pubby now thinks he knows better than the American Bar Association. Wow!
  12. Really? https://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/uncategorized/GAO/2018-8-31-BrettKavanaughratingletter.authcheckdam.pdf Put down the partisan crack pipe.
  13. That's your party's symbol.
  14. Gonna be great when the Dems get crushed in the mid-terms. I'm buying stock in crying towels for the P'Com Dummycrats.
  15. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fox-news-poll-republicans-make-gains-in-top-senate-races
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