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Guard dad

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Everything posted by Guard dad

  1. ...bringing black workers back into the labor force. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/04/06/bet-founder-trump-economy-brings-black-workers-back-into-labor-force.html?fbclid=IwAR3tLZS-y9naVAJy1wcOnGdublwSQ_NhFfj9CiUa9hkt34RLDKV9SXuBa0I
  2. Come on, Cain. Can you NOT start crap in at least one thread? It's obviously a fake picture and my post is in jest.
  3. Not gonna do this with you Cain, it'll just be another thread that gets shut down.
  4. Ummm, that was my thread, and you got it shut down with your hate.
  5. I only gave back what I received, and your recent PM to me stepped way far over the line. Even so, I am going to do my very best to remain civil, so if you are intent on continuing the hate, it will be on you.
  6. Ya know...you can disagree and debate without being nasty. Oh and, everything I posted is 100% correct and verifiable.
  7. If SS was abruptly cut off, it would be very bad in many ways. But seriously...no one is even remotely suggesting that. Some, such as myself have suggested that we might begin to phase back out of Social Security (it really is a rotten deal for us), but that would not keep people who are currently drawing or soon to be drawing from getting theirs. It would only people in the future. We made a commitment to the people who have paid in to the system and there is zero doubt that we will keep that promise. If anyone is telling you that SS will just be cut off, they are lying to you and us
  8. Cain - It's fair to point out that if you're that concerned about how far our money goes, then perhaps you should be concerned about tax increases from certain candidates. Ms. Abrams has clearly stated that she will push for a massive tax increase in Georgia, and the minority party has also said they will try and raise taxes if they regain control of the House. This would impact our actual spending power much more than the factors you posted.
  9. Good news for all Americans! https://www.cnbc.com/2018/10/31/wages-and-salaries-jump-by-3point1percent-highest-level-in-a-decade.html?__source=sharebar
  10. You and I rarely agree, but I'm right with you on this one. Cain has had a thing lately for putting people down because of what they do for a living. Whether one shovels poop all day or is a brain surgeon; working for a living is honorable and no one should be criticized for their occupation (well, so long as it's legal).
  11. The people that own the Moe's franchise it. The husband died of cancer and the wife runs it now. She was always involved in it. As to your question, I don't know.
  12. The scary movie thread? Sorry, I haven't gotten to it yet. Crazy day!
  13. Dude, that's animal cruelty! Confucius say: "One must have mind before one can lose mind"
  14. I'll translate for you... "We need government to do everything for us. Neither individuals nor private business is capable of accomplishing anything good, only government can do that. Government must take care of us and nurture us. Only government can spend money properly. Government is our mother once we exit the womb. Government, government, government. Oh and, only Democratic government."
  15. Potentially good discussion, but please start a separate thread for it. Thanks
  16. You're just showing your own butt.
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