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Everything posted by nschur

  1. While I do understand your view, I will take the opposite stance. My son is not autistic but he is all over the Aspergers spectrum. And with his ADHD, ODD and now bi-polar diagnosis I will say life is going to be a very hard road for him. You say that you can not imagine life without them. The bigger question is can they imagine a normal life where they are not "disabled". If it was not their specific egg that was born it would likely have been another so there would likely have been a person in that spot only different. I would strive for the healthist of children. You can not miss someone yo
  2. There is the premarital blood test but that does little I think except to rul we out STDs and being blood relatives.
  3. Yep... opinions are like @$$ holes... everyone has one. Wh at gets me is arguing an opinion as if it were a fact. I understand your opinion but please understand the facts. I usually will state outright if something is " my opinion". I do like a good debate but sometimes it is not wise to deb as te an opinion. My favorite color is blue. You can debate the merits of other colors but tryi ng to make me change my favorite color probably won't get you very far. As far as the can / will debate... that goes to the very core of ones personal views. Optimist, pessimist or realist. Most have an
  4. This scsm is aimef at folks like me. I'm kind of OCD about my phone. Ut really goes against my nature not yo return the call. I know I shouldn't but my first inclination is to csll right back.
  5. You could do what I do with my "yard anchors", I collect them for a while and periodically donate them to a very needy bunch that greatly appreciates them and puts them to fitting use. I give them to the Hiram Animal Hospital for there clients to pee and poop all over. I don't even take them out of their little bag.
  6. Some if you may have heard about it. Basically someone calls you from there and lets your phone ring once. Then hangs up. The hope is that you will call the number back. That is when you get nailed by the fees and such that get charhed to yoir account. I have now had this happen from 2 different numbers. No I did not call them back, I already knew about the scam. Anyway those numbers were 2687620024&0026. DO NOT CALL THOSE UNLESS YOU WANT TO PAY $$$. I added those to my call reject list but wanted to expand upon it to catch other new numbers. Since I do not generally get legit calls from t
  7. Gotcha... no... don't make them use vacation days for that.
  8. I'm sure they would be happy to credit you the $1.25 for that weeks service.... Sarcasm aside In general though I agree, they should do that automatcally even for that small of a refund. To them it adds up to a big bonus. Less of coirse extra costs they incur for bringing in extra trash and putting extra crews out there to handle the extra loads. A truck only holds a given amount and must then be dumped. I just do n ot see this as a big win for them by not servicing those folks during that week.
  9. I'm familiar with Karron. I was friends with the two boys that lived in the house right across from Karron on Lewis. Last name Wright. I also wrecked a car right there as a person turned around right there in the road over the hill on Lewis.
  10. I lived directly on Brownsville Rd. On the North side of the road by Mann. Right as you crested the hill, my house had the white gazeebo in front of it.
  11. AMEN!!!! COMMON SENSE AND PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Does anyone else here remember the story about the guy named Someone?
  12. In 93 I had just bought my first home. When the ice hit we lost power. Typical. What got me was that the area between Hiram Lithia and CH James haf power restored like the next day. I was about a quarter mile the other way on Brownsville rd and had to wait a week to get power back. WTH?!? I literally could se peoplw with power from my home but could not get mine bsck. Frustrating!!
  13. I think GD's point was thst there msy have been another group of kids they needed her to pick up. Whether that was actuslly possible is debatable. It may well have been better for her and the kids to shelter in place rather than go out. I know that I am allowed to question a directive once then I must obey it if it was given again. Other than that I face a reprimand of up to termination. But it is always better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
  14. They were fine yesterday. I would expect a few slick spots this mornibg though.
  15. After 2011 THEY passed a law yhat says the government CAN REQUIRE semis to use snowchains before entering Atlanta. There has been a longstanding law, way back when I was still that newbie you remember, that prohibited through trucks inside 285. Basicslly they can not go inside if the do not have business inside the perimeter. I do not think that applies to any road other than interstates though.
  16. I was wondering if they opened up the new portion of Bill Carruth to let traffic go around Hiram. As far as I know it is basically finished.
  17. I was thinking about those earlier. I have to wonder if they have included the concept that gasoline anywhere near the interstate will disappear immediately and that at the same time drivers trying to get gas will be clogging the exits and cars that run out will block the roadways. I have to wonder if they have plans to bring tankers and crews for traffic and dispensing onto the interstate and place them strategically along the road. That way you could get gas quickly and keep moving. But then again knowing the public like I do I would expect people to rely on this and to take advantage of it.
  18. I could swear I just heard that we will be seeing a warming trend with above average temps for the next couple of weeks. WTH?!?! I could swear I just heard that we will be seeing a warming trend with above average temps for the next couple of weeks. WTH?!?!
  19. Ok ok... I get it. You ladies are far more flexible and talented with a cup than I EVER could have imagined. So this begs the question... next time she asks for a pit stop, I can hand my wife a cup and tell her most women don't have a problem with using this. **** running for the door screaming now...C ya ****
  20. My son did not leave Abneyl until 3:30. The bus driver called me about 4:30 saying they were stuck in Hiram. My wife got into Hiram a little later coming home from work. I had her get my son off the bus still in Hiram at 5:30. It only took her 6 hours to get home from there. But between us and the other parents, the kids were all off the bus by about 6:00. But seriously... not getting on the bus until 3:30. I agree the BOE made a bad decision for an even worse reason but that is as far as I will go with it.
  21. Maybe I misunderstood the jest of your post. What I took away from it was that an apology would not have mattered at all to you and that you were done with their incompetance. It did not matter if it was the first or fith time they scewed up. Again...that was MY take on your post. Please advise if i misinterpreted it.
  22. With that kind of attitude why should any pilitician EVER apologize. As soon as they make a mistake they are done. Wonder how all the average folks go through life never making a mistake....
  23. I'm just wondering about next time. I see the BOE closing schools " just in case". Then nothing will happen. Then when the schools have to give up the winter break I predict a WHOLE BUNCH of BIOTCHIN because the BOE should never have closed the schools because nothing happened. Seriosly... when are folks going to realize that life is unpredictible. Weather is very hard to pin down and made to cooperate with what you want it to do. With that said we just need to accept we are all human. We make good calls and bad calls. We should NEVER allow ourselve to come to the point where we just accept wh
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