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Everything posted by nschur

  1. As a medical person my first guess would be that one may be a BASIC only while the other had a Medic onboard. That does not change the call type but will change the ambulance type itself. If I had a choice I would choose Puckett every time. That my personal opinion. If that was not the case the different service providers may have negotiated different rates.
  2. She was the first person to bring an Anita to the US. given to her by the Emperor.
  3. What a stupid comment. HELLO.... they are 10 and 13 years old. The foam rubber handles and pads are disintegrating. That makes them dangerous and uncomfortable to use. And your insurance rates are so high because of all those folks who have NEVER PAID THEIR OWN BILLS AND NEVER HAD THEIR OWN INSURANCE . I ON THE OTHER HAND HAVE ALWAYS HAD MY OWN INSURANCE AND PAID MY BILLS. And guess what.. when I paid my bills I paid a large chunk of theirs as well as you did, providing you have insurance and pay your bills.I have no knowledge of that and am assuming you have.Please forgive me for wanting my d
  4. So long as you are happy we are ALL happy.
  5. So you do not believe saying those comments implies one hates women or implies they are being misogynistic? Really?!?
  6. Because YOU are making money. And that is a good thing, for anyone that has money to invest just like the businesses and their owners and CEOs right here in the US
  7. Misguided female Female that you think should be complacent Ring any bells? As I said any male that dares disagree with you obviously hates women in your opinion. And this was NOT the first time you said something like this. And.. wrong is wrong. And you are wrong in this regard.
  8. Why do you think ANY male that disagrees with you hates women. This is not the first time you have made this assertion. Get over the fact that you are a woman and men have a right to disagree with you.
  9. I am a realist and a dual citizen. I have family in Germany, Philippines, Malaysia, Spain and Turkey. Here in the US i have Family in the NorthEast, Michigan and the South. Many in my have been in Business for themselves. We have Bluebloods from the.NE that have owned oil wells and boat manufacturing facilities. We have one right now that is a major producer of golf supplies in Malaysia. One was a Business professor at Johns Hopkins school of Business. Then you have all us blue collar workers. The point is I have spent many years talking to my family and getting my own business degree. I unde
  10. 1. You totally misunderstand. I WAS NOT COMPLAINING ABOUT WHAT THEY ARE DOING. The Democrats do that. I was explaining WHY THEY ARE DOING THAT. It is basic ECONOMICS and SOUND BUSINESS PRACTICE. My complaint was that the Democrats are FORCING THEM TO DO THIS by implementing flawed economic strategies. Very much like your thought that PUNISHING THEM INTO EXPANDING will stand a chance in he'll of working. 2. This demonstrates the basic difference between Conservative and Liberal economic views. Liberals want to PUNISH people and business into doing what they want them to do while Conservativ
  11. So you are saying the Dems want to increase corporate expansion by punishing them for not doing it. Let me ask...do you encourage a horse to drink by punishing it for not drinking?
  12. I'm sorry.. was my posting blocking him from posting? I did not realize Pcom worked that way. My apologies. ..
  13. Nope not what he said at all. He meant the sAme as I did... those that actually already have money to invest, which most of us wholly applaud if it was earned, are the ones benefiting. Those that are trying to earn money are having a hard time getting it to invest for the very same reasons that you are benefiting. It is fair but ironic.
  14. They bid it out at $55 billion and then after getting the contract upped the estimate.
  15. I'll bet it does! Anyone that has money to invest or already invested is enjoying it. As am I and my retiree account. HOWEVER. .. part of investing and planning is UNDERSTANDING the market. If you do not you will eventually loose your butt. That is why I am now looking at redistributing my accounts. I know the market is overheated. I know it will correct itself. The question is will the policies of this administration continue to suppress the growth of businesses or will they actually get a clue and change to some progrowth policies. I doubt ANYTHING will change until after the midterm. After
  16. All businesses are holding cash, paying off debt and paying to minimize risk buying back stock and investing in THE ONLY PLACE where they can get a decent TOO... the stock market because of this administrations policies. All of that makes their books look REALLY GREAT and increases demand for sticks which in turn makes STOCK PRICES AND THE MARKET GO UP. On the flip side there is hardly a decent new jib to be had for the workers. Yep happy days...
  17. If a person has a stubbed toe and goes to the ER they will be triage low on the list. If you go in and say I stubbed my toe and I am have trouble breathing, then you go straight to the front of the line. That is just the way the game is played. Many folks out there know this and use it when they go to the ER. I sat at Cobb with an obstructed esophagus for 3 hours. I have a condition that can cause food to become lodge there and will require a procedure to remove it. Basically i am choking but controlling my airway by shear willpower and knowledge the whole time. If I pass out I will fully chok
  18. So tomorrow is supposed to be 295.37 K? I love days like That. It is just like working in airconditioning.
  19. All reports I have say the shooter is dead.
  20. Maybe it has more to do with demographics. I have seen several studies that show the good and the bad over 3 different aspects.. Most ( meaning thr vast majority) middle age white males are negatively impacted in a large way in all 3 categories while others are benefitting. The qurstio is what group do you fall into. Personally I see any law that disproportionately adversely affects one single group has a major flaw. That is Bozocare in a nutshell. It helps many not in that group but only seems to hurt those in that group. Winder hoe ANY other group affected that way would feel about it.
  21. If it was only for those still in school I would not have a problem with them staying on until age 26.
  22. The Sherriff took my son there Sunday. He got put into the secure/ observation area. The staff were very helpful and security was a large presence. The room was as one would expect there. Had a tv on Disney but secured and the equipment was secured behind a roll up door. Staff anwered all questions and did their best to address issues as they came up. He was there until a bed came open at Peachford. I cant say anything negative about the hospital or staff with the excepton of that ER parking could have a better route from Caruth PKWY. They take you all the way around to the right when it app
  23. Look up the definition of a Cadillac healthcare plan. It is addressed by cost. My plan is in excess of that cost therefore considered a Cadillac plan that my employer is taxed on. That is extra cost. To qualify our plan must meet Obozocare standards correct? Therefore it stands to reason that Obozocare does not require the coverage for crutches. I would dismiss ONE denial out of hand. 2 denials would concern me. When you get 3 denials for the same thing it is no longer possible to be plan or human error. That is what is covered. Would you not agree? Further it only stands to reason with all th
  24. So you do not remember doing that to me. I supported your comment and then you telling me, not asking me, to prove it because I do.
  25. And aren't you the pot calling the kettle black. And I have gone out of my way to be nice to you. Sad that I wasted my time on that.
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