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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. County-line, I think that Arcaidy is agreeing with you. Free speech is free speech but don't think there isn't any consequences for that free speech.


    Tsk tsk tsk. Read this a few times. Cmorg has something here. Does your employer allow this Arcaidy? I'm guessing you would defend their right to run your employer down dry up ad sales, hurt revenue, and hurt the people that work there when they are laid off.

  2. Dr. Kelley delivered both of my boys and I wouldn't have had it any other way. I highly, highly recommend him to anyone.


    My wife, who has tried many different doctors, absolutely swears by this person.  Her sister, who just moved to Atlanta, had her visit with this doc recently, and said it was the best visit she has ever had.


    I hope you don't mind my puttin my wife's rec on here...

  3. I love Dr. Kelley at OB-GYN Associates in Marietta.


    I just moved to Paulding county last month and I LOVE IT!  All the people that I've encountered are lovely and I'm excited that this is my new locale.


    Anyway, I need to make the dreaded yearly appointment but I don't know who to go to...  So, can any of you ladies help me out?


    Thank you! :)

  4. Why would a business owner in the city of Hiram be afraid to speak out? If they have legitimate concerns with the city, it is their right and duty to bring this to the attention of city officials.


      I have spoken with many Business owners in the city who stated similar concerns that I have brought to light, Unfortunately they feared that their livelihoods would have been jeapordized if they spoke out. 




                                                              The Trthdetector.

  5. Okay, let's look at this for a minute. 3 million in surplus. Every good business should have a reserve fund for emergencies. Why shouldn't the city have the same? I see everyone hemming and hawing about taxes and whatnot but, with a surplus, if something should happen to the cities finances, taxes wouldn't have to be raised or services wouldn't have to be cut because of the reserve. That isn't politics, that is good business sense in my opinion.


    the city of Hiram has roughly a 3 million dollar surplas to use but they won't and police in Hiram are very much needed.  thats politics for ya though. :rolleyes:

  6. Wait, I thought that the alcohol tax went to the state and the state is the one that determines the amount of alcohol tax. Am I wrong?


    If anyone remembers---Billy Grant ran against Mr. Pendley in the last election and only lost by a very small margin. Mr. Grant was the Chief of Police for many years in Hiram and was always a very fair man.

    Has anyone else heard that the reason some of the businesses are moving out of Hiram is because of their high alcohol taxes(re: Publix and maybe the Kroger). It is my understanding that the taxes in the City of Hiram are almost double of what they are in the county. Can you blame these businesses???

    I have lived here all of my life, my father was a business man in the county for years, raised 3 children here and I can't say that I like everything that has gone on here, but things have to change. In some ways--it is nice not to have to go to Marietta or D'ville to do your shopping---but there is always a price to pay.

  7. Okay, I don't know about all the different jurisdictional lingo but are businesses in Hiram complaining about service from the police department? Has there been situations recently where the Hiram PD couldn't handle a situation? I get the fact that they are understaffed but has that been a detriment to the city?


    Timothy ct makes a valid point....But with so many people from Cobb moving this way.....I would venture a guess to say that in about 1 to 3 years if that....The stretch of 278 that's in Hiram City Limits will be the new Town Center area (ref: Barret Pkwy,Kennesaw)


    One other response I wanted to make to a JohnnyJ comment...You stated due the the high traffic and potential crime at the area stores that the businessess should meet with the City and the PCSO to work out a useable plan...I understand in theory what you are trying to say...but you need to understand that all of these businesses are within the city limits of Hiram...That's Hiram P.D's juristidiction....Yes the county s/o is county wide I understand that fully....But anything in the city that happens weather it be Dallas or Hiram...It goes to the local P.D first...I don't think you understand fully how that works. All of the agencies in Paulding work well with and help each other when needed..but everyone has their primary area's that they deal with..... Have a great day !!!

  8. I know of someone in North Paulding....PM me if you like.


    As some of you know I am Trying to go back to work and I actually have a job interview on Wed. I had someone set up to take care of Austin but I met with her today and she has gone up on the price and kinda acted like she really didnt want to watch him, so now I might get this job but have nowhere to keep him. If anyone knows of anyone trustworthy and local that is reasonable on prices please let me know..\

    Thanks so much

  9. I would like to see the answer to this.


    Mason, what do you purpose as a solution then?  I know that you represent the side that does not want it in their area.  Will you represent those from Yorkville when a proposal is brought before the commission to create a "dump" out in the "country?"


    BTW, I agree that a "dump" in a residential/business area is kind of stupid.  I am just interested in how one determines who will be encroached upon once either a transfer station or land fill HAS to be addressed for the county.

  10. As a matter of fact, I do live in Dallas. And, I don't live that far from the proposed transfer station. So, it will affect me, MommaS.


    My solution is to let it go exactly where it is proposed. Why? Because it has to go somewhere and this NIMBY is crazy. Will it be uncomfortable and smelly at times? Yes. My family has land near the current landfill. It can't be much worse than that.


    Typical, if it doesn't affect me I won't get involved.  That is the problem with this county.  Nobody wants to stand up and say anything until after it has been done and then they complain.  Just because you live in Hiram Hiramgirl doesn't mean this will not affect you.

  11. Well, the folks in New Georgia or Union or Yorkville don't want to be the dump area either! I don't have the answers but I do think there needs to be more coordination between the cities and county with this. But, if Mayor Austin wants it, I'll let y'all take it! ;-)


    Hiram has alot more than we do.  But we can add to Dallas not take away. So now is it just the idea that since things are in Hiram we will make Dallas the Dump area.

  12. I am a Sheriff Harris supporter. What was I thinking on election day? That I was hauling my cookies to Paulding County High School to vote for him.



    Okay, Animal, You asked.... :)


    Is Harris doing his job?..........my answer is NO.........Maybe I'm the only one that has noticed this, but BEFORE election time, he stepped up patrols, had his deputies run radar, etc... (they were actually getting to do thier jobs.... :)


    Of course we all knew that these things would stop if he were elected.....and guess what..?..........Everything is back to the ole Bruce Harris way.....bet he's sitting back having a real good 'chuckle'..  :ph34r:


    Its sad, really if you think about it. There are WAY too many Harris supporters in Paulding.. I wonder what they were thinking at election time?.... :huh:

  13. So, how *is* Sheriff Harris NOT doing his job? Do tell, Animal. Don't make silly little accusations or innuendos on a public forum and then not back them up. He is a sworn officer of the law and elected by the good people of this county and to state that he is "real comfy" and, by deduction, not up-holding the laws of this county and state is just downright wrong.



    Ok now just a suggestion, go to one of there meetings. Listen to what they are doing. Then go from there but Mr.Harris is real comfy too, for the most part is he doing his job?

  14. How is the reservoir in the stages of becoming a reality when the bond money that was going to be used specifically for this has been redirected?


    Ok here are some of the on going issues that will have a long reaching effect on our county. Now others help me out because some are more in tune.


    1. The airport is in the planning stage.


    2. The resevoir is in the stages of becomming a reality.


    Now these are just a beginning.

  15. As a Florida grad, I hate it for us but South Carolina is getting a gem. Rumor has it that USC threw in an Augusta membership!


    Ooooooooo. All you Dawg fans have another reason to be depressed.


    Spurrier is coming back to the SEC.


    God help y'all in a few years when Spurrier gets the program on his track. Sweet Lou is a great coach & even better man, but Spurrier is UGA's worst nightmare.


    Article to give UGA fans pure Hell



  16. Do you want to cut your own tree? I have used Sleepy Hollow Tree Farm for the past couple of years. They are located off of 92 going towards Douglasville. You can't miss the signs.


    We used to get our tree on 41, but the gas station it was by closed and they built a car wash there.  They used to sell trees on that lot also.  He has moved his buisness.  If anyone knows where he moved to or can point us to on you know is good, it would be most helpful.

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