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+PC BIZ Member
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Status Updates posted by nschur

  1. 5 stars for you. Won't last too long if you hang around me though.

  2. Ain't it the truth;)

  3. Long time no see. Hope all is well.

  4. Hello back, long time no talk. Hope things have been good.

  5. Why thank you ma am. I like reading yourposts too.

  6. Had to pop in and see the tats

  7. HI 5 back @ you

  8. Happy New Year. SW and I are getting back into the swing of things now that the holidays are past.

  9. Hello, and welcome to Pcom

  10. Your name is killing me. Do you know how many BBQ cravings I have had since you joined!? :p

  11. Happy Holidays and best wishes from your neighborhood fire dude/lawn jockey

  12. Happy Holidays and best wishes from your neighborhood fire dude/lawn jockey

  13. Happy Holidays and best wishes from your neighborhood fire dude/lawn jockey

  14. Happy Holidays and best wishes from your neighborhood fire dude/lawn jockey

  15. nschur

    Happy Holidays and best wishes from your neighborhood fire dude/lawn jockey

  16. Happy Holidays and best wishes from your neighborhood fire dude/lawn jockey

  17. Happy Holidays and best wishes from your neighborhood fire dude/lawn jockey

  18. Happy Holidays and best wishes from your neighborhood fire dude/lawn jockey

  19. Happy Holidays and best wishes from your neighborhood fire dude/lawn jockey

  20. Happy Holidays and best wishes from your neighborhood fire dude/lawn jockey

  21. Happy Holidays and best wishes from your neighborhood fire dude/lawn jockey

  22. Droppin by to say hi

  23. Peeking back atcha

  24. Agin with the DOOOH!!!

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