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Guard dad

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Everything posted by Guard dad

  1. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/jobless-claims-fall-10000-to-lowest-level-in-nearly-49-years-2018-09-06?mod=mw_share_facebook
  2. Well, that's funny because everyone that knows me, reads me either on The Hwy or Facebook knows that I haven't supported either party in many years. And many of them post here. So that makes you the fool. it's extremely clear who the partisans are here, those of you who are filled with hate toward Trump.
  3. I think he just gets his cookies by bitching and complaining.
  4. pubby Things like highways and canals are spelled out in the constitution. There are necessary functions of government, and those are not to be confused with entitlement programs. You trumpet Social Security, but it is one of the very programs that is breaking us. Why? Because of the same reason that government shouldn't get into any of these kinds of things....politicians can't keep their hands out of it. The more money we give them, the more they use to pander and buy votes. No matter how you spin the Venezuela situation, it's because of Socialism. IT DOES NOT WORK!!! “The prob
  5. Tax cuts and regulation rollback, as well as confidence in the handling of the economy. Even a dummy can see that we had eight years of a dead slow "recovery" (I'm being generous), and then mere weeks after Trump took office the economy exploded with growth. Trump might not have done everything right, but he's dead on with this part.
  6. Jobless claims lowest since 1969 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bloomberg.com/amp/news/articles/2018-07-19/u-s-jobless-claims-dropped-last-week-to-lowest-level-since-1969
  7. See...there you go with the "support this administration" stuff. I don't think all of us "support" Trump, we're just not haters like you and we can see that some of the things he's doing are the good things that are bringing about positive results. To read your posts; one would thing that Trump has not done one t hing correct and he's screwed up everything possible. That simply isn't true.
  8. pubby Is it possible for you to respond to anyone without insinuating that they are someone's follower? I mean...I realize it's hard for you to fathom people using their own minds and thinking independently, but it happens more than you know.
  9. The Democratic Party has gone completely over the cliff for Socialism, they want to make the United States a Socialist country. They are dismissive of the fact that Socialism has failed or will fail everywhere it's been tried; the Democrats constantly ignore reason and common sense in favor of their ideological experiment that goes directly against the very nature of man. We all know what has happened to Venezuela because of Socialism, and Mexico is likely the next South American country to suffer the same fate. Europe is having rumbles of civil war because of Socialism and the potentially
  10. After 39 years of marriage, some of them being lean times, I'm pretty sure money is not a factor in our relationship. But it's just like you to think women only care about money.
  11. I don't have a second anymore. I only kept one for tax purposes, and they are no longer deductable so I paid it off. But you wouldn't understand things like that anymore than you would understand having a beautiful wife who loves you.
  12. Thanks but the only debt I have is my mortgage and I could pay it off now if I wanted to. I need the tax deduction. Besides, I like working. It gives me something to do so I don't become a bitter and angry old man.
  13. Just had one, thanks. Got sweaty working. You should try working some time, it's good for you and if you work hard enough you might not need the government to take care of you.
  14. Your ignorance is not my problem.
  15. There has been a lot of troubling info come out about most of the "big" charities. I usually try to give as directly to the source as I can, bypassing most of the opportunity for monkey business. The Georgia Baptist Disaster Relief has a great record. I friend of mine served with them for several years and he had nothing but good to say about them. https://missiongeorgia.org/georgia-disaster-relief/
  16. Standing against hate is not crying. It's doing the right thing.
  17. Since he's a partisan and I am not; that proves you are wrong. Of course, you're also a partisan.
  18. Oh boo hoo! The big bad bullies. Your post makes you look like such a snowflake.
  19. Then you are Demonstrating your blind partisan loyalty.
  20. You gonna look so silly when it doesn't happen.
  21. pubby I'll remind everyone again that we were given the real choice of either Hillary or Trump. Between the two, I absolutely think Trump was the better choice. At least the man understands economics and has the balls to deal with the rest of the world. Hillary would have been a disaster of Biblical proportions. Trump's gut instincts are likely better than the best Hillary could offer us. Note: I stated that we were given the choice of those two...we the people didn't select those two nominees, the media put Trump in and Hillary rigged the primary so she could get the nod. And seri
  22. Evening, Cain. It's date night and I have better things to do than read your stuff.
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