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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Getting a little too personal on a public message board, Freebird!


    No, I am speaking of my disconnected landline. I can and have dialed 911 from it.


    That is news to me.  What number would be associated with the now-defunct land line?


    Are you sure you are not thinking about being able to dial 911 from any cell phone that does not have service?

  2. I would LOVE it!


    We are getting my daughters a new swing set for Christmas because they love to slide and our old swing set does not have a slide for them to use.  There is nothing wrong with the swing set besides it not having a slide.  It has 2 big swings, a baby swing, and I am not sure what the other two things are called, but one is a swing that has like the 2 buckets on it and the children face each other and swing.  The other thing is also a swing, but the children sit with their backs to each other and swing (I think think this is called a glider).  If you know of anyone that needs or wants this swing set, please let me know. 




    Becky :)

  3. DieHard, I steer clear of buffets. If I am going out to eat, I don't want to get my own food! I want to be served.


    There is no reason why we can't eat at buffets.  Ryans and China Garden are big people friendly.  Lots of room between the buffet tables so no bum friction goes on between patrons....I know...very sick man here.  (mentally ill people have much more fun)

  4. Ford Explorer!


    I was wondering what kinda Automobile everyone drove now days seem like most are drving suvs other then Mini vans or some of the ladies even drive bug Trucks.If I knew how to make this a poll I would but I dotn so just tell us.


    Sport car


    Family car






    Mini van


    Cargo Van




    Edited to say,I see 7 people have allready viewed this and NOONE has posted.Im not ganna be looking for ya,Im not asking what color it is or anything Just wondered what kinda Automobile you drive,Dont even have to tell the year unless you just want to...

  5. I don't know, freebird. With all the myriad of issues that a county faces, I don't think you could hire a good and seasoned attorney that is well-versed in such issues for $100,000.


    Truthfully, it makes sense to hire a firm, in a county Paulding's size, to where the talents are wider than what you would get with just one person.


    I would love to see the answers to your questions though.


    Well, today's fastread page brought up an old question started here back over the summer: County Attorney Fee


    What the county pays for legal fees has never been revealed.  Now the commission has entered into an agreement to pay $72,000 fee in order to get a reduced hourly rate at $130/hr.


    Let's say that Lani Skipper spends 4 hours per commission meeting and 4 hours in preparation for the meeting for a total of 16 hours per month.  This is 192 hours per year at $130 for a total of almost $25,000 + the retainer for a total of almost $100,000 per year.  Of course you know that 16 hours per month has to be very conservative.


    Again, I ask the question - at what amount would it make sense to bring on a full-time county attorney?


    Yes, it is good to have Glenn and his firm on the county payroll because he will bring good things back here to Paulding.  As an elected official shouldn't that be his first order of business whether his firm is doing business with the county or not?


    I'm not slamming anyone - just asking what I feel are fair questions.


    1) How much has the county paid for legal fees over the past three years.


    2) At what level should the county look at bring on a full time employee for legal services?


    It’s our tax dollars at play here.

  6. Bless that families heart! If I were them, I would stop having children!


    My daughter just called and told me this story. This is so sweet! That poor grandmother. 4 grandsons in one day. :blink:  :blink:  :blink:


    Twin Sisters Give Birth To Twin Boys On Same Day


    POSTED: 1:28 pm EST December 14, 2004

    UPDATED: 1:31 pm EST December 14, 2004


    ATLANTA -- A doctor says the odds are probably one in a million.


    Twin sisters are seeing double -- or make that quadruple -- after both delivered twin boys about an hour apart Tuesday at an Atlanta hospital.


    Both sets of twins were delivered by C-section.


    The 21-year-old sisters were six months pregnant when they found out they were both going to have twins due on the same date.


    One of the women, who's from Indianapolis, arrived in Georgia several weeks ago to be with her sister for the births.


    The two couples said twins run in the families of all four parents. They also said they didn't use fertility drugs to conceive the babies.

  7. I would love to attend if there was a night class.


    Pilates Classes

    held at Paulding Gymnastics


    Monday mornings:  9:15 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.


    Starting January 3, 2005!


    What is Pilates?

    Pilates (pronounced pil-ahh-teez) was founded in the 1920's by the legendary physical trainer Joseph Pilates.  The Pilates method is an exercise program that focuses on improving flexibility and total body strength without building bulk.  Pilates is a technique that approaches fitness of the body as a whole, working to improve strength, mobility and alignment. 


    Pilates combines deep, coordinated breathing with each movement.  This relaxed breathing method connects the mind and body together and aides in stress reduction.  Pilates is essentially a combination of t’ai chi and yoga. 


    The quality of the movements are similar to t’ai chi, and many of the positions influenced by yoga.  The uniqueness of Pilates is the focus on the body’s core strength or “powerhouse.”  Each movement easily flows into the next.  This easy transition from one movement to the next is easier on your joints.  It also allows for an easier, synchronized breath.


    Pilates emphasizes more on the grace and fluidity of the movements rather than that of speed.  Quality and precision of the movement is greater than the quantity of movements.


    By using the mind and body together, one will develop body awareness and control.  The Pilates exercises are built around eight principles: concentration, breathing, centering, control, precision, movement, isolation and routine or stabilization.


    Joseph Pilates believed that the mind controls the body.  Focusing on how the breath moves naturally through the body will create a powerful workout.


    Pilates is designed for both men and women.  Sign up now for pre-registration discounts!  This is a great way to start off the new year!


    Classes taught by Jennifer Pridmore, Certified Pilates Instructor


    For further information, please contact Jenn at: 770-443-5736. 

    See Gym Office for registration form or contact Jennifer at home.




    Classes are sold in the form of a "pass"  This allows the student flexibility of when to attend.  Upon purchasing the class amount you choose, you will be given a pass.  Each class you attend will be marked on the pass.  (a record of this will also be kept by Jennifer in case the pass is misplaced.) To obtain maximum results, it is advised to attend on a regular basis.


    Pass Prices:

    Each class is 45 minutes long.


    4 class pass:  $32.00

    8 class pass:  $64.00

    16 class pass: $ 128.00


    Special introductory offer:  for each 4 classes bought, 1 class will be FREE!


    (example:  4 class pass = 5 classes, 8 class pass = 10 classes, 16 class pass = 19 classes!)

    (sorry....childcare not available during this class)

  8. I don't shop Walmart so I have no problem with the cashiers there!


    I will say that I love the "team members" at the SuperTarget. I don't think I have ever had bad service there.


    For the record, I abhor the self-checkouts. That is one reason why I avoid Home Depot and will make the drive to Lowe's.

  9. Oh, I want another identity! This time, can I be wealthy beyond imagine, have a perfect figure and a fabulous cook???


    Okay, I would settle for a baby that loves sleep as much as I do....


    I just wonder how many posters on Paulding.com have more than one identity??  :ph34r:


    I just don't understand the point. :huh: 


    I think it is a very dishonest thing to do. I guess some see it as "fun". :(

  10. Oh, Scott Peterson is so much more deserving of death than OJ, in my opinion (I do think OJ is guilty though). I can't imagine the evil that lurks inside as to where it would be okay to kill a pregnant woman much less *your own* wife and unborn child. That is just sick, sick, sick.


    I believe that if I was on any jury like this, I would go for life.  I don't think that I could live with giving the guilty death, no matter what the crime (OJ, on the other hand, would have been easy for me....)

  11. I have a teething baby that won't sleep unless he is upright so I have been sleeping IN A CHAIR for two weeks with a 20 lb. baby on my chest. I wish for a hangover!


    Calgon, take me away!


    that's right, you heard me! This one's on me...for all your hi-jacking pleasures, and otherwise fruitless taunts and pranks.....


    or you could just say what's on your mind.


    Work is slow, it's raining (again), I have a 4 alarm hangover, and this is my life....for today anyway.....bleak and miserable. Someone entertain me...please! :blink:   :wacko:  -_-

  12. Surepip: I don't really see how Bremen has benefitted from having the Speaker for 30 years!


    That said, I am glad that Rep. Richardson will be the next Speaker.


    Here Here RRGal, ditto 100%.


    And some folks don't realize when the gift horse has left them a present.


    Great Lakes, you may want to reconsider, and put your personal feelings aside and consider the bigger picture here. Having the Speaker of the House as our local Representative will help Paulding county. And I have always enjoyed what Mr.richardson has had to say, and what he has done in the past for Paulding.


    Get well soon Glenn!

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